Van Gogh came out of the room to ask for his virtue.

"Modi went to the Dragon Lake in the Beast Hill?" Fan Luo frowned, what did Modi go there without doing?

"Yes, Emperor, you guess what the small island of Long Lake has, is a gap, can lead to the gap in the human continent." Deliang's tone is somewhat unstoppable excitement.

The eyes of the Vatican emperor glimpse, the gap to the human continent?

how is this possible! The gap in the mainland of God has long been closed by God. How can there be a gap?

"Are you not mistaken?" Fan Luodi asked coldly.

"No, I have personally seen it, but the gap is sealed." Deliang said, "Isn’t Modi want to go through the gap to the mainland?"

"There is nothing to go on the mainland." Fan Luodi refused to swear, but he still wanted to know what Modi would do. "What about the Emperor?"

Deliang said, "I have already returned to Mount Shenghuang. However, there has been no movement so far. Is he not planning to save Yeh?"

"He will definitely come to save." Fan Luodi said in a cold voice, "I have been looking for clues for the dragons for so many years. The Black Dragon God suddenly left the soul and must have a relationship with the Emperor."

He does not believe that he can get the Black Dragon God with a small child, so the person he is looking for is still Modi.

"Emperor, Modi is after all nine lightning. I heard that the emperor was only eight lightnings. We dealt with him like this. He..." Deliang always has a kind of uneasiness. Modi is not so easy to deal with.

"While even the nine thunder and lightning are extraordinary, it is just a holy emperor. You are a hundred years older than him. Are you afraid of him?" Fan Luodi screamed, even if the Emperor is nine lightning, how about him? He had to lower him before he reached the nine days.

Deliang nodded stunnedly. "The emperor said it."

Fan Luo snorted. "I don't believe that Ye Hao's mouth can continue to be hard."

I was about to turn around and ask Ye Hao. Suddenly there were boys and children squatting back and forth. "The emperor, the emperor is seeking to see him outside."

钰修帝君? Van Gogh frowned, how did he come at this time?

"Imperial monarch, the emperor should not be for this matter?" Deliang asked worriedly.

“Abandoned!” Van Rou replied, “Why should you repair the Emperor?”

Deliang carefully thought about the honor and honor of Xiu Xiu. Among the three emperors, his position is the most invincible. The whole God is rumored in the mainland. The repair is the emperor of the future, and may become the next generation. God, no matter what, don't offend him better.

Van Gogh turned to Guanghua and said, "Look at Ye Hao, let me see what is going on."

"Yes, the emperor." Guanghua's eyes flashed a touch of cold light.

The five generations next to me met, and said with a smile, "I am going with the Guanghua Shengzun."

Fan Luo did not object, and the dagger agreed.

There was a gentle smile on his face, and he strode to the main hall. He saw two tall men standing tall in the hall. He recognized that one of them was a repairman. Another young man was handsome and indifferent. I can't see the repair, he has never seen this person.

"Mr. Emperor Xiujun, what needs you to come and visit, there is a command to let the boy say it." Fan Luohe smiled and walked in, eyes looked at Deliang without leaving a trace.

Deliang’s face changed slightly, and he exchanged his eyes and lowered his voice. “Mu Di.”

Fan Luo heard the words, the smile on his face froze slightly.

Xiu Xiu has already laughed and walked forward. "Van Luo Dijun, you have been very busy recently."

"Fortunately." Fan Luo smiled reluctantly, his eyes gloomy to the Emperor Modi, and finally saw himself. "There is no busy emperor."

"Yeah, I am really busy, I really want to find a place to hide. It is better not to care about anything, but I can't do it. It's really troublesome." The repairing and rude face is full of complaints. He was born to be as moist as water, even if he complained, he still couldn't see how much grievance he had.

Vatican laughed happily. "As long as you don't want to care, no one will dare to bother you."

"Other people don't dare, and I really can't refuse to find it." Yan Xiu said with a smile. "I haven't told you about it for a long time. This is the holy time that shocked the whole godland." Emperor Modi, you haven't seen it yet."

"Sure enough, it is a talent, and the future is infinite." Fan Luopi said with a smile.

Mo Dilian did not have a lot of entertainment with him, just looked at him coldly.

Yan Xiu sighed in his heart, the ice is ice, and it is impossible to expect him to be as smooth and slick as himself. "Van Luo, I am coming today, there is a misunderstanding to explain it to you."

"I will still have a misunderstanding between you and me?" Fan Luo raised his eyebrows. "We don't stand and talk, what's the matter, sit down and say."

"Okay, sit down." Yan Xiu looked at Mo Di, and told him not to worry, sit down and say.

Modi glanced at him and barely sat down on the side.

"The Emperor of the Moh has been sealed, don't know what the title is?" Fan Luo asked with a smile, and the seal of the Emperor was silent, which was rare in the past.

Yan Xiu said with a smile, "His title is issued by the Emperor of Heaven, called Rong Zhan."

“Rong Chan?” Fan Luo’s face suddenly changed. “How can he use the word?”

"Oh, this... I have to ask Shi Tiandi, I don't know." Yan Xiu said with a smile, "Vatican, we say something back."

Fan Luo picked up his eyebrows. "What is the right thing?"

"I heard that the Vatican Emperor went to the Holy Mountain and brought Mrs. Mo back."

"It turned out to be because of this." Fan Luo smiled in an understatement. "When you patrolled the mountain, you found that there were insurgents who were not superbly sanctified. Based on the rules of the mainland, they had to bring people back. It’s for this matter, I’m about to expel her from the mainland of God.”

Yan Xiu smiled slightly, "Van Luo Dijun, this is not a misunderstanding, the intruder, said that the Xuantian mainland has not yet surpassed the martial arts, but Ye Hao is the demon king, she was originally on the mainland."

"The demon is the lowest thing on the mainland of God. It has long been abandoned by God. How can she come here?" Fan Luo said.

"Van Luo Dijun is too busy, forgetting what the Emperor said, the fire demon has been driven out of the mainland of God has been thousands of years ago, and now the inflammation has evolved, no longer need to rely on blood for a living, they Like the military, they all rely on their own efforts to cultivate the sea of ​​gas. They have long been like the military. As long as they have been repaired, they will be able to come to the mainland of God."

Vatican said, "Even if they evolved, they practiced the magic of the Mozu, and they run counter to our righteous exercises. Even if Emperor admits their status in the Xuantian continent, they still can't enter the mainland of God, let alone, Ye Hao is not a sinister at all, even if she becomes an evil king, she is not an evil."

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