Jin Guo, Kyoto, Yu Shufang.

Murong Yu was watching the fold, and the sound of Ford came from outside.

"Your Majesty, a quick letter from Yunshan." Ford whispered.

"Get it." Murong Yu put down the Zhu pen in his hand, it should be the letter sent by Ye Yiqing, probably not a little harvest.

Since Ye Yiqing came back, in addition to accompanying Mingyu, he spent all his time in Yunshan. This time he has been there for more than a month, and there has been no news. It has been three years, and Murong has not dared to hold it again. Too much hope.

Ford’s hand was holding a letter and placed it in front of Murong’s desk.

"Father, isn't the grandfather writing a letter?" Ming Yu, who was practicing at the small table next to him, looked at Murong Yan with an eye.

“Ming Yu misses his grandfather very much?” Murong asked with a smile.

"Think, I still want to go horse riding with my grandfather." Ming Yu shouted.

Murong snorted and laughed, while holding a tea and drinking tea, he looked down at the letter.

He can see at a glance.


The tea in the hand fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.

The palace man who served in the royal study room was so scared that he hurried down, and even Ford looked at Murong.

"Father of the Emperor..." Ming Yu stunned and ran to the voice of Murong Yu. The trembling eyes stared at him. "What?"

Murong squatted down and looked at Mingyu. The fingertips pinched the letter tightly, and the voice was tight. It looked a bit low and dumb. "Mingyu, the father may have to leave Kyoto for a few days."

He did not tell Mingyu that it was because Mo Rongzhe came back. He had to confirm it with his own eyes. Otherwise, as always, he would let Mingyu hold his hopes and fall through, so that she would no longer look forward to her return.

"Where is the father going?" Ming Yu licked his mouth. "Do you want a man to be alone in the palace?"

"Would you let Shen Ying send you to Ye Jia, accompany Xiao Xiao and his cousin?" Murong snorted softly.

Ming Yu re-appeared with a smile, "Okay."

When she arrived at Ye Family, she didn't have to write every day, and her aunt and grandmother loved him the most.

Murong knows what Ming Yu holds, but just shakes his head and laughs, but his eyes are thoughtful.

Is the news from Guiyunshan true?

I was thinking about it, and there was a rumor that Ye Xiaonan was seeking to see.

"Let the general Ye come in." Murong said immediately.

Ye Yinan walked in from the outside and walked in. He had not been able to salute. He had already been stopped by Murong. "Is it a gift, is there any news of Yunshan?"

"Yes, the emperor." Ye Yinan suppressed the excitement. He also just received a letter from his father, saying that he was already back.

"Ford, take the princess back first." Murong whispered, his voice still sounded calm, only the clenched hands showed his inner feelings.

Ming Yu whispered a small mouth, and she still wanted to go out with the gong.

Ye Yinan smiled at Ming Yu, "Ming Yu Yu."

"Hey, the father wants to go out for a few days, I have to go to Xiaoxiao and my cousin." Ming Yu took Ye Yinan's hand and said.

"Well, they miss you very much." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

Ming Yu was leaving with satisfaction.

Only the Murong and Ye Xiaonan are left in the royal study.

"The emperor and the monk are back." Murong said, "Do you think it is true?"

"It’s the father’s personal letter, this thing can’t be faked.” Ye Xiaonan said excitedly, “I’m going to go to Yunshan in person.”

Murong nodded gently, "Hey, go with you."

"If you don't want to be late, the emperor, let's get off quickly." Ye Yinan said that he has not been able to think about so many things at this time. The return of Murong Cham and Ye Hao may change a lot, but no matter what, it is against this. The joy of his heart.

"Go!" Murong stood up and strode outside. He said while walking. "I haven't told Mingyu about this matter. I will say it after I have confirmed it."

The smile on Ye Xiaonan’s face froze. He remembered that Mingyu had not mentioned it for a long time. She seemed to have forgotten who was her father and mother.

I don't know what it would be like after she saw it.



Ye Hao didn't know that he had slept for a few days. When he woke up, Modi was still not awake.

She already felt that the pain in her body had disappeared. Probably because she had eaten the medicinal herbs, her spiritual strength did not completely disappear, so she recovered quickly.

There was no other person in the cave. She vaguely heard the sound of Ange and Huohuang coming from outside. She sat up and looked at Modi with concern.

His injury is heavier than her, and he has no spiritual power. His ability to heal is the same as that of ordinary mortal, and it will take longer.

"You have to wake up well." Ye Hao whispered, kissed him in his tight thin lips, and fed him medicinal herbs and Lingquan. Fortunately, she put a lot of remedies in the space. Although there is little spiritual power here, the remedy can at least repair his qi.

Ye Hao took a deep breath and placed his hand on the chest of Modi. He tried to use the regenerative method to heal him.

Suddenly, Ye Hao’s forehead sweated, as long as he operated the sea, the whole body was like running through the knife mountain, unable to lift the spiritual power, the sea was difficult and painful, and could not be used as freely as in Xuantian.

Half a ring, Ye Hao still gave up, here she can not use the regenerative exercises.

"Oh." Ye Yiqing did not know when he came in, standing behind Ye Hao, his eyes looked at her gently and lovingly. "Are you awake?"

Ye Hao looked back at Ye Yiqing, her eyes filled with tears, "Hey."

“Is Murong awakened?” Ye Yiqing walked over and saw that Murong’s temperament had recovered a lot, so he was relieved.

"I haven't woken up yet, I don't know when I can wake up. He has never suffered such a serious injury." Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Yiqing said, "Is he not very strong on the mainland there? There should be nothing wrong with it."

"Do you know?" Ye Hao smiled. "He is awesome, but in order to be able to come back, he has never practiced and improved, or he will not be injured."

"He... is it Modi or Murong Chan?" Ye Yiqing whispered.

Ye Hao smiled. "It's all him."

"That... what are your plans for next?" Ye Yiqing asked, Jin Guo had already adapted to the new emperor. Everyone thought that Murong Cham and Ye Hao had disappeared. Now that he is back, what should the emperor do?

Ye Hao said, "I want to see Mingyu, is she okay?"

"Murong Yu took care of her very well, you don't have to worry, what I asked is... Do you want to go back to the palace?" Ye Yiqing asked, with the prestige of Murong Chong, if you really want to regain the throne, it is very easy. of.

"I think, Azhan should not want to go back to the palace again." Ye Hao said, "We only want a family reunion now."

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