Lu Yuzhi’s residence is not far from Lujia, and there are two streets.

The little sister of the gate saw her come over and hurriedly stopped, or the descendants of Lu’s family hurriedly explained their identity, and they came to the backyard with Ye Hao.

Just entering the hanging flower door, I heard the sound of a woman screaming.

"Three brothers." Ye Hao saw the Lu Yan who stood in the courtyard and walked over and whispered.

Lu Hao’s eyes jerked back, and when he saw the coming man, his nervous look on his face was stunned, and he was shocked to see Ye Hao, “Hey...”

"Yeah, I heard that Sancha wants to have a baby, so come and see." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Didn’t the three uncles and three princes rush out of the city the day before yesterday, is they going to see you?

He thought that...

"Can I go in and see?" Ye Hao asked. She knew that everyone thought she and Murong Chan couldn't come back. This time, she didn't plan to tell others in a big way. She just didn't expect her. Their relationship with Lu Yi has become so close.

"Not good! Blood is gone!"

I haven’t waited for Lu’s return to God, and there was a scream in the room.

Ye Hao did not take the nod of Lu Hao, and has already rushed in.

Lu Yanzhi’s face turned white, and he followed Ye Hao to the house and was stopped by Yu’s. “You can’t go in.”

"I want to see Huier." Lu Yanzhi called.

"There is a beggar here, she will save Huier."

Lu Yizhi thinks of the medical skills, and finally has hope in his heart.

Ye Hao entered the room and immediately took over the position of the midwife. Her hand was pressed on the stomach of Yan Hui, which was caused by the unhealthy fetus. It was too hard to cause blood to collapse.

"First, let this drink in the water and give her a drink." Ye Hao took out a medicinal medicine and handed it to Jin Shanshan. Now let the pregnant woman stop bleeding, or the sacred **** can not save.

"I am afraid that I can't save it..." The midwife has rich experience. This kind of pregnant woman with dystocia and blood stasis, 90% can't live, and now it's still too small to keep it.

Jin Shanshan has put the medicinal herbs in the water, and soon he will open it. He is feeding the sip and drinking it.

The Hui Hui, who had already fainted, slowly woke up, and the pale face recovered a little blood.

"I am going to turn the fetal position for you now. You must bear with one forbearance. You will need your strength for a while." Ye Hao looked at the woman and said that the woman who gave birth to the child had a haircut and could not see a little manner. However, she felt that this was called 冉Hui’s woman is very beautiful.

"Help me... I want to give birth to a child." Hui Hui's voice is hoarse, she can't give up, "keep the child."

Ye Hao looked at her and said, "Your mother and child will keep it."

"Hey, is the blood stopped?" asked the whisper.

"Stop it." Ye Hao glanced at him and gently nodded to him. "People prepare a little more hot water."

He immediately ordered it.

Ye Hao opened the quilt, put his hand on the pregnant woman's stomach, groped it bit by bit, determined the position of the baby's head and feet, and whispered, "Give birth to the child, no need to be nervous, as long as the position is right It’s okay to use the force properly.”

It’s so light, it’s so easy.

"I... I have a lot of strength." shouted Hui Hui, just did not know what to drink, and suddenly felt that the whole body was full of strength.

Ye Hao smiled slightly, and the hand was slightly forced to turn the position of the fetus.

"Ah!" Yu Hui screamed.

"Okay, hard!" Ye Hao said quietly.

Yan Hui listened to Ye Hao’s words and began to use force.

"Good, continue to feed her to drink water." Ye Hao cried.

After about two quarters of an hour, the cry of a baby finally broke the sky.

"Give birth, it is a thousand dollars." Ye Hao laughed and handed the child in his hand to the midwife to wash.

"Welcome, Huier?" The smile on the face of Yan's face has not disappeared, and he found that Hui Hui has closed his eyes.

Ye used to give her a pulse and smiled. "It's just too tired to fall asleep."

He took a sigh of relief. "I went to talk to you. He didn't sleep for three days and three nights."

Yan Hui launched for three days and has never been born. Fortunately, there is a rush here, otherwise I really don’t know what the consequences will be.

"Change these mattresses." Ye Hao said that the above is blood, and it is not comfortable to sleep.

"Okay." The ring that passed back to God hurriedly changed the quilt and the bed.

Lu Haozhi has come in. He sat next to the bed and held the hand of Hui Hui in his hand to make sure his wife was not in danger. This took her daughter from the midwife.

Ye Haozheng said congratulations, Lu Yanzhi cried with his daughter.

"Mother and daughter are safe, Huier is not easy to be born," said Yu.

"I know, I know." Lu Zhizhi held his daughter like a treasure, he knows how difficult this daughter is.

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed strangely. In her opinion, Lu Yizhi is a relatively calm and rational person. Today, she feels out of control and she still feels quite surprised.

"Fortunately, there is a flaw today." Jin Shanshan said with a smile, "If you don't have time, please ask the doctor."

Lu Yanzhi looked up at Ye Hao, "Queen Empress, thank you."

"Don't, I am no longer a Queen Empress. You call me so that people misunderstand." Ye Yan said with a smile, "You should accompany Sanchao first, I will open a prescription and give her a good body." ”

"Good." Lu Yan did not have any extra thoughts to care about other issues at this time. He only wanted to keep his daughter and wife.

Yu and Ye Hao looked at each other. "Let's go out first."

They left Lu's family, Ye Hao and Yu, who left the room.

"Good, you will go home soon. We can do it here." Yan told Jin Shanshan that she was afraid that her daughter was still young. When she returned to the city, she would come here. Her daughter must have thought about her mother.

"Well, Mrs. Lu, hey, then I will go back first." Jin Shanshan saw that there was no such thing as she could help. She planned to go back first. She had just returned to the doorstep. I heard that Huihui had not yet been born. I can’t wait until I can’t worry.

After sending away Jin Shanshan, Ye Hao was sitting down and talking with Yu.

"How come you came, I thought it was just a child, not a big deal, I didn't expect to have an accident," he said tiredly.

Ye Hao said, "I also listened to goodness and kindness. I thought about how to get into the city, and I came over. When did the third brother become a relative?"

"It’s been a year, oh, when you got married with your third brother, Wang now hates me." He shook his head helplessly. It was not good to have a relationship with the second house. It is even worse now.

"In any case, Wang's way is to see you are not pleasing to the eye, do not have to pay attention to her." Ye Hao said.

He said, "She doesn't even recognize your third brother."

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