Modi is not in the Holy Mountain, he went to find repairs.

"If you come over later, I have already closed." Yan Xiu raised his eyebrows and looked at Modi. "What's the matter? Is there any trouble? I said that you are too unwilling to be a human being. How can you offend Fan Luo? Emperor, that person is notoriously stingy, I beat him yesterday, he must remember to hate me."

"He is looking for the whereabouts of the dragons." Modi said faintly, "When is the mainland of the gods interested in the dragons?"

He repaired it a bit differently. "Did he catch your embarrassment, just to find the whereabouts of the dragon?"

"Yes." Modi glanced at him.

"He really put the words of God on his heart." Yan Xiu exclaimed, "I don't remember how many years ago, maybe Van Gogh has just become an emperor, or when he just became a saint, God said it. If you can get the whereabouts of the dragons, then the strength of the gods on the mainland must be increased by at least several times. Is it that Vatican thinks that he can get the dragons if he finds the whereabouts of the dragons? He thought the dragons were so well conquered?"

Modi blinked a little, "God is looking for the whereabouts of the dragon?"

"I really think that he should just say it casually, not in his heart. Otherwise, for so many years, he hasn't seen God to find it." Yan Xiu laughed. "No, do you really know the dragon?" whereabouts?"

"I don't know." Modi whispered, "Ming Hee saw the Black Dragon God in the Yan area."

After repairing it, I said for a long time, "Your son and the black dragon **** really have a fate, then he knows where the dragon is?"

"I have seen the Black Dragon God, it does not mean knowing where the Dragon is." Modi said coldly, "The Black Dragon God is just alive, and Mingxi just happens to see Longshan turned into a Dragon Soul. I also want to know why Van Gogh decided him. Know the whereabouts of the dragon."

"Van Luo probably looks for the dragon to find a little bit of fire, don't see him in general." Yan Xiu said, "He should not dare to ask you again."

Modi sat down opposite him. "Where did God go?"

"I really don't know." Yu Xiu coveted, "I don't even know where to go to the emperor. I will know where to go to God, and how can I know."

"The gap in the Dragon Lake is a bit problematic. I suspect that the gap in the mainland of China is not just two. You should find out clearly. After we leave, you can seal the gap." Modi said.

Yan Xiu looked up and looked at Modi seriously and seriously. "The seal is sealed. What do you mean, you don't want to come back?"

Modi was silent for a moment. "In a short time, it will not come back."

"You didn't understand what I said before?" 钰修 whispered, frowning at the Emperor.

"Understand." Modi daggers, he said that God is missing, the three continents will lose balance, and the human continent may become the place where the other two continents compete. At that time, the people of the world will know what is a living thing.

He understands the consequences, but what can he do?

"I can't do anything about it." Modi said, "I can't do much now."

He repaired his lips and smiled ridiculously. "Not that you can't do much, you don't want to, I won't force you, Modi, sometimes fate is not something you can escape to escape."

"I have already said that I have already finished." Modi did not pay attention to the repairs. He was only a holy emperor. In the upper gods, there were emperors and emperors. No matter what happened, they would not be able to turn around. "Re-conference." ”

"Modi!" Yan Xiu called him. "I will not seal the gap, you must come back."

"With you." Modi's voice was indifferent, turned and went out.

When Xiu Xiu looked helplessly at the back of Mo Di, he knew that Modi’s temper would not change easily.

I only hope that the mainland of God can keep calm.



At night, Modi’s group of people appeared in Lingwushan.

"The giant is awake, how do we get in? It must be that we came in and shocked him last time. It is not easy to go in again." Ange whispered, "We still find another gap, anyway, no hurry. How about waiting a few more days?"

"There is no other gap." Modi whispered that a pair of sharp, eagle-eyed scorpions stared at the giant as high as the mountain, thinking in a way to make him sleep.

Even if there is a gap in the Imperial Palace, it can't let others know that he ventured into the Beast Hill to let people know that the whole mainland is only a gap to the human continent.

"What should we do? If we fight with the giants, it will surely alarm the spirit beast of the whole beast mountain. How can we go." Ange cried.

"Who said that it will fight with the giant?" Modi glanced at him faintly. "You are waiting here."

Modi flew in the direction of the giant.

"Ange saint, is the giant very powerful?" Ye Hao asked nervously, she handed over the Guanghua ice giant, but the ice giant is an illusion of illusion, this is a real person, than the ice The giant is still tall.

"It's not that it's awesome. It's just that he is so huge. After a move, it will definitely alarm the other beasts of the Beast Hill. When we want to go to the Dragon Lake, it will be difficult."

Ye Xiu Xiu is tight, his eyes are inseparable from the Emperor, and he has been staring at him.

"What does Modi do? He wouldn't think he could go in with a few words from the giant?" An Ge saw that the Modi giant appeared directly in front of the giant, and his eyes fell.

"He is not going to talk to the giant." Ye Hao whispered, "He wants to let the giant sleep."

"How is it possible!" Ange shook his head. "The giant can not sleep for a few months, otherwise how can he let him guard the Beast Hill?"

Ye Hao pointed at the giant in front. "Look, he fell down."

The giant has found that Modi stood on his shoulder, raised his hand and slammed it out, and when he was about to make a loud noise, the whole person slammed down.

"..." An Song's words are blocked and can't be said.

"How did he do it?" Ange asked for a long time.

"There is a kind of drug, the drug is very strong..." said Ye Hao. "Azhan is sending the medicine to the blood of the giant. He can only stun for three days."

Ange looked at Ye Wei with surprise. "How do you know?"

"Azhan let me adjust the medicine before." Ye Hao said.

"Okay." Ange now knows that Modi is doing something to do, and even this is ready. Maybe there is a way to deal with Xiaolong.

Ming Xi, sitting on the back of the fire phoenix, said, "Mother, the giant has slept."

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a touch of joy, “We are going.”

"Let's go in." Modi said faintly, "eat this, you can hide the breath."

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