Back to the house of the Holy Mountain, Ange and Huo Huang have already seen the autumn water, and I saw that Ye Hao finally came back safely, almost wanting to cry and shout.

"Hey!" The eyes of the fire phoenix were red, and they grasped Ye Hao’s hand tightly. "You are injured. The old guy of Vatican actually dared to hurt you. You wait, I will practice well in the future, and I will repair you later." Go and teach him."

Ange said, "Is it necessary to teach you Van Gogh? The Emperor has brought the scorpion back, and it must have been taught by Van Gogh."

Fire Phoenix glanced at Modi, who used to think that the city owner was already very powerful, but the city owner seemed to be more powerful than he had imagined.

"First healed the wound." Modi whispered to Ye Hao.

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded gently. "Would you like to let Mingxi come out first?"

Modi whispered, "Let him be in space first."

Ye Hao did not know what Modi had planned, but since he said this, there must be a reason.

"Little fire, you go to the space, and Mingxi said that I am fine." Ye Hao said to the fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix nodded and immediately disappeared in front of them.

Modi took Ye Hao’s hand back to the room and carefully examined the injuries on her face.

"It would be nice to wash it with Lingquan." Ye Yan said with a smile. "Fortunately, there is no break, otherwise I will become ugly."

“It hurts?” Modi took out a crystal clear green bottle and poured a little transparent ointment onto the face of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "What is cool?"

"Is it better to have a wound medicine on the mainland?" Modi whispered.

"Well, it's a lot better." Ye Hao nodded, pulling the hand of Modi and letting him sit next to him. "Azhan, when did we leave here, did you find the gap?"

Modi looked at the scar on her face and it had been repaired a lot. The redness and swelling had disappeared. His stiff expression was relaxed, but nothing was answered. He only held Ye Hao’s face in both hands and bowed his head and kissed her.

"Hey..." Ye Hao gently licked him. He kissed him too hard, and he licked his lips.

Modi kissed her hard and held her tightly in her arms. When she was in Lingshan, he felt that she was in a panic when she was in trouble. He knew that she was intelligent and knew her. It’s not low, but it’s not the same as Xuantian’s mainland. She’s here... it’s too weak.

Knowing that she was taken away by Fan Luo, Mo Di began to regret the ruin for so many years without cultivation, he could not completely protect her.


Modi finally left her lips and kissed her ear.

Ye Hao finally found a strength to open, "A Zhan, wait a minute, we ... talk about business."

"This is the right thing." Modi said dumbly.

When they finish the business, it is already early next morning.

Ye Hao’s back to the Emperor Modi was sulking in annoyance. Someone did this kind of thing after returning from the disaster. Other things did not tell her.

"Oh." Modi knew that she was angry. He took his long arm and held her in his arms. "After the night, we will leave here."

"You found the gap?" Ye Hao is not angry with this, or it is more important to determine when to leave.

I refused to talk to him for a long time. When I mentioned this, I immediately turned my eyes on. "Well, but the gap is in the Dragon Lake. It will be more dangerous to pass through."

"蛟龙?" Ye Xiaoyan's smile was stiff. Although she had never seen Xiaolong, but listening to this name, she knew that it was not easy to deal with. "Only the gap?"

"There is another one..." Modi whispered, "In the palace of Emperor."

"..." seems to be safer than Dragon Lake.

"Don't worry, Shi Tiandi is not there. If we can't go to the mountain, we can go to the palace of the emperor, just..." Modi thought for a moment. "Going to the beast mountain is more adventurous, but I don't want people to know. There is still a gap in the emperor, the gods are missing, and the checks and balances between the three continents are affected, so that other warriors will not go to the Xuantian continent. After we pass the mainland, we must seal the gap." Said.

Ye Hao listened a bit confused. "What is God missing? There is no aura in the mainland. There should be no one who wants to go."

"Because there is no aura at all, mortals can't cultivate, so they need to be on God's checks and balances. They can't let anyone in the heavens and the mainland of God go past. A beginner's warrior can become a master in the world." ”

"So, the seal gap is actually protecting the human continent?" Ye Hao thought for a moment, as a low-ranking warrior here, the world is a master of the world, even if there is no spiritual power, you can enjoy it. It’s really full of temptation.

"Yeah." Modi nodded gently.

The mainland is her place, she certainly does not want to be destroyed.

"But who is God? Where did he go?" asked Ye Hao.

"It is the most noble person on the mainland of God. His existence is the balance point of the three continents. However, he has no news for ten years." Modi said faintly, no one else showed up when he mentioned God. Devotion and honor.

Ye Hao was the first to hear about God, but she believed that Modi did the right thing.

"I listen to you, where do you go from where you go?" As long as she can return her to the mainland.

Modi gently decapitated, "I will go to Xiu Xiu first, and you will explain it to Ming Xi."

"Okay." Ye Hao remembered that Mingxi was still in the space and hurriedly broke free from the arms of Modi. "You must go, I am going to see Mingxi."

"In your mind, is your son more important than me?" Modi asked an eyebrow.

Ye Haohehe smiled, "Of course not, you are the first important."

Although knowing that this is to blame him, Modi still feels comfortable.

"Get up, don't you still have to find the Emperor?" Ye Hao took his hand and asked him to leave the bed.

Modi sat up and put on clothes. "I will go."

After Ye Haomu sent him to leave, he entered the space to see Mingxi.

I thought that my son would be anxious to wait for her to meet. Who knows that she entered the space, but found that the three children are holding the crystal pig's trotters, and they can eat it.

"Where is this?" Ye Hao asked helplessly.

Huo Huang said with a smile, "I will save it, good things to share."

"Mother, you are fine." Ming Xi put down the pig's trotters and immediately ran to the front of Ye Hao and asked.

"Nothing, do you think I have something?" Ye Hao asked helplessly. "We will leave tonight and return to the mainland."

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