There is some helplessness in repairing. It seems that the reason is not very plausible.

"Van Luodijun, no matter what, Ye Hao is the wife of the Emperor Rong Zhan, you want to expel her, and let her see the face with Rong Zhan." Xiao Xiu whispered.

"She has been sent to the mainland of God." Fan Luo said faintly, he did not ask anything, naturally will not let Ye Hao meet with Mo Di, not to mention, he did not want to let Yu Xiu know that he is looking for the dragon Related clues.

Modi stood up suddenly. "She is here."

"Modi, are you questioning me?" asked Fan Luo coldly.

"Hey, talk well." Yu Xiu is still sitting in the position. "Van Luodijun may be joking with us."

Fan Luo said coldly, "I said, Ye Hao is no longer on the mainland of God, want to find her, go to Tongtianhe to find it, but, as the Holy Emperor, the Emperor has not broken the seven passions, so it can be sealed. It’s too suspicious!”

"It’s just a matter of breaking the seven passions and feelings, and it’s not becoming ruthless." Yan Xiu said with a smile.

"Then go to Tongtianhe to find it!" Fan Luo said coldly, even if the Emperor Modi came to the Emperor, he would not surrender Ye Hao, and would not let Yu Xiu know that he wanted to find the Black Dragon God. whereabouts.

Yan Xiu looked at Fan Luo lightly, "Van Luo Dijun, so it is not good to watch."

"I say this, if you don't believe it, then I can't help it." Fan Luo said.

Modi looked at Xiu Xiu, "I will pick her up."

"Okay." Yan Xiu gently decapitated.

Fan Luo thought that Modi had already believed that Ye Hao was really expelled, and there was a sneak peek at the bottom of his eyes.

Unexpectedly, after leaving the main hall, Modi went straight to his backyard and heard a loud voice outside.

"Mo Di, how dare you put it in my emperor's house!" Van Loo heard the sound of fighting outside, and suddenly became furious. Modi, a holy emperor, dared to challenge him.

"Van Luodijun, don't be angry, don't be angry, have something to say." He said.

Van Gogh glared at him and said, "What do you mean?"

"Hey, Modi has a deep affection for his wife, I can't bear to break it up. It's better to be a good person, let them meet." He repaired Van Gogh and prevented him from going out of the hall.

"It turns out that you want to help the Emperor." Fan Luo said coldly, "It’s just a holy emperor. Do you want to fight with me for him?"

Xiu Xiu laughed, "If you can not play, don't beat it. After all, you can't beat me. You don't want to go with the Emperor. The wind and water are turning. Now that you are blaming, he will be above you in the future. It is not good. ”

"Then wait for him to say above me." Fan Luo said coldly, striding out.

The repairs blocked him. There was a long knife in the hands of Van Loo, and he cut it to the scorpion. The knife was like a tiger, and he snarled and pressed him.

"Van Luodijun, why are you angry? Is it not good to be a friend?" Yan Xiu easily avoided, slowly shaking his head and sighing.

"Get out!" Van Gogh said, he would never let Ye Hao leave before he got the clues from the dragon.

Sui Xiu shook his head and sighed, the silver sword in his hand greeted the long knife of Fan Luo, and the two men immediately fought.



Ye Hao was trying to get out of the way, and the door suddenly pushed in. She looked up and saw that she had a grievance with Guangdi.

She raised her eyebrows faintly and walked to the original position to sit down.

"Mrs. Mo, don't toast, don't eat and drink fine wine, hand over your son, you can safely walk out of here." Guanghua looked coldly at Ye Hao, he was not superb when he was holy, his only My sister likes Modi, but Modi does not care about it. Where can't his sister compare to Ye Hao? At that time his sister was also a rare beauty.

He looked at Ye Hao, and there was a kind of heart in his heart that wanted to let the Emperor also taste what it was.

"My son is not my son alone. Why don't you go to find the Emperor?" Ye Hao smiled faintly.

"Your son has been hidden by you." Guanghua said, "Don't expect Modi to save you. This is the residence of the emperor, not because he wants to come."

Ye Hao closed her eyes and she could already feel that Modi was not far from her.

Guanghua sees her not talking, and a red rope appears in her hand. "On the mainland of God, people who violate the rules will be punished. Some of the punishments will not be accepted by the saints who are superb. You are just a warrior of the Xuantian continent. It will be broken, do you want to try it?"

"I said I don't want to, will you listen?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Guanghua hand waved, the red rope automatically tied the leaves of Ye Hao's hands.

Ye Hao immediately felt a burning pain, she wanted to break the rope, but the rope tied her hand tighter, the burning feeling from her wrist has been infiltrated into the veins, even her gas The sea feels pain.

"How, do you think that the sea is hurting?" Guanghua asked with a cold smile.

Ye Hao’s eyes glanced at him calmly, running the fire in the sea and urging the holy fire that was absorbed before.

She didn't know what the red rope was, but she felt that there was a fire in the sea, and she didn't know if the fire of the fire could be useful. Always try it.

"Say, where is your son?" Guanghua forced to ask.

Ye Haolian did not look at her, the holy fire appeared from her palm, she urged the holy fire, and the flame immediately became strong.

Guanghua’s face suddenly changed.

The red rope was swallowed by the holy fire, and the leaves of the leaves were free.

Seeing that the top quality treasures that were not easy to get were destroyed, Guanghua’s cheeks twitched a few times. He was still waiting for Ye Hao’s petition, waiting for her to surrender Mo Mingxi, but he did not expect his red rope to be destroyed. It is.

"It seems that your things are not what you are." Ye Hao said with a smile, throwing the red rope that became waste into Guanghua.

"You don't want to leave here alive." Guanghua's eyes flashed a murderous murder and attacked Ye Hao.

A fire shield appeared in front of Ye Hao, blocking the attack of Guanghua. She volleyed and flew out of the room.

Guanghua chased it out.

Ye Hao has been waiting for him in midair, holding the whip of the next day.

"I will let the Emperor know how to lose the love of their loved ones." Guanghua said coldly, a hurricane hit the ground, and the ice arrow shot like a rain to Ye Hao.

The whip of the next day flew quickly and hit the ice arrows.

The fire shield shrouded the leafhopper like a sphere, and the bow of the next day was densely wrapped around the leafhopper. Ye Hao knew that the other party was a holy deity, probably the strongest opponent she met, so she did not underestimate the other party, urging All the spiritual power and fire suffocating gathered on the bow and arrow, and the arrows were shot and shot toward Guanghua.

The flaming arrows and the ice arrows collided in the air, and the fire engulfed the ice arrows.

Guanghua squinted his eyes and finally understood one thing.

He looked at Ye Hao!

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