Ming Yu stood in the same place and silently watched Ye Hao for a while, and walked over without expression. She didn't even look at Ye Hao, so she walked past her.

"Sister..." Mingxi wanted to stop her and was stopped by Ye Hao with her eyes.

They thus watched Mingyu go further and further.

"Mother, you...have heard it?" Ming Xi cautiously asked, just as Ming Yu said the words are stabbing, he also intends to conceal it.

"I heard it." Ye Yan looked at the back of Ming Yu, who had disappeared. The daughter’s heart was so deep. They missed her four years of growth. She has grown up from a ignorant little girl. Although she still has a long, pure smile, but her heart is definitely different.

Mingxi racked his brains to comfort his mother. "Mingyu will understand later."

"But we don't have time..." Ye Hao closed her eyes and thought that she would be like a stranger with her daughter. She felt the pain of wearing a thousand arrows.

"Mother, are we not coming back?" Ming Xi asked.

Ye Hao whispered to Ming Xi with the words that Murong Chan had said to her. "...not only us, but you are different."

"Master told me." Mingxi looked at Ye Hao and said in a low voice.

"You already know?" Ye said a little. "Then you... Ming Xi, you still like the fantasy continent, right."

Ming Xi’s eyes flashed a slap in the face, and he knew that his mother did not like Xuantian’s mainland.

Seeing the reaction of Ming Xi, Ye Hao has understood everything.

"Let's go back first." Ye Hao said.

"Mother, in fact, I still like to stay in the world." Ming Xi hastily explained.

Ye Xiao smiled. "You are still small, there will always be your own place."

They returned to the woods, and Murong and Mingyu were gone.

"Murong took the Mingyu first, and she was uncomfortable with Mingyu." Ye Yiqing explained.

"Hey, you don't have to look at me, Ming Yu doesn't want to stay here, she doesn't want to see me." Ye Hao smiled, she wanted to explain with Ming Yu, but Ming Yu refused to talk to her, she explained. There are no opportunities.

Ye Yiqing reluctantly sighed. "The child has a psychological shadow. She is only afraid of being abandoned in the future."

"I didn't abandon her," said Ye Hao.

"The child thinks this way, don't worry, come slowly." Ye Yiqing said.

Ye Hao nodded hard.

Because of the departure of Mingyu, Ye Hao did not have the interest of hunting, leaving Ange to them, she and Ye Yiqing went back to the villa.

"You want to go to Qiguo?" On the way, Ye Hao and Ye Yiqing said their plans.

"Yes, Auntie is missing, we want to go to him." Ye Hao said, "I was originally planning to let Mingyu follow us. Now it seems that she is not willing to follow us."

Ye Yiqing said, "Hey, don't blame yourself, change other people, you can't look at the hatred and take your son. You just instinct to choose. If the enemy is stealing Mingyu, you will also ignore it. Everything catches up."

"Yes, but it still hurts Mingyu." Ye Hao said, how could not blame himself, Ming Yu must have thought that he was abandoned, the beginning of the year is more sad.

"Time can smooth everything." Ye Yiqing said.

Ye Hao took a deep breath, she would not be discouraged, always let Ming Yu forgive her, "Hey, what is the Yuanguo?"

"I have just returned less than half a year. The situation in the Yuan Dynasty is not very clear. You and Murong Chan are missing. Although you are going out to sea, there are always rumors that you are dead. Most ministers of the Yuan Kingdom are from It’s normal for the Chinese to come, and it’s normal for them to wear water.” Ye Yiqing said.

"It’s one thing to have a glimpse of water, but Mingyu is still in Jinguo. They seem to have forgotten that Jinguo is an ally." Ye Hao said with a frown. "And Mr. Huangfu... I think I should go to the Yuan Dynasty." ""

Ye Yiqing suddenly stopped. He was still holding a horse in his hand. He turned his head and looked at Ye Hao seriously. "Hey, are you eager to do these things because you still have to leave?"

Ye Hao clenched the reins in his hand and smiled. "No, hey, where are you going?"

Even if she hasn't seen it for so many years, she is still his daughter, how can she not see what she is thinking.

"Not just fine." Ye Yiqing did not break.

"Hey, why didn't you bring your brother this time? I haven't seen him yet." Ye Hao said, Zhaoyang gave birth to a son. She had already left China at that time. My brother should have been this year... five or six years old. Alright.

Ye Yiqing said, "Zhaoyang, they don't know so many things, thinking that they just pick you up, want to go home and let you meet your brother and nephews."

"If it wasn't me, I am still in China." Ye Hao said that she knows that Ye Yiqing does not like to stay here. He prefers the environment like Huaguo.

"I am the same everywhere." Ye Yiqing said that as a father, no matter where he is, he hopes that his children will be safe.

Ye Hao said, "Hey, let’s go to the city these two days. I also want to see my brother and nephews."

"Good." Ye Yiqing beheaded.

When I first arrived at the villa, I saw Zhaoyang and Jin Shanshan coming together.

"I just want to go to you, I heard that you went hunting, how do you see Mingyu?" Zhaoyang saw Ye Hao hurriedly asked, she also hoped that Ye Hao, their mother and daughter could get up early.

Ye Hao smiled bitterly. "I saw it, but Ming Yu didn't want to care about me."

Zhaoyang and Jin Shanshan looked at each other, Zhaoyang said. "Just like Lu Jialai, your third brother's daughter-in-law has started, and Mrs. Lu has already rushed back."

Third brother? After a while, Ye thought about Zhaoyang’s saying that it was Lu Yizhi.

Before she left, she lifted Lu Yizhi and asked him to work for her in South Vietnam. It was only a few years ago, and she thought it was far away.

"I also want to go to the city to see my brother and nephews." Ye Hao said.

"That's good, I heard that Lu Jiasan's wife is not correct, and both Lu Daren and Lu are worried." Zhaoyang said.

Lu Yuzhi’s daughter-in-law gave birth to a child. What is the worry is her mother, what about Wang’s?

Ye Hao’s heart is suspicious, but he doesn’t care so much.

"I will go and talk to Azhan first." Ye Hao said, walking quickly toward the backyard.

So fast! Ye Yiqing looked at Ye Hao slightly, and today he saw the light work of Ming Xi. He was already surprised. He did not expect his daughter's speed to be faster.

Do you really change a person's physique?

"This is really...not finished yet, it will disappear all of a sudden." Zhaoyang smiled.

"You also go back and pack things." Ye Yiqing said.

Zhaoyang said, "I didn't bring anything, I have already ordered it to be picked up."

I beheaded, "I am going to prepare the carriage."

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