Ming Xie had always been the leader in the children. Ye Muzhen had not had much memory for him, but he did not get together for an hour and soon became a follow-up.

"Cousin, how did you do it? This persimmon tree is so high. I don't want us to climb up on weekdays." Ye Muzhen was full of surprise and worship. Just said that she wanted to eat persimmons, and Mingxi climbed the tree. I picked up a lot.

"It's not a persimmon tree." Ming Xi smiled faintly. He was worried that the child would not be able to control the true face when he climbed the tree. He had to go to pick her persimmon.

When I accidentally let my cousin show him such a magical adoration.

"You will be light! I know that you just used the light to climb the tree." Ye Muzhen cried, "Your light work is better than Yan Xiaoliu."

Yan Xiaoliu! Mingxi blinked slightly. "Is Yan Xiaoliu still in the palace?"

Ye Muzhen said, "No, he went to the army, and the emperor sent him."

"Is he not around Mingyu?" Mingxi's exquisite eyebrows wrinkled. He thought that Yan Xiaoliu would stay with Mingyu.

"Yan Xiaoliu wants to stay with Mingyu, but it seems to be the meaning of the emperor." Ye Muzhen is a child after all, and does not know much about Murong's arrangement for Yan Xiaoliu.

Ming Xi nodded faintly. "Do you know which military camp he is in?"

Ye Muzhen smiled. "In the army camp where I am, he will take a break tomorrow. He should go to the city. Every time he takes a break, Ming Yu will go out to look for him."

"You know very well." Ming Xi smiled and looked at Ye Muzhen.

"Of course, the cousin will take me every time." Ye Mu said proudly.

The nephew looked at him seriously. "Where are you going? Can you take me there? You look more fun here than on the mainland."

Ming Xi lightly coughed, "Hey, eat your persimmon."

"What is the mainland of God?" Ye Muzhen asked doubtfully.

"The hometown of my nephew, their dialect is so called, in fact, it is Yuezhou." Ming Xi explained, "Don't let the adults wait, let's go in."

"Don't we go out to play?" The nephew grabbed Mingxi's hand. "You just said that you want to take me to eat delicious."

Ming Xi said, "Wait a minute."

Ye Muzhen looked at her, and the girl looked good, but it looked like it was rustic, and she knew that it would be far worse than Mingyu.

"I am very rustic?" asked her, looking at Ye Muzhen with a pair of bright, clear eyes.

How does she know what he is thinking? Ye Muzhen was shocked and could not find a reply.

"What expressions do you write on your face? No wonder people can see it at a glance." Mingxi said to Ye Muzhen, "Hey, I just didn't come to Kyoto, so I was curious."

"I... I still have something to do, wait a minute to come back to you." Ye Muzhen blushes, he never knows that he is so easily seen by people.

Looking at the back of Ye Mu's escaping, Mingxi reluctantly said, "Hey, people here don't practice, you can see what they are thinking, others don't know what you are thinking, you can't say come out."

"Can't you say it?" The nephew nodded seriously. "Then I won't say it later."

Mingxi sighed, "You want to treat yourself as a mortal, not a white dragon."

"But I don't know what a mortal is like. I haven't been in it before." He whispered.

"You don't have to say anything." Mingxi had to say this.

My nephew thought about it seriously and thought it was easier.



Jin Shanshan and Zhaoyang have been asking about the bitterness that Ye Hao has made in these years. Ye Hao did not take it all out. He has taken it over the past few years, including why Murong Zhan is blind and invisible. She is not fine. Say.

It’s not that she doesn’t trust them, but the past experiences that they have experienced. It’s too far out of reach for Jin Shanshan. It’s incredible. Even if she all said it, they don’t necessarily believe it. It’s better not to say it.

"Hey, you said this in an understatement, I don't know how to listen." Zhaoyang glanced at Ye Hao and complained that she would not tell the truth.

If it is all said, it is not true.

"Oh, the previous things are not important, the most important thing is the current." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Zhaoyang glanced at Ye Hao deeply. "It is not easy at present."

"You just think too much." Ye Hao laughed.

Just saying, Ye Xiaonan is back.

After Zhao Yang saw Ye Yinan, he stood up. "You brothers and sisters talked well, I went to see a few children."

"Madam, I will go with you." Jin Shanshan followed Zhaoyang to leave the hall.

Ye Hao looked at Ye Xiaonan, "Is it coming back from the palace so soon?"

"It’s just a matter of returning to the palace, how long it can be delayed." Ye Yinan said, "I wanted to bring Mingyu out of the palace, but..."

"I know that I am here, she is definitely not willing to come." Ye Hao smiled and covered his bitterness.

Ye Yinan said, "A lot of people in Kyoto know that you are coming back and want to ask to see you."

"It's not good to see other people at this time, or forget it." The identity of Murong Cham is unclear. It is inevitable that the minister of the court will provoke others' suspicion.

Even if Murong will not doubt Murong Cham, others must be suspicious.

At that time, only the extra-budgets will be born, which is not what she and Murong Chan want to see.

"I heard that you live in the Qin Wangfu, you are planning to ... live there in the future?" Ye Xiaonan whispered.

"How do you call me Qin Wangxi in the future?" Ye Hao blinked, from Qin Wangxi to the Queen, and now back to the original position, it is actually life and death, people can not help but sigh life.

Ye Yinan laughed. "It is not bad."

"Big brother, who wanted to harm the aunt?" Ye Xiaomei's eye also contained a smile, but the voice was already cold.

"Do you know?" Ye Xiaonan lowered his voice. "There are so many people in the ancestral hall. There are always a few people who are unwilling to be lonely. They think that they can be their shackles, so they are arrogant. However, Xiao Wang is a smart person. Be fooled."

Ye Hao said, "The clan did not force the palace before. They have long been pressured by Murong Cham. If no one is behind, they will not reproduce."

Although she has been away for a few years, it does not mean that her situation on the country is really black, she is still very clear.

"I have also suspected this matter." Ye Yinan said, "But there is no evidence, so... it's really hard to say."

It seems that the people who do this are very smart.

"If there is anything wrong with Auntie, I will not let go of these people." Ye Hao said coldly.

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