Ye Hao was caught unprepared by a small scorpion. She held a niece in her arms and looked at her stubborn little scorpion. He was full of anger, as if he wanted to stand up for whom.

Jin Shanshan was so angry that he wanted to slap it.

"Children, what they say is unintentional." Ye Hao took the hand of Jin Shanshan. "Not to mention that he said yes, I hurt the heart of Ming Yu."

"How can you blame you?" Jin Shanshan shouted, if it wasn't for that hatred that caught Mingxi, things would not be like that.

Ye Hao smiled a little, "Hey brother is still small."

Jin Shanshan glanced at his son and said, "I still don't apologize to my aunt?"

"I don't, I didn't make a mistake." Ye Muzhen cried.

"You ......" Jin Shanshan fire earth wants to beat him.

Ye Hao stopped her hand and said with a smile, "Isn't it, my brother is still young, and he will be sensible after he will."

"Don't worry about this stinky boy, wait until he comes back and teach him again." Jin Shanshan said with anger, she did not know what her son thought so, and would also hold up for Ming Yu.

This attitude of defending the cousin is correct, but it is unclear. If you don’t know the truth of the facts, you will blame others. This is not right.

If she is not here, she must first say that he is fat.

"Hey brother, this is for you." Ye Hao took out a delicate variety of kaleidoscope for Ye Muzhen.

Ye Muzhen put her hand behind her back and didn't want to accept the gift of Ye Hao.

"This kaleidoscope can't be bought anywhere else. It's a magical monster that you haven't seen before." Ye Hao said with a smile, she really didn't put the words of the donkey in her heart. If she changed it, she might react. More intense than him.

After all, he was still young. He didn't know how hard it would be for her and Murong Chan to make a choice at the time. What's more, he was just holding up for Ming Yu. They left Ming Yu alone, and it really made her suffer.

"What the boy twisted and pinched, and my mother gave it to you." Ming Xi put the kaleidoscope in the hands of Ye Muzhen. "As for you, you have to vent your qi, and you may still be protected by Mingyu." you."

Ye Muyu looked at Mingxi with his big eyes and tried to find the impression of Mingxi in his memory.

"This is your cousin, Mingxi, don't you remember?" Jin Shanshan reminded him, "When you were a child, you still liked to stick your cousin."

Ming Xi? Isn't that the brother of Mingyu?

Ye Muzhen grabbed the kaleidoscope in his hand and looked straight at Ming Xi.

"Don't worry about this stinky boy, hey, let's go in, and my wife and I are waiting for you." Jin Shanshan said, looking back at Ange, "Mr. An, you are coming soon."

Ange and Huohuang walked into the door unceremoniously.

"Let's go." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Jin Shanshan took the child from her arms and handed it over to the milkmaid next to her. "Don't look at Xin's sister, it's also very heavy."

"Good to raise." Ye Hao looked at the white and tender prostitute, and I liked it in my heart.

The two talked and walked to the hall with a smile.

Ye Muzhen still stood in the same place. He looked at the kaleidoscope in his hand and looked at Mingxi. He was struggling. He was very curious about what the monster in the kaleidoscope looked like, but this is the one who left the jade. If the bad aunt who left is sent, if he is a man, isn’t he very unrelenting?

"What are you thinking? Do you accept this kaleidoscope, Mingyu will ignore you?" Ming Xi smiled at Ye Muzhen, he still remembers this cousin, who used to be chubby, a few years later, this cousin It’s a lot higher, but it still looks the same as before, stupid and stupid.

Ye Muzhen looked at Ming Xi, "Ming Yu cousin will not ignore me."

"What do you grind and do?" Ming Xi smiled and asked, "Let's go, don't be like a girl."

"How is the girl?" asked the child's hand.

Mingxi smiled and said, "You will know later."

Ye Muzhen pointed at her, "Who is she?"

Is it another daughter of the aunt? It doesn't look very much like it.

"My name is 澪儿." The nephew smiled at Ye Muzhen sweetly. "It’s Mingxi..."

"Friends." Ming Xi said.

Ye Muzhen looked at the nephew, he was the first time he saw a girl who looked as good as Mingyu.

"He is my cousin, called Ye Muzhen. You can call him a brother." Mingxi said, "Let's go in."

"Ming Xi, when did you take me out to play?" The nephew took the hand of Ming Xi and followed him incessantly.

"Don't worry, don't go late," Mingxi said.

Ye Muzhen looked at them for a while and finally followed them. "Have you seen Ming Yu cousin?"

"I have seen it." Mingxi nodded. "It seems that you often play with Mingyu?"

"Cousin sometimes lives at home, she is very good to me and my sister." Ye Muzhen said, it seems to admire Ming Yu.

The nephew whispered, "Who is Mingyu? Is it your sister?"

"Yes." Ming Xi smiled and nodded. "When I see her next time, I will introduce you to you."

"Okay," said the child with a smile.

Ye Muzhen whispered a few words.

Mingxi turned to look at him. "What do you say?"

"No." Ye Muzhen shook his head hard, he would not say it, Ming Yu cousin knows that they are at home, certainly will not go out.

In the hall, Ye Hao is teasing his younger brother Ye Yihe, Ye Haohe looks like Ye Yiqing, and the facial features are exquisite and beautiful.

Ye Hao said that he had to leave Kyoto for two days, and both Zhaoyang and Jin Shanshan were stunned.

Ye Yiqing already knew this, so he was not surprised. He took the opportunity to go to the study with Ange and ask him a few questions.

Fire Phoenix had to go out and find Mingxi.

"Hey, how come you just have to come back and go?" Jin Shanshan asked doubtfully. "You don't want to go to the palace to pick up the jade?"

"Yeah, it’s too urgent." Zhaoyang frowned and said, "Even if you want to leave Kyoto, at least first... speak with Mingyu."

If you don't give up, you will leave. I am afraid that the knots of their mother and daughter will never be solved.

"Where do you think I am going?" Ye Hao said helplessly. "We just want to go to the aunt. Also, I will go to the palace tomorrow to find Mingyu. She doesn't want to see me, but I still want to talk to her." Explain it well."

Jin Shanshan said, "You scared me."

Zhaoyang frowned. "You just came back, how can you let you go to the aunt? Is there no other country in Jinguo?"

"It's Achan's meaning." Ye Hao whispered, "And has sent a lot of people to go, there is still no news. I and Azhan go to Qiguo will not attract the attention of others."

"Then you really want to talk to Mingyu." Zhaoyang whispered.

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