On the next day, Ye Hao wanted to go to Mingyu early in the morning, but he was at the door of the courtyard. He couldn’t afford the courage to walk in. She was afraid that Mingyu would not want to see her, and she was afraid that Mingyu would show her strange and unfamiliar eyes.

"Hey." Murong did not know when she was standing behind her, looking at her with gaze.

"Ah!" Ye Hao turned back and flashed a glimpse of his eyes. "I want to see Mingyu."

Murong’s face showed a shallow smile. “She followed Ye Daren to the forest in the morning and should not come back so early.”

It has already gotten up.

Ye Hao’s face flashed a touch of desolateness. She remembered that Mingyu was the most lazy to sleep. Every morning, she had to remind her to get out of the bed.

"Ye Daren explained that jade is like you, so I like to go hunting." Murong whispered that he wanted to control himself to remove his sight from her body. He could look at it and look at the second eye. The more you feel greedy.

"Yeah, I used to like it too." Ye Hao's mood is low, she wants to go hunting with Ming Yu.

Murong Yu likes to see her bright and bright look. "Or, I will accompany you to find them."

Ye Hao’s nephew was bright, but hesitated again. “Can you? Ming Yu doesn’t really want to see me.”

"She is a child's temper, just wait for her to figure it out." Murong said with a smile, "Let's go pick the horse."

"Okay." Ye Hao couldn't stand the temptation. She really wanted to go with her daughter to hunt.

Murong Yu and Ye Hao walked side by side. He glanced at her and said, "Is there a lot of bitterness over there?"

"In fact, it was okay. When I didn't know anything at the beginning, I didn't encounter the evil, but I met it later." Ye Hao said, simply said, "Although after a lot of hardships, I finally came back." It is."

She said it was too understatement, but Murong Yu was shocked and she always felt that she still had too many things to say.

"How is A Zhan's eyes poisoned?" asked Murong.

"When we came back, we had some hardships. He was poisoned in order to make us come back smoothly." Ye Hao’s mind flashed through the scene of Murong Zhan’s own battle with Xiaolong. At that time, she thought that he was going to stay away from blocking Xiaolong.

She now wants to cure his eyes most.

"He told you about the aunt's business?" Murong whispered.

"Tell it." Ye Hao gently beheaded. "We went to Qi to find Auntie. Zhao Wei and Cheng Hao must have thought that we were dead. We would not think that we would go to Qi, so it is better to act, yes, I think. Let Mingyu go with me."

Murong Yu’s black pupil was slightly shrunk. “When you go to Qiguo with Mingyu...”

Ye Hao turned to look at him. "Only, I can have more time with Ming Yu. I don't know how long I can stay with her. If I can, I hope I can get along with her and let her know how to get along. Resent me."

"Mingyu will not hate you." Murong hurriedly said.

"She blames." Ye Hao bowed his head.

Murong Yu feels that she is so desolate, she wants to reach out and comfort her, and she doesn't know what to say.

"The racecourse is here," said Ye Hao.

"Queen Empress?" Suddenly, someone called.

Ye Hao looked up and saw that it was Song Yu.

Song Hao has rushed over and looked at Ye Hao with joy, and then gave restraint to Murong, "Emperor." He looked up and smiled at Ye Hao, "Queen Empress."

"I am not a queen." Ye Hao frowned at him, he called her and Murong Yu, it sounds misunderstood.

“Hey?” Song Xiao smiled a few times. “Calling habits.”

Murong looked at him faintly. "How is it here?"

"Your Majesty, Chen... is to hunt, do you believe?" Song said with a smile.

"Is there a message on Jingning Hou?" Murong asked in a low voice.

Song Yu put away his hippie smile. "The news came. The Yuan State borders heavily armed, and the people who entered us were severely punished..."

With this sentence in mind, he immediately stopped and looked at Ye Hao. He almost forgot that Lu Hao was the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Go back to the palace first." Murong said faintly.

"Yes, the emperor." Song Hao did not continue to say.

Ye Xie wondered, "Isn't Jin and Yuan are not allies?"

"Yes." Murong nodded with a smile, and did not seem to want to say too much about the situation in the Yuan.

"Who is the Yuanguo who is in politics?" Ye Hao whispered. When she left, she let the water see them together. She left for three years and did not know what the Yuan Dynasty would be like.

The human heart will change.

Murong knows that it is impossible to conceal the situation of the Yuan State at this time. "Water is a glimpse."

"What about Huangfu and others?" Ye Hao frowned.

"Huangfu is not in the Yuan Dynasty, other people... are just idle." Murong stopped and said, "Hey, don't go back to the Yuan Dynasty."

Ye Hao smiled. "Are you worried that I am going back to the Yuan Congress?"

He is indeed worried. After all, the waters of the city are extremely deep, and most of the elite soldiers of the Yuan Dynasty come from the sea. They all listen to the words of the water.

"Yes." Murong nodded.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "I will not take risks."

"Let's go pick the horse." Murong said.

"You don't have to pick it, I want this one." Ye Hao pointed to a white horse, which was given to her by Murong Cham.

Ye Hao’s posture was on the horse’s back. “I haven’t been riding for a long time, and I don’t know if I will be unfamiliar.”

"There is no horse over there?" Murong picked a black horse.

"There is no chance to ride a horse." Ye Hao smiled. In the Xuantian mainland, it seems that he really did not ride a horse.

They ran together in the direction of the forest.

Not long after entering the forest, Ye Hao heard the clear laughter of Mingyu.

In addition to Mingyu, Mingxi and Huohuang are here, Ye Yiqing and Ange are talking on the other side, and the two seem to be talking about it.

"How come?" Murong whispered.

"I am afraid... if I walked over, it would break the happiness between them." Ye Hao looked at the happy smile on Mingyu's face, so that is her familiar daughter, that smile is her three years of thoughts.

"Ming Yu and Ming Xi get along very well." Murong said, "She has not forgotten."

Ye Hao said, "I know..."

"Mother!" Mingxi discovered the arrival of Ye Hao, and waved at her in a far place.

"Hey..." The fire phoenix followed the sound, and it just came out, and Ming Xi took a shot.

"No rude."

The fire phoenix slammed the gang and glared at Mingxi.

Ye Hao saw that the smile on Mingyu's face gradually disappeared.

"Ming Yu, my mother is coming, we used to, the mother's archery can be good." Ming Xi called Ming Yu, want to take her to Ye Hao.

Ming Yu broke away from his hand and ran to Murong, "Father."

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