Guanghua was injured by Ye Hao’s arrow and stabbed his arm. He immediately rushed to the burning pain.

This is a holy fire, so it can hurt him. If it is just an ordinary fire, the warrior of Xuantian mainland can't hurt him.

He forgot one thing, Ye Hao has cultivated the regenerative exercises, which is the practice of the gods on the mainland.

"Forgot that you are the demon king." Guanghua sneered, the ice arrows merged together and became a huge ice man, and the ice man punched Ye Hao with a punch.

Ye Hao crossed her hands and was forced to retreat a few feet. The giant was too big. Her strength was not as good as him, and his speed was very fast. She just resisted a punch and was kicked.

pain! Ye Hao bites her teeth and frowns. If it is not smoldering, she blocks some of her strength. She may now have broken bones all over her body.

"Destroy her anger!" Guanghua ordered the giant.

Ye Hao swallowed the throat's sweetness and strove to avoid the giant's attack.

"Do you think that you can escape this way?" Guanghua laughed mockingly.

"I don't think so, you are a holy sage, and I am just a normal mortal. You want to kill me. It is easy, but..." Ye Hao jumped over the head of the giant and circled him with the whip of the next day. The neck, hurriedly left before it was about to be taken out.

The whip of the next day tightly persuaded the giant's neck, and the flame on the whip was strong.

However, it seems that it has no effect on the ice giant.

Ye Hao struggled to avoid the ice giant's fist, and thought about how the Emperor Modi would not come, obviously nearby.

She is really not an opponent of Guanghua.

"Reverse Attack Shield!" Ye Hao urged the spirit to display the regenerative movements. She didn't know if it could be useful. This requires a strong spiritual support.

The ice giant's fist fell on her counterattack shield one after another.

Leaf's mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, and she used all her spiritual power on the counterattack shield.


The ice giant's attack on the shield was counterattacked on his own body. He stepped back a few steps and made a horrible cry.

"Not self-reliant!" Guanghua is cold.

Ye Hao looked up at the ice giant's neck, and her whip of the day was still there.

"It's as if you win me a lot of face." Ye Hao still smiles beautifully, and does not show his timidity. "I don't even have a saint. I will not let you go when I am sacred in the future."

"That depends on whether you have the life to be sacred!" Guanghua sneered, driving the ice giant to continue attacking Ye Hao.

A sacred fire appeared in the palm of the leaf, and she sent the holy fire to the whip of the next day.

The ice giant's fist has come to her.


Ye Hao’s counter-attack shield was hit with a crack and she was hit by a fist.

At this time, the head of the ice giant also fell.

Kneeling on the ground floor of the house.

"Damn!" Guanghua smashed out. He actually ignored the fire on the ice giant and thought it had no effect on him.

Ye Hao gasped and felt his face burning and burning.

Guanghua took the ice giant away, and there was an ice dragon in the air. In the sun, the roaring ice dragon shone with dazzling light.

"You want me to die, does Vatican agree?" Ye Hao sneered and asked, she knew that she would no longer be able to resist the ice dragon.

"Inadvertently killing a sinner who intends to escape, what can Vanu Dijun say?" Guanghua said coldly.

Ye Hao stepped back, his body flashed and ran into the space.

Guanghua watched as Ye Hao disappeared into sight, what happened?

"With a warrior on the Xuantian continent, I have to play for a long time, and I can't kill her. You are really useless." There was a ridicule behind it.

"Red Lang Shenghuang?" Guanghua's face is a stiff.

"You don't know that Ye Hao has a **** level space? She is now hiding in the space. How do you kill her?" Hong Lang asked blankly. "You killed her and can ask the emperor to want The clue?"

Guanghua is a stiff voice. "I didn't kill her."

Honglang was about to talk, and the main hall suddenly heard the sound of fighting. He chuckled and said, "Someone really dared to break into the emperor's house and watched it."

"Modi is really looking for death!" Guanghua excited, he can not wait for Modi to fight with the Vatican, even if the Emperor is more powerful, he will not be the opponent of the Vatican.

"I think, you are looking for death." Red Lang said, he saw that the figure of Modi came quickly to this side.

Guanghua also found out that his face became very ugly.

When Modi came, he did not find the figure of Ye Hao. Only after the fight, he understood the practice of Ye Hao and saw that these were traces left by Ye Hao.

Didn't see Ye Hao, she should have gone inside the space.

If it is not forced to do so, she will not hide in the space.

"Modi, how are you here?" Guanghua screamed out, here is the place of the Vatican, how can he appear here.

Modi looked at Guanghua with a cold look. It was just that he and Ye Hao were fighting each other. Ye Hao did not have an extraordinary sanctification. It would not be an opponent of Guanghua. It seems that Guanghua forced her to go to space.

"Oh, I am here." Modi whispered, passing the sound into the space.

Ye Hao, who was waiting for Mingxi to go out in the space, cried with joy. "I heard no, your father came, and he is here, Guanghua must be beaten badly."

"That son of a **** actually dare you, motherfucker, you let me out to beat him." Xi Ming struggled cried.

"What do you fight, I can't beat him, can you beat it?" Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief. "Now they are trying to force you to appear. You give me a good stay here, don't let go, don't be tired." Hey."

Mingxi looked back at the nephew and cried out in surprise. "Hey, are you awake?"

"You are back!" The nephew smiled at Mingxi, the smile was pure and pure, and the heart of the person was crisp.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ye Hao took Mingxi over and examined the injuries on her nephew. Her dragon scales have grown again. It seems that although immature, at least not as painful as before.

The nephew yawned. "I am fine, I just feel sleepy for a long time."

"You are stupid, how do you pull your dragon scale down?" Ming Xi whispered.

"In order to save you, it’s just a dragon scale. I have more on it." The child said in disapproval, "It’s a little pain."

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Yeah, fortunately, with your help, Ming Xi, you take care of your nephew, I went out to find your father."

Mingxi looked at her, and nodded. "Mother, you are careful."

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded with a smile and went out of space, just in the presence of Modi.

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