Modi took Ye Xie's hand, and the fire phoenix took Mingxi. They walked silently all the way, without making a little sound. In the night, a little bit of movement can alarm the sleeping beast.

Ang has wanted to talk a few times, but he has been holding back.

He does not want to alarm those beasts more than the Emperor.

However, can they pass through the Dragon Lake and be as lucky as the last time without disturbing the dragon?

"How do I feel like there is something staring at us?" Ange said quietly, he really had a strange feeling.

Ye Hao glanced at him nervously, because she also had such a press, but did not dare to speak.

Modi gently squeezed her hand and motioned her not to worry.

The moonlight is soft, the moonlight is softly draped, and the gloomy beasts are covered with a milky white light. The trees are blue and white, and the sound of rustling in the breeze, in the silent forest, occasionally there are strange animals. sound.

Ye Hao also went to the Lingwu Mountain in the Xuantian continent, but the oppression there is not serious here.

"The front is the Dragon Lake." Modi whispered.

Close to the Dragon Lake, other spirits do not dare to inhabit here, so there are no other beasts around the Dragon Lake.

"I think someone is following us." Ye Hao whispered that they left this time, even the words do not know, who knows that they will come here.

"Yeah." Modi faintly, apparently already discovered.

Ye Hao whispered, "Who is this?"

"I will know it later." Modi said coldly, holding Ye Hao's hand and falling beside the Dragon Lake.

Ming Xi sits on the back of the fire phoenix. When he is condescending, he sees the sleeping dragon in the Dragon Lake. The huge body is daunting.

"Seeing no, the dragon is an ancient monster, not the same as the spirit beast we met before." The feathers of the fire phoenix are stiff and always vigilant.

"Even if it is more powerful, it is also a monster, a small fire, you are a beast, it sounds better than him." Ming Xi shot the wings of the fire phoenix, the monster is also a powerful beast, the fire phoenix but the four beasts one.

Huo Huang immediately raised his head. "You are right, I am a beast, but... I have lived for a few years, I have only been born again."

"Nothing!" Mingxi said.

"You two are quieter!" Ange shook his voice and shouted, "Don't wake up the dragon!"

Huo Huang immediately shut up and stopped talking, and returned to the ground with Ming Xi.

Modi looked coldly behind him and said, "Come out."

Both Ye Hao and An Ge walked to the side of Modi, staring at the darkness of the forest, where there seemed to be a shadow, but did not know how many people were behind them.

"The Emperor of Mexico is really good." A charming voice came out of the forest. Then, three figures appeared in front of them.

It turned out to be the other three emperors of the Holy Mountain.

"Is it you?" Ye Hao frowned, these three people tracked them here, certainly not good intentions, do not know what to do.

"The Emperor of the Moh is really unique. It has become a holy emperor. It is still the heart of the lower continent. In fact, we are not going to be against you. It’s just that you have to be ordered, you have to do something, or you. Tell us what we want to know, let us leave, you don't have to do it, how good is peace together." Mei Lan swayed in front of a few steps, looking at Modi with a wink.

Modi looked at them indifferently, knowing that they were ordered by Fan Luo.

“What do you want to know?” Mingxi asked. “You don’t know, how can we know.”

"Then I have to ask you." Mei Lan Lotus pointed to Mingxi. "Only you have seen the Black Dragon God, then you should know where the dragon is."

"I don't know." Mingxi called.

Red Lang sneered, "The kid, this is not awkward."

"You just have no reason to make trouble. We said that we don't know if we don't know." Ye Hao looked at them with cold eyes. "You are a holy emperor, guarding Longshan for so many years, watching the fire magic because Longshan lost its sunshine and spiritual power, and nowadays, now Longshan has disappeared. If you are useless, you have to worry about the whereabouts of the dragons. If you let people find the dragons, don’t even think about it. Those dragon gods will kill you first."

"The little lady is really a slap in the face, but I still want to remind you that if you don't tell us the news of the dragon, you don't want to leave today." Mei said.

"If we can't live without it, then you will be saddened by the days in the Holy Mountain." Ye Hao said coldly.

Mei Lan and Hong Lang look to Deliang.

Deliang stepped forward and said with a smile, "Mr. Mo, we are very kind, please understand us, we don't want to."

"What do you have to do with us, is it worth us to understand you?" asked Ye Hao.

"Don't talk nonsense with them, they are toasting, not eating and drinking." Mei Lan appeared a red silk in her hand, it seems that it is her magic weapon.

Red Lang saw with his own eyes how the Emperor Modi ruined the glory of Guanghua. He felt that he was not his opponent. However, today he and the Deliang tribe teamed up, it must be slightly better. If he can, he does not want to avenge with Modi. .

"You go to the island first." Modi looked down at Ye Hao. "Go first, I will keep up with you."

Ye Hao clenched his hand. "No, I have to wait for you."

"Hey!" Modi lowered his voice, "Oh, obedient."

"Azhan, I don't want to be separated from you." Ye Hao whispered.

Modi turned to look at Ange and Mingxi. "You go first."

Ange gently nodded. "I will bring Mingxi to the lake."

"Mo Sheng, if we fight, we will definitely wake up Xiaolong, you don't want this, right?" Deliang said with a smile.

"When the dragon woke up, it would be no good for you." Modi said faintly, "If you want to know the whereabouts of the dragon, you should ask God."

Deliang’s face changed slightly. He laughed a few times. “Since the lang knows the whereabouts of the dragon, why should we ask God?”

"My son said that he didn't know, you still said that it was the Holy Emperor, and his brain was so bad." Ye Hao said sarcastically.

"Mr. Mo said to laugh, if you really don't know, where is the dragon scale to practice the medicine." Deliang smiled.

Ye Hao sneered, "It’s so ignorant, the medicinal herbs are better, the dragon scales are added, and there are so many dragon scales."

"No need to talk nonsense, first grab the ink Mingxi back." Mei Hao shouted.

After that, she is shooting at Ye Hao.

When Modi wanted to block her, Deliang and Honglang flew in the direction of Mingxi.

"Ming Xi, back to the space!" Ye Hao immediately shouted.

Modi reached for the body of Deliang and Honglang and pulled them back.

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