Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1889: Please let me go

"Azhan!" Seeing that Modi was around, Ye Hao smiled brightly and brightly, and a pair of scorpions looked at him with joy, and his eyes were brighter than Chen Xing.

The narrow and deep scorpion of Modi stared at Ye Hao faintly, and saw that her mouth was still not cleaned with blood. The white cheeks were red and swollen, which was particularly obvious. Her hair was scattered and looked very embarrassing. There is a kind of weakness that makes people want to be distressed.

She just looks weak and is actually not weak.

"He beat you!" Modi's voice was so cold that he couldn't hear his emotions.

Ye Hao touched her cheek and hurt her with a sigh of relief. "It’s not a thing to bully."

Modi held her in her arms and bowed her hand to kiss her forehead. "Standing and watching, I will avenge you."

"He is a holy sage, here is the residence of the emperor, afraid of not being afraid..." Ye Hao took his sleeve and could not influence their return because of revenge.

"Not afraid." Modi gently caress her lips, indicating that she does not have to worry.

Ye lips smiled. "That's welcome."

Modi's thin lips and micro-hooks, patted her shoulders comfortably, and turned to go to Guanghua.

"Modi, here is the place of the Vatican emperor, do you dare to scatter here?" Guanghua stepped back a few steps, and he looked for the red lang.

"It’s you who are happy, I’m just watching.” Red Lang waved his hand and didn’t plan to gossip.

Being able to come to the house of Vatican, the Emperor Modi must not be as simple as they thought. He did not want to offend the Emperor.

Guanghua’s face changed. He had not had time to react. Modi had already come to him. He didn’t even have a move yet. His face was hit hard and the whole person flew out.

A strong spiritual pressure pressed him down, and his aura of anger was disordered, and a blood vomited out.


He had almost no chance to return, and he could only be swayed by Modi.

Red Lang frowned and looked at the scene, secretly glad that he had not helped Guanghua, otherwise ... he may not be the opponent of Mo Di.

"Modi, you..." Guanghua even said that it was incomplete, and the whole person floated out.

Guanghua’s eyes finally showed fear, and he felt a crack in his sea of ​​air.

If the Emperor does not stop, his sea of ​​gas will certainly be destroyed.

"Help!" Guanghua called Red Lang, "Red Lang Emperor, save me."

Honglang looked at the indifferent and murderous Modi, and there was a mysterious fear at the bottom of his heart. At this time, the Emperor Modi seemed to be still calm, but it also exuded the domineering and embarrassing people who dare not look straight.

"Who allowed you to hurt her?" Modi stepped on Guanghua's head and stepped him from the air to the ground, making a loud noise.

Guanghua has been bruised and bruised, his clothes have been stained with blood, and his eyes have revealed his pleading. If his sea of ​​air is destroyed, he will not be able to survive in the mainland of God. It is impossible to cultivate to the extraordinary sanctification in the future.

"Mo Di, let me go!" Guanghua asked.

"You are narrow-minded, you must report, can you have thought about your hand?" Modi asked faintly, a light appeared in the palm of his hand, in the gaze of Guanghua fear, a palm hit him in the air.

Guanghua spit out a blood and fainted.

"..." Red Lang rounded his eyes, and Mo Di actually destroyed a saint!

Modi did not seem to find Red Lang. He didn't even look at it and turned back to Ye Hao.

"Azhan, have you killed him?" Ye Hao whispered, it really doesn't matter if you kill Guanghua here? He is a holy man.

"No, leave him a life, let him survive in the Xuantian continent." Modi said faintly.

Ye Yiyi, it is better to kill him... Let the people who have become holy people return to the mainland, it should be very happy.

"What about the Vatican emperor?" Ye Hao whispered.

"In front." Modi took Ye Hao's hand, staring at the redness on her face and looked at it for a while, feeling distressed and blaming himself. "I didn't protect you and made you suffer."

Ye Xiao smiled. "It's okay, it's just a skin injury."

"The skin is not hurt." Modi whispered, "There will be no more next time."

"It's really okay." Ye Hao smiled and said, "I just ran into the space."

In the eyes of Modi, he finally smiled. "Well, it’s so smart."

Does this sound like it is boasting about her? The taste is a bit strange.

"Let's go," said Ye Hao. "The Fanluo emperor is much more powerful than Guanghua. He wants to catch Mingxi."

"Ming Xie is in trouble again?" Modi frowned, how Ming Xi would provoke Fan Luo.

Ye Hao’s voice is very cold. “No, Ming Xi is still being punished. Where is the time to provoke Fan Luo? He knows that Ming Hee has seen the Black Dragon God and wants to ask the whereabouts of the Black Dragon God. The scales were added to the medicinal herbs, but a drop of blood was added. He discovered the scent of the scorpion and suspected that Mingxi had hidden the black dragon god."

Modi’s eyebrows are slightly picked, and Fan Luo is looking for the whereabouts of the dragon. What is his emperor looking for the dragon?

"Don't let him discover the little white dragon." Modi said softly.

"Of course I know, but I am worried that he will not give up..." Ye Hao’s words have not been finished, and he is surprised to find that Fan Luo was shot in the palm of a hand by a young man wearing white clothes in the air.

"He doesn't want to be willing to give up." Modi said faintly.

Ye stunned. "Who is that person? It's amazing."

Modi slightly frowned, not too happy to pay attention to other men, "Mr. Emperor, do you think he is amazing?"

"Is it possible to completely suppress the Vatican, isn't it still good for bwq?" Ye Hao exclaimed. "But, Azhan, you will become an emperor in the future, it must be even more powerful."

"He is his own person, not too polite to him." Modi said faintly.

Ye Hao looked at him with surprise, he and his emperor are already their own people? She did not know that his popularity was still so good.

Van Gogh was hanging on the roof and could not move all over the body.

Yan Xiu came to Modi in front of them, and smiled at Ye Hao, "Little Scorpion."

"Emperor." Ye Hao took a ritual and looked at the 钰 修, he actually called her little scorpion, what relationship he has with the Emperor.

“Can you go now?” Modi asked softly.

"Let's go, let me clean up here." Yan Xiu waved.

Modi looked at him. "What I told you, don't forget."

"I know, I must do it properly and go to the retreat."

"Today's business, thank you very much." Modi faintly beheaded, after a ritual, with Ye Hao left the house of Vatican.

He repaired Van Gogh and sighed and sent him back to the room to let other people pick up the mess.

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