After Ye Hao really did not think about coming back, Murong Cham would also go to be the emperor of Jin Guo. He already had the memory of Mo Di. He should not like the emperor of the mainland. After all, when the emperor said, what to do every day. Too much, she thinks that Modi is not expected to like it too much.

Hearing his daughter's words, Ye Yiqing gently beheaded. If you really think so, it would be better for anyone.

However, this is the daughter's meaning after all. I don't know if Murong Zhan wakes up, is it also thinking like this.

"Hey, Ming Xi?" asked Ye Hao.

"They are outside." Ye Yiqing whispered, "Mu Rongzhan is not a way to raise a wound here. When can he move, we will go back to Kyoto to recover."

Ye Hao looked down at the Emperor's temperament. "I don't know, wait two more days, I want to hurry to see Mingyu."

"She is in the palace. When you go back, you can see her. She is more and more like you. She even has the same sex." Ye Yiqing said with a smile. "I still want to take her to horseback hunting. The temper of your nephew seems to be transferred."

Ye Xie seems to see a little girl who is like a pink jade, her heart becomes soft and soft, but her voice is sobbing. "When I was there, I didn't want her, she was still so small. So I like to stick me and Azhan, we are all gone, what should she do with a little girl."

"You know when you see her, Murong Yu raises her as a daughter." Ye Yiqing glanced at Ye Hao and whispered, "For so many years, Murong Yu did not stand, the original 妃嫔 in the palace He was sent away, not a blind man."

"What?" Ye Hao lived, she thought that even if Murong Yu did not stand up, it would certainly stand still, he actually did not have a flaw.

Ye Yiqing sighed in his heart, and Murong Yu was also deeply affectionate. He could meet Murong Zhan first. He was destined to live up to Murong Yu. As a neighbor, he just felt embarrassed. "This is a personal choice. ”

Ye Hao bowed her head and didn't speak. She had owed Murong too much, and now she has to add more.

"Mother, is the father awake?" Mingxi asked as he walked in.

"Not yet." Ye Hao's low mood was collected, looked up, Mingxi and Ange walked in together, and the fire phoenix followed sweatingly. "Where have you been?"

Ming Xi said, "We went down the mountain. The fire phoenix is ​​too useless. It can't be turned into a prototype. It will be like this when we go down a mountain."

"I can't use my spiritual power, I can't fly, of course I am tired." Fire Phoenix gasped.

"You go down the mountain to do what?" asked Ye Hao.

Ange said with a smile, "I haven't seen this world on earth, just go around."

"Mother, when can we see Mingyu?" Mingxi asked, he missed Mingyu very much.

Ye Hao looked down at Modi. "When your father is hurt, we will return to Kyoto."

"Okay." Mingxi nodded. "Right, mother, I heard that the emperor of Qi is a woman."

Qi Guo? Ye Hao slightly stunned. She remembered that when Zhao Wei died, his son was enthroned. She looked at Ye Yiqing. "Hey, what happened?"

"Qi Guoxin emperor enlisted Cheng Hao after he was enthroned, and wanted to deal with Cheng Hao. Later, he was stepped down by Cheng Hao and Zhao Yulian. Today, Zhao Wei became a female emperor." Ye Yiqing said, "I want to emulate you, the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty is also woman."

Sure enough, Zhao Wei!

When she saw Zhao Wei, she felt that this woman was not simple.

"It seems that it is not too flat here." Ye Hao sighed.

"People are uneasy, it is difficult to be peaceful." Ye Yiqing said faintly, "There is no competition with the world, and life is naturally calm."

Ye Hao smiled. "Sometimes it's not a matter of contention. Forget it, these are not what I want to care about."

"Mu Di woke up!" Ange suddenly cried, pointing at the Emperor Modi lying on the mattress.

"Azhan!" Ye Hao turned his head fiercely, and looked at the Emperor Modi who had opened his eyes with joy.

Modi blinked, "Hey?"

"What do you think? Is there any uncomfortable?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked, she did not dare to lie in his arms, afraid to touch his broken ribs, and finally picked it up.

"I'm fine." Modi reached out and fumbled for a few times before he grabbed Ye Hao's little hand. "Where are we?"

Ye Hao said, "We have already returned. Here is the cave of Yunshan. You forgot? You were here to go to Xuantian."

Modi’s thin lips showed a shallow smile, “I have not forgotten.”

"Do you have any pain?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

"Nothing, don't worry." Modi laughed.

Ye Hao finally smiled and kissed him on his cheek. "Let's get better soon, let's go find a daughter."

Ye Yiqing, who was standing next to him, stared at Modi tightly. He slowly reached out and waved gently over the eyes of Modi.

Modi’s face did not change, and his eyes were still looking at Ye Hao’s direction.

Can not you see?

Ye Hao’s face changed, and he turned back and looked at Ange.

"Azhan, the gap here is not sealed, the color of the mountain wall seems to be different from before, it has become white, like being covered with a layer of snow." Ye Hao whispered.

"It doesn't matter, the gap over there is sealed, and it is normal to change here." Modi said softly.

The mountain wall is still red and does not turn white.

Ye Hao clenched the hand of the Emperor, and the tears in his eyes were on the back of his hand.

Modi silenced and knew that Ye Hao must have seen that his eyes could not see anything.

"Don't cry, hehe." Modi snorted softly. "It will be fine soon."

"How could this be?" Ye Hao cried and asked.

Ange said, "It must have been hurt by his swamp poison when he was fighting with Xiaolong."

He went up to check Mo Di's eyes and found that Modi had turned red and black eyes into gray.

"I will detoxify for you." Ye Hao said, she did not see that he was poisoned before, the poison gas must still be in the eyes, as long as the gas is forced out.

"If you are there, you will be fine." Modi said with a smile.

Ye Yiqing did not expect this to happen. "Do you need people to come to the medical officer?"

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded his head and held Modi's cheeks in his hands and looked at his eyes carefully. "You can't see your previous eyes. Remember?"

"Remember." Modi remembered meeting her for the first time.

Ye Hao said, "You can get better before, this time is the same."

Modi gently slammed her, "Well."

"If you can move, it is best to go down the mountain. After all, it is inconvenient to live in the cave." Ye Yiqing said.

"Yuezhang adult, you are back." Modi whispered, because of their affairs, Ye Yiqing will come back.

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