Murong Chan knows that Ye Hao went to find his daughter. He poured the medicine left by Ye Hao out of the window. After setting up the enchantment around him, he sat down with his legs and exercised his strength. Although his skill could not exert his true strength on the human continent, An ordinary small enchantment is still no problem. What he has to do now is to force the poison of his eyes.

He has been superbly sacred, and the sea is already a golden color. It is much easier to run than Ye Hao, and it can gather rare auras and absorb them into the sea for his use.

If they are here, they will feel the change of air flow, and they will see an invisible airflow gathering on the roof. However, in the eyes of others, in addition to feeling that the wind is a little bigger, they will not see doubts. .

Murong took the hand of Ming Yu and passed the road next to him. He picked up his eyebrows. "Suddenly the wind, Mingyu, let's go back first, and return to the city tomorrow."

Mingyu turned to look at the other side. "Who is there?"

"You are jealous of them." Murong was surprised in his heart. How did Mingyu suddenly ask this question, "What happened?"

"It's weird there." Ming Yu squinted her head. She said that she didn't want to be strange. There was a feeling that "the wind is coming from there."

Murong Yu looked over there and found nothing unusual. "This is a southerly wind. It is normal to blow it from there."

"Father, we used to look at it." Ming Yu took Murong's hand and walked over. She didn't know how to feel it. She thought it was unusual.

"Yeah." Murong Yu originally wanted to find an excuse not to return to the palace. Since Ming Yu took the initiative to find Murong Cham, he was naturally accompanied.

Ming Yu temporarily forgot where it was Ye Hao. She took Murong’s hand and walked over. The eyes kept staring at the roof. “Father, you see, the wind on the roof will turn. Mr. said, that’s tornado."

"How can there be a tornado here?" Murong sneered, looked at the roof and did not see any tornado.

"The father can't see?" Ming Yu lived, can she only see it?

Murong Yu found that Ming Yu’s look was serious. It seemed that he really saw a tornado. He couldn’t help but look at it again. The blue sky was endless and there was no wind around.

The door that had been closed was opened, and Murong Zhan wore a black robes, and the tall figure appeared in their sight.

Ming Yu immediately felt the strange smell disappeared. She turned her head slowly and looked at the man who was handsome and clear. The pupil was slightly shrunk and the smile on his lips was completely frozen.

"Father, let's go back." Ming Yu nervously held Murong's hand and pulled him away.

Murong Yu did not move. He stood in the same place, smiled slightly at the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, and saw the gray eyes of the other side. He remembered that Azhan could not see it.

"A Zhan." Murong 恪 opened his mouth and smiled at Ming Yu.

Ming Yu had no longer struggled, but stood headless and refused to move forward.

"Look for me?" Murong Zhan warmly opened.

"Just passing by here, Ming Yu said that there is a tornado." Murong said with a smile, "So take her to see."

Ink Murray's eyebrows were slightly picked, and he turned his face to the place where Ming Yu stood. "You saw a tornado?"

Ming Yu lowered his head and did not speak.

"She went hunting in the morning, and it was tired at the moment." Murong saw that Ming Yu refused to speak and had to explain to her.

"Don't you go hunting too?" Murong Zhan whispered, only Murong Yu and Ming Yu are here, it seems that the daughter still did not forgive them.

Murong Yu was a bit embarrassed. He didn't even come back with Ming Yu, and when he knew it, he would definitely be sad.

"Yes, I came back with Mingyu." Murong said.

Murong Chan slowly walked over.

Ming Yu, who had been keeping her head down, saw a pair of big shoes appear in her sight, and she raised her head sharply.

Is he not a blind man? How can I not wrestle when I step down?

"Ming Yu, tell me, what kind of tornado do you just watch?" Murong Zhan whispered.

Why should she tell him? Ming Yu’s lips are not talking.

"How can there be a tornado here? Mingyu is wrong." Murong said with a smile.

"I really saw it." Ming Yu looked up and cried earnestly to Murong.

Ink Murray smiled faintly. "Is it a wind that looks like it is not like the wind?"

"Yes!" Ming Yu blurted out. After answering, she immediately regretted it and hid behind Murong, and stopped talking.

"Azhan, I haven't seen anything." Murong Yu thought that Mo Rongzhan deliberately said this illuminating jade.

It is normal for Murong to see that the aura is not normal. He did not expect that Mingyu could feel it.

It is worthy of being the daughter of He and He, who is still genetic in this respect.

"Let me say a few words to Ming Yu." Murong Cum said softly.

Mingyu grabbed Murong’s hand. “Father, let’s go back to the palace, I want to go back.”

Murong looked at Murong Zhan in a distressed manner and whispered to Ming Yu, "You just said a few words to you, I am waiting for you."

"I have nothing to say." Ming Yu called.

"Ming Yu, don't you want to know what this is?" Murong Zhan opened his palm, and in his palm, there was an aura in rotation.

It looks like a tornado just on the roof.

"How did you do it?" Ming Yu was shocked, how can he put the tornado in his hand.

Murong Yu looked at Murong Zhan doubtfully, not knowing what he was doing.

Ink said, "Come with me, I will tell you."

"Go, Ming Yu." Murong slaped the shoulder of Ming Yu. "I am waiting for you here."

"Father, I will come out soon, you will wait for me to go back to the palace." Ming Yu whispered that she really didn't want to talk to Murong Zhan at all. She was curious, how could he make a piece in the palm of his hand? wind.

Murong felt that this was a big step for Mingyu to get out of his heart. His eyes were filled with joy. "You talk slowly."

Murong Chan reached out to hold the hand of Ming Yu.

"I will go by myself." Ming Yu put her hand behind her back and refused to hold her hand.

"But I can't see it. It's not convenient to go up the stairs." Murong Chan said helplessly, the tone sounded a bit pitiful.

Ming Yu was originally a kind-hearted child. When she heard that Murong Chan said this, she looked up at his eyes and eventually managed to hold Murong Cham's hand.

Murong Yan looked at this scene with a slight gaze. If he remembered nothing, Murong Chan had just stepped down on his own ladder.

Murong Zhan Li was held upright by Mingyu.

Sure enough, people are different than people.

If you are as old as the Murong Cham, you may have been as good as Ming Yu.

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