From the palace, the time is still early, Jinwu slowly falls, the temple fair has not yet begun, Mingxi looked down at Mingyu and looked at it. "We will go to the house first, and then go to the temple fair."

After leaving the palace, the palace man had prepared the carriage for Mingyu. However, she saw that Mingxi was riding a horse. She did not want to take the carriage. She left the fragrance and the dew in the carriage, herself and Mingxi. Riding a horse, it really looks different.

"Does the cousin go with us?" Ming Yu asked.

"No, it is a nephew. Last time I mentioned a girl with you. After you see her, you will love her." Mingxi said with a smile.

Ming Yu looked back at Ming Xi. "I don't like her, I don't know, but you seem to like it."

"You are my sister, she is also, do you like what is wrong?" Ming Xi whispered.

"I am not..." Ming Yu snorted and whispered.

Ming Xi looked at the sky, "Now can't take you to play, wait for the evening, show you a fun."

"What is it?" Ming Yu asked curiously.

"Don't tell you first, I will know when I wait in the evening." Ming Xi said with a smile, "Sit down."

Mingxi speeded up, and the fire phoenix behind him also followed closely.

Soon, they arrived at Ye Family.

"Go down." Ming Xi will hold the jade down.

"Why are you so much higher than me?" Ming Yu stood in front of Ming Xi, and today he discovered that he was already taller than her. They were born on the same day, how could they be so different.

Mingxi said with a funny smile, "I am a boy, and naturally grow taller."

"Hey brothers are not tall." Ming Yu pointed to Ye Muzhen.

Ye Muzhen looked innocent. He was originally younger than them. Is it wrong to grow shorter?

Ming Xie smashed the head of Yan Mingyu. "Let's go."

"..." Ming Yu looked at her and looked at Ming Xi's back. She raised her hand and touched her head. The feeling was familiar and warm. She seemed to remember the days when she always liked to follow Mingxi.

"If the person who was arrested was you, do you want your mother to save you, or stay with him?"

The words of Murong Chong suddenly flashed in my mind, and Ming Yu shook his head hard, not willing to think about this problem.

In any case, it is the fact that she was abandoned.

"Cousin, let's go in." Ye Muzhen, who was walking in front, shouted.

Ming Yu reluctantly pulled out a smile and slowly walked into the door of Ye Family. She heard footsteps behind her. She looked back and saw a boy who looked very good.

"What's wrong?" Fire Phoenix was frowned by Ming Yu. Is his face dirty?

"I have never seen you before," Ming Yu said.

Fire Phoenix smiled. "You have not seen me, but I have seen you."

When Ming Xi and Ming Yu were still in the belly of Ye Hao, he had seen them several times. Their birth was the rebirth of his god. At that time, his **** chose Mingxi, but because of Mingxi and Mingyu. It is a dragon and a baby, so it still affects the Mingyu.

"Have you seen me? When?" Ming Yu thinks that memory is good. If she has seen him before, it will not be forgotten.

The fire phoenix chuckled. "A long time ago, you were still very young."

"Nonsense." Ming Yu scorned. "You look as big as I am, don't say it looks like I grew up."

He really looked at her growing up.

"Ming Yu, come over." Mingxi in front is urging.

"Come." Ming Yu frowned and looked at the fire phoenix, feeling that he was not real.

Fire Phoenix smiled and shook his head, slowly following them behind them.

They came to the hall and saw only Ye Yiqing and An Ge. Ye Hao and Yu Er were not here. Several children came to see the ceremony. Ye Yiqing said that the children were taken to the backyard and let Ming Xi go to the backyard to find.

"Ming Yu, then you are waiting for me here, I am going to the backyard to find a child." Mingxi said to Mingyu.

"I still go with you, by the way, I can go to find Xin Jieer. I haven't seen her for several days." Ming Yu said.

The brothers and sisters went to the backyard again. They didn't see the nephew when they found a circle in the garden. Mingxi let Mingyu go to the motherland first, and he went to find the nephew himself.

Mingyu has often arrived at Ye Family in recent years. It is like her second home, so she is familiar with every road here.

There is only one place here, she will not go, it is a yard called Tao Zhizhen.

I have to go to Xinjie, and I will pass through here every time. Before, she didn’t look at it. Today, I don’t know why, I can’t help but stop at the door.

It seems that there is any induction in the darkness. For the first time in four years, she walked into the courtyard.

"Madam, can I wear this dress to go out?"

"No! This dress is not suitable for wearing here."

"What about this?"

"Not too..."

"But I am all these clothes, they are all defensive."

"I have a look at the space. I originally prepared a lot of clothes for my daughter."


When Mingyu heard this, she already understood who was familiar with the voice. Her body was stiff and she wanted to turn her head. However, her legs seemed to be out of her own control, and she approached unconsciously. A few steps.

She saw the leafhopper in the window. She was surrounded by a girl with a peach blossom face. She didn't look too old at most, just like her.

Ye Hao is helping her to wear clothes with a gentle smile on her face.

"This clothes look great." The child cried happily, looking up at Ye Hao. "Madam, is this for me?"

"Well, I will re-combine you." Ye Hao looked at her pure smile. If it was Mingyu, she would definitely like it. "In the future, I will live like a little girl here, otherwise I will It was seen."

The nephew nodded seriously. "I will, ma'am."

"Okay." Ye Hao took care of Liu Hai in front of his forehead. "It's so beautiful."

"The lady looks good too." The nephew said with a smile, suddenly, she looked out the window, "Hey, that little girl looks like you."

Ye Hao was facing the window, and when he heard the nephew say so, he looked back in amazement and saw a cold face.

"Ming Yu, when did you come?" Ye Hao was happy in his heart, thinking that Ming Yu was coming to her.

Ming Yu looked at her sister, and there was a touch of damage in her eyes. She turned and ran away.

"How did she go?" asked the child in confusion.

Ye Hao has already chased it out, "Ming Yu, wait a minute."

"It turned out to be Mingyu." When she heard Ye Hao's words, she knew that it was Mingxi's sister, who jumped out of the window and appeared in front of Mingyu. "What are you running?"

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