Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1900: Such as the world

In the eyes of Mo Di, the poisonous gas of Xiaolong was blind, and the injury on his body was slowly recovering. The medical skills and spiritual springs of Ye Hao, except for the aura of Qihai, have not recovered, and other injuries have recovered quickly.

Ye Yiqing is right, it is not good to heal in the cave, or to go down the mountain first.

Two days later, Modi was able to walk on his own, and Ye Hao decided to leave Guiyun Mountain. When he just got off the mountain, he met Murong Yu and Ye Yinan who had rushed in.

It’s been three and a half years since they went to Xuantian mainland. It’s been a long time, and it’s not long. It’s short and short. For Ye Hao, it’s like a world. Looking at the people I’ve been familiar with, she’s sour in her heart. .

Murong Yu has already seen Murong Cham and Ye Hao, and he has difficulty controlling his own vision to fall on her. She does not seem to have changed anything, as if she had seen it for the first time.

Really they are, finally come back.

"Hey!" Ye Xiaonan shouted out loud, and quickly came down from the horse and ran towards Ye Hao.

Murong Yu woke up from the shackles and hurriedly took back his gaze and turned to look at Murong Cham.

The two of them held their hands tightly, as if no one could separate them.

"Brother!" Ye Hao looked at Ye Xiaonan with joy. "How are you... a lot old."

Ye Yannan marries her, "I am mature! Mature beard!"

"There are no beards." Ye Hao said with a smile, and teasing is fun, she is still very happy to see Ye Xiaonan.

"Hey, where are you going?" Ye Xiaonan whispered, "Is it a lot of suffering?"

Ye Hao gently shook his head and looked at the emperor next to him. "I still have Ah Zhan with me."

"Emperor...Imperial." Ye Xiaonan discovered that he was too happy to see him, and ignored the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, and he went down for a ceremony.

His knees have not touched the ground, and have been helped by the Emperor Modi. "I am not an emperor of the kingdom. I don't have to give me a gift."

"Emperor?" Ye Yannan saw the eyes of Murong Chong at a close distance, only to find that there was no focal length at all. He looked at Ye Wei strangely.

"After we came back, something happened. Azhan’s eyes were poisoned." Ye Hao explained in a low voice.

Ye Yinan is more confused. "Where are you going? How do you make this?"

"Brother, it’s a long story." Ye Hao smiled, but it can be said clearly in three words.

Murong Yu came over and stood in front of them. "No matter what, come back."

Ye Hao looked up at Murong Yu, but for a moment he did not know what to say.

She hopes that Murong can put her down, and then marry a girl she loves, and live a beautiful life, but he is now the emperor of Jinguo, but he is still alone. After she knows it, she feels uncomfortable.

"Azhan." Murong Yu quickly glanced at Ye Hao's face, and his eyes fell on the body of Mo Rongzhan. "You are finally back."

Modi can't see Murong Yu, but his ears are good and he can know where he is standing. "Jin Guo and Ming Yu have been lucky to have you in these few years."

Ye Xiaonan heard the words, his face changed slightly, he almost forgot, and Murong Chan came back. Doesn’t Jin Guo now have two emperors?

In the past three years, Murong has gradually stabilized his position and will be willing to let go.

"I regard my daughter as my own daughter. She is very good. I know that you will be very happy when you come back." Murong said with a smile, "Jin Guo is really a hot potato for me. I prefer freedom at sea." comfortable."

"Jin Guo does not need a nephew emperor." Modi accurately patted Murong's shoulder. "Aggrieved you, want to go back to sea freely, I am afraid I will wait for your son to ascend to the throne."

The smile on Murong’s face froze slightly. “You just let me take care of it.”

"You got it wrong. I mean I didn't come back in half a year. Jin Guo will hand it over to you." Modi smiled. "Ye Yinan, it seems that you have to keep an eye on him. Otherwise, it would be bad if you don't have an emperor."

"..." Murong Yu was speechless for a while, "Ink-Chan, you are playing."

Ye Yiqing lightly coughed. "Emperor, Azhan, he is blind now, and it is really not suitable for further work. And they just came back. If they rush back to the palace, they will definitely cause great waves. Now it is best to keep everything."

"Yeah, yeah, we will go to Chengde Mountain Village to raise the wounds first, and the rest will be said later." Ye Hao said with a smile, she did not want Murong Chai to go back to be an emperor.

Murong Yan looked at the eyes of Modi and sighed. "Then go back to Kyoto first."

Ye Xiaonan laughed a few times. "Yes, go back to Kyoto first, and quickly cure the eyes."

"Azhan, what do you think?" Ye Hao did not intend to return to Kyoto so quickly, she worried that the body of Murong Chan could not bear.

"I don't want to go back, let's go back." Murong Zhan whispered.

Murong Yu looked at the appearance of Murong Cham, and wondered what they had experienced before. With the martial arts of Murong Zhan, he was able to hurt him like this. The other party must be very powerful. Is it a hate?

"Is it a pity that hurts you?" Murong whispered.

"No, he has already died." Murong Cum said softly.

Murong is very surprised, listening to his tone, it seems that hatred is not an opponent at all, who is it?

"Six uncle, why didn't my sister come?" Mingxi was anxious to know the news of Mingyu, and couldn't help but ask.

"I am afraid that I am happy, I haven't told her that you have come back." Murong said, only to notice that there are two strangers besides Murong Cham and Ye Yan.

One is a young man who looks like a peach, and a beautiful child looks like a big boy. Who are they?

"Ming Xie is so tall." Murong Yan sighed and looked at least a head taller than Ming Yu.

"You have disappeared for so many years, so go back, will you scare others?" Ange asked with a frown.

Both Ye Yinan and Murong Yu looked at him at the same time.

"This is the master of Mingxi, called Ange, that is... I have adopted a foster child, called Huoer." Ye Hao explained to them.

Fire Phoenix suddenly looked at her, raising a child? This is a life that has pulled him down a generation! Well, he said that he is a younger brother.

Mingxi smiled and squinted at the fire phoenix. Fortunately, he said that he was raising a child. If he said his younger brother, wouldn’t he have to scream?

"Brother." Ming Xi called out to the fire.

"Call your brother." Fire Phoenix glanced at him.

Ye Hao was too lazy to care about the two children. She whispered to Murong Yu. "Can I go back with Azhan?"

At the beginning, she left the human world in space, but Murong Zhan disappeared in the mountains in the eyes of the public. Everyone should think that they were dead.

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