Although Murong Yu declared that Murong Cham and Ye Hao are going out to sea, there are not many people who believe this saying in the world. Jin Guo is the time when Jin Mao flourished, and Ye Hao became the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty, the strongest emperor of Qi State. Zhao Wei is dead again. The couple want to reunite the world is almost just around the corner. They can't leave their daughters and leave with only their sons.

No one thinks that Murong Cham will return, otherwise the status will not give Murong Yu.

Therefore, this time Murong Zhan entered the city, it was also calm, everyone tacit understanding did not promote their identity.

After she entered the city, Ye Hao first parted ways with them. She wanted to go to Lujia to see first. I don’t know how Lu Yizhi’s wife was.

She didn't know where Lu Yizhi lived, so she could only go to Lujia first, and Lu Xiang was just resting at home.

"Hey, emperor..." Lu Xiangzhi saw them and opened his mouth in surprise. The words of the emperor were stopped by Ye Hao and did not shout. "How come you?"

"You don't have to call the emperor in the future, just call him... brother-in-law." Ye Hao's eyes flashed a sly smile.

噗 陆 陆 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——

"Come in." Lu Xiangzhi invited them both.

"Brother, we will not go in, mother is not going to find the third brother? We also go and see." Ye Hao said.

Lu Xiangzhi looked at Murong Zhan, "That... are you going too?"

"He went to work, Azhan stayed at home, I went." Ye Hao said, women who have children, let Murong Zhan follow.

"Little and mother are in the third brother, I let the family's ring take you past." Lu Xiangzhi said.

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded and turned to look at Murong Cham. "Then you will wait for me here first."

Ink Murray smiled lightly. "You can rest assured, I am waiting for you."

"Then you remember to take medicine on time." Ye glared at him. "I have already cooked it and put it in the space. You remember to take it out."

"Well, remember." Murong Cham daggers, he will not leave any handle at all.

Ye Hao, this is safe to leave.

Leave Lu Xiang’s hospitality with Murong Cham.

Although Murong Cham is his brother-in-law, he used to be the emperor.

Even if the emperor has let go, the imperial power of the ink-filled body is not diminished, and it seems to be a bit more fierce than before.

“Don't you ask me to go in for tea?” Murong Cum asked softly.

"Emperor, please." Lu Xiangzhi returned to God and hurriedly asked Murong Zhan to go in.

The brother-in-law is two words, he really can't call it out.

"I am right, I am no longer the emperor. You call me like this. It is not good for you and Lujia." Murong Zhan came to Lujia and was very clear about the terrain of Lujia. No obstacles have been encountered. It seems that in the past few years, Lujia has not changed much.

Lu Xiang smiled awkwardly. "That said, the brother-in-law can't tell you."

"That is called Big Brother." Murong Chan said.

This can be a lot closer at once! Lu Xiangzhi thought that this is also very stressful.

Murong Cham did not seem to find the entanglement in Lu Xiang’s heart. He came to the hall and sat down. “Kyoto seems to have changed a lot in recent years.”

Very big? Lu Xiangzhi stunned. "Maybe I live in Kyoto, so I don't think there is any change."

"Exactly." Murong Zhan's thin lips smirked a smile.

It seems that something is wrong! In the heart of Lu Xiang’s doubts, the eyes of Murong Chong are invisible. How can he know that the changes in Kyoto are big? Unless he is deliberately invisible, or is... he is not talking about changes in Kyoto.

The eyes of Murong Cham are all gray, it is impossible to pretend, that is... he has other meanings in his words.

"Emperor..." Lu Xiangzhi lowered his voice, and he stammered his name and changed it. "Ink... Big Brother, do you want to ask something else?"

"What do you think I want to ask?" Murong Chan's slender fingers slowly moved a few times on the table, suffocating the tea, and taking a sip of tea.

This question is too difficult to answer! Lu Xiangzhi thought and thought in his heart, still do not know what it means.

He didn't even know if Murong Zhan would want to take back the throne.

If this is the case, how should Lujia stand up? There is no need to ask this question at all. He naturally chooses his own brother-in-law.

"I don't know how to answer?" Ink Chong Chong's tone is brisk. "No matter whether it is a change in Kyoto or a change in the temple, it has nothing to do with me. I just said it casually. You don't have to be nervous. Today I just want to ask about it. Awkward things."

"What happened to the aunt?" Lu Xiangzhi lived. "Little Wang is not accompanying Wang Hao to return to her family. Are you not willing to come back if you have fun?"

Murong Chan put the tea in his hand slowly on the table, and his finger tapped on the table. "What is the official position in the court near you?"

"The family minister, who is in charge of the household registration." Lu Xiangzhi whispered.

"I remember that you were at the Hanlin Academy at the beginning?" Murong Zhan asked an eyebrow.

Lu Xiangzhi nodded gently, "Yes."

But his father is already a cabinet student. Within twenty years, he can't enter the cabinet. The family is his better choice.

"Auntie looked for you before going to Qi?" asked Murong Cham.

It seems that the aunt’s disappearance is concealed. If it weren’t for him and Ye Hao’s return, perhaps no one would ever think of another aunt.

Murong’s concealing this incident is not to want to stun the snake?

"I gave him a practice and drank a few glasses of wine." Lu Xiangzhi said, "Little Wang looks very happy. In the past few years, the emperor... I mean the previous six princes, I want him to serve in the court." A bureaucratic part-time, the aunt refused several times, preferring to be an idle king in the palace."

"Auntie's character is lazy, or the leisure king is suitable." Murong Zhan whispered, just, the aunt's idle king should still be different.

Lu Xiangzhi has vaguely heard that something is not quite right.

"Mu Da Ge, is it a small Wang Ye accident?" Lu Xiangzhi asked.

"Nothing." Murong Chan stood up. Since he was hiding, he would not talk for a while, find aunt and say.

"If Xiao Wang knows that you are coming back, I will be very happy." Lu Xiangzhi said with a smile.

Murong Zhan nodded faintly, "Yeah."

Lu Xiangzhi sees Murong Zhan silent, and he does not know how to find a topic.

"Come with me to go to the palace." Murong Zhan suddenly said.

"Ah?" Lu Xiang asked coldly, went to the palace? Xiao Wang Ye is not here, go to him for what?

Murong Chan has stood up, "Go."

"Little Wang is not..." Lu Xiangzhi called, and hurriedly followed Murong Cham.

He sadly found that he actually did not run an invisible person.

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