Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1907: Don't need you

Ye Hao looked at Ming Yu and went to Murong Yu’s arms. Her heart was filled with an indescribable complex taste.

It was her daughter, but now she refuses to look at her again. She even laughs at her without even laughing.

"Ming Yu." Ye Hao whispered her name, "Is it good to be here?"

"Father, I played two pheasants today." Ming Yu did not seem to hear Ye Hao's words, and whispered to Murong with a whisper.

Ye Hao only thinks that Wan Jian is wearing her heart. It is obviously her daughter. Face to face is not as good as a stranger.

“Mingyu is awesome.” Murong Yan praised, “But, have you forgotten what Mr. has taught you?”

Ming Yu squinted, and Mr. taught too many things. She can remember all of them.

"Parents, people are also." Murong sighed and said, "You obviously remember that she is your mother, why don't you call her? Even if you forget who she is, it should not be so rude to the elders. ""

"Don't say her." Ye Hao said blushingly.

Murong held the hand of Ming Yu, bent down and her eyes were flat, and her eyes looked at her sternly.

Ming Yu opened his hand and shouted at the stiff body. "I don't have a mother, she is not my mother."

"Then you shouldn't treat the elders like this." Murong screamed, "Do you still have a little princess?"

"I hate the father!" Ming Yu's eyes are red, and the father who loves her the most loves her for others. "Father Huang!"

Murong sighed in his heart. "Ming Yu, I am not jealous of you, just want to let you know that there are no parents who don't love their children. You should understand their difficulties. You remember your mother, she I used to love you so much, if not forced, how can I leave you and leave."

Ming Yu wowed out and turned and ran away.

"Ming Yu!" Murong screamed, raising his foot to chase.

"Six uncle, let me tell Mingyu." Mingxi whispered, chasing away in the direction of Mingyu disappearing.

Murong Yu stopped to catch up with the footsteps and nodded to Ming Xi.

Mingxi quickly ran towards the direction of Mingyu’s departure.

This speed...

Murong’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise, and he found that Mingxi’s speed was faster than the same-aged child he had ever seen, and maybe it would be better than the best Guardian of his martial arts.

"Hey, Mingyu she...is a child, I can't figure it out for a while." Murong Yan looked back and saw that Ye Hao's eyes were red, and his heart was sad.

"I understand." Ye Dang, she knows that Ming Yu is not untied, but she understands that she is still sad.

Murong said, "Blood is thicker than water, she will understand sooner or later."

Ye Hao did not speak, she was afraid that it was too late.

"I heard that the Ange is the master of Mingxi?" Murong Yu transferred the topic.

"Yeah." Ye Hao glanced at the Ange standing in the distance. He and Ye Yiqing looked at her worriedly.

She grinned at them, she was already prepared, so she was not as rude as she was for the first time.

"I don't see it as a master." Murong said.

"Ange?" Ye Hao retracted his eyes. "How do you think he is a master?"

Since coming to the mainland, Ange and Ye Yiqing actually saw the fate, not chatting with Ye Yiqing, or pulling Mingxi and Huohuang everywhere to eat and drink. His face with a feminine style is too eye-catching, no matter which way. Look, I can't see that he is a master.

"Ming Xi's martial arts is much better than before, and the light work has already matched the top secret guard in the palace." Murong said.

"Ange's light work is better." Ye Hao chuckled, it turned out that Mingxi felt that Ange is a master.

Ye Yiqing came over and looked at Ye Hao with a grin.

"Hey, what are you talking about with Ange?" Ye Hao laughed and didn't want Ye Yiqing to worry about her.

"An Ge has a lot of knowledge and has solved many of my doubts." Ye Yiqing said.

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a glimpse of doubts, and Ange was not a human continent. What can be asked.

"Hey, Azhan?" Ange also came over and smiled and said, "Your daughter is really like you, smart and cute, and that is all."

"That is, of course, I was born." Ye Hao proudly said, she thinks how Mingyu is how to look good.

Ange smirked out, "Where is Mingyu going?"

The smile on Ye Hao’s face smashed.



Mingxi soon caught up with Mingyu. He took the hand of his sister. "Don't run, Mingyu."

"Go away!" Ming Yu cried and cried, even Mingxi ignored.

"I know that you are angry. If I didn't deliberately leave you in the palace, maybe you can leave with us." Mingxi looked at the back of Mingyu and said, "But Mingyu, I was dead for a lifetime." The one who caught me is too powerful. The father and the six kings are not his opponents. When I was taken away by him, didn’t the mother struggle? She chose to follow me and leave you alone. She was also very painful in her heart. When we got there, we lost. After the mother did not know that the father and the emperor also went there to see it. She always thought that the father was with you."

Ming Yu's hands covered his ears, and he didn't want to listen to Ming Xi.

"Ming Yu." Mingxi reluctantly called her.

"You are all gone, I don't want to hear." Ming Yu shouted.

Ming Xi walked up to her. "You stay here. There are six kings who are petting you. You and your grandfather protect you. If it is not really impossible, do you think the father and mother will not want you?"

"You just don't want me." Ming Yu's lips, she thought that she would be able to see them tomorrow, and waited day after day, she no longer needed them.

"Ming Yu!" Ming Xi added a tone. "It is so sad that you say this..."

"No matter what kind of hardship you have in the beginning, no matter what you have to do, you have been away for almost four years. I am used to not having your life, and I am doing very well. I have a father who loves me, what kind of relatives. Mother, I don't need it anymore. Your appearance will only remind me of the nasty days, why are you coming back!" Ming Yu shouted loudly.

Mingxi looked at Mingyu strangely. He suddenly felt that Mingyu in front of him was a little strange. She really grew up. It was no longer the little girl who always liked her in her mother’s arms, nor did she like to follow him. The sister behind.

I thought she hadn't changed. It turned out that she also became different from her memory. My sister grew up and my mind was different.

"The father came to see you, and even his eyes could not be seen..." Ming Xi whispered, "You don't need us anymore."

Ming Yu stared at him, turned and wanted to run away, seeing Ye Hao who didn't know when to stand behind.

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