Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1927: Daughter's jealousy

A pair of clear and bright eyes looked at Ming Yu curiously, feeling that she was not like Ming Xi, but more like Ye Wei.

"Why do you see us running? Are you not looking for a lady?" asked the child curiously. Mingxi said that his sister was very cute and easy to get along with. She had long wanted to see him.

"Let's get away." Mingyu squinted at her inconspicuously. She didn't understand that she had just been in the room, and she went to her in front of her.

"Why are you so fierce?" The nephew looked at Mingyu doubtfully, and did not see how to get along.

Ye Hao came out to see that the nephew was already talking to Ming Yu, and suddenly she couldn’t laugh and make her be as mortal as possible. But the child didn’t know how the mortal people on the mainland lived, and she accidentally revealed her instinct.

"Ming Yu." Ye Hao came over, his face looked awkward, "Are you coming to me?"

"I just accidentally went the wrong way." Ming Yu said with a blank expression, the small body stiffly facing Ye Hao.

Ye Hao knows that her daughter is lying. Jin Shanshan said that she has come to Ye Family for many years. Here, she should be as familiar with the palace as she is. How can she go the wrong way, but she did not expose her daughter.

"That's a coincidence. Do you want to go in? This is where the mother lived before." Ye Hao said softly.

"I have no interest." Ming Yu was cold-faced. "I said, I don't have any mother, only a father. You don't just say it is my mother."

Ye Hao’s heart was bitter, but his face still smiled. “You are going to go to the temple fair with Ming Xi, Ming Xi?”

"I don't know." Ming Yu shouted coldly, and he would leave if he lifted his foot.

"You are too rude to talk to this person." The nephew blocked the way of Ming Yu. "Mrs. is obviously your mother, why don't you admit it?"

Ming Yu looked at the delicate and beautiful Zhu Xi on the head of the nephew and cried his feet. "Whatever you are, you give me away."

Ye Hao did not know why Ming Yu suddenly lost his temper, but helpless and sour, "Ming Yu, I have a few words to tell you, can you?"

"I have nothing to say to you." Ming Yu shouted loudly. "You don't show me this expression. It seems that you care about me. If you treat me as a daughter, you will not leave me alone." Going away, you treat her as your daughter and chase after me."

"Ming Yu..." Ye Hao looked at her daughter in a wrong way. She felt the anger and hurt from the body of Ming Yu, but she didn't know how to calm her daughter. "You are my daughter, how can I? I don't care about you. I haven't missed you for a whole year. If I can, I have come back to you."

Ming Yu cried, "I will not believe you if you say something now, you go, don't let me see you again."

"Ming Yu..." Ye Hao’s eyes were red, and she wanted to go up and hug her daughter, but Ming’s resistance to her was so obvious.

"If I was taken away, would you be so desperate? You won't." Ming Yu shook his head. "You didn't even think about me at the time."

The nephew was stunned by this scene. The lovely sister of Mingxi said so fiercely that she spoke to her mother as if she were against the enemy.

"Ming Yu!" Ming Xi walked in from outside the courtyard.

"I don't want to care about you anymore." Ming Yu's feet, tears burst out, turned and ran out.

Ming Xi looked at Ye Hao with surprise. "Mother, what happened?"

"You are going to chase Mingyu, don't let her have an accident." Ye Haoqiang endured the shock of her heart. Although she wanted to find Mingyu, the person who Mingyu wanted to see at this time should be her.

"Hey, go with me." Ming Xi took the nephew's hand to chase her sister.

When Zhaoyang didn't know when he came, he looked at Ye Hao with a grudge.

Ye Hao rubbed her face with her hands. "What should I do? How can Mingyu think that I don't love her..."

"No, Mingyu is a child, so I won't understand the difficulty when you chose it." Zhaoyang hugged Ye Hao's shoulder and comforted her in a low voice.

"Her heart knot will not be so easy to unravel." Ye Hao said painfully.

"Mingyu must have seen you with your nephew, so the heart is full of jealousy, the little girl is like this, let Mingxi slap her." Zhaoyang helped Ye Hao to go to the room. "After all, it’s been four years. The more Mingyu misses you, the deeper the heart."

Ye Hao nodded. "I know, so I dare not force her, I don't dare to expect her to forgive me immediately. I just want to let her know that for her and Mingxi, I have never been divided, how can she ...then think..."

Zhaoyang sighed. "Many people are mixed. Sometimes others may chew the tongue in front of her. The child's ears are soft. I listened a few words inadvertently. You have come back anyway. As long as you get along, she I will understand."

"I hope so." Ye Hao smiled, if she didn't think so, she didn't know how to face Mingyu.

"Well, the dinner is almost ready. I used to eat in the past." Zhaoyang said.

Ye Hao gently decapitated, wiped away the tears on her face, and thought of the wrath of Mingyu, she frowned. "Mingyu saw that I combed my nephew. Is she angry because of this?"

Zhaoyang smiled. "You are also from the girl's house. If your mother is considerate to other girls, and give her hair, can you feel good in your heart?"

"My mother never combed my hair, she is better than my cousin, I..." Ye Hao thought that every time she saw her mother showing a smile to the cousin, she felt really lonely, but She is never angry or noisy, because she knows very well that no matter how she cries, her mother will not be as good to her as the cousin.

"... If it is replaced by your father?" Zhaoyang remembered the indifference of Yu's to Ye Hao before, and her outsiders couldn't see it.

Ye Hao looked at Zhaoyang with a weird look. "To be honest, it's really a little uncomfortable."

Zhaoyang didn't swear at her. "Ghosts are so strange, I have to pay for it to comfort you."

"I'm fine." Ye Hao smiled. "Go, go to dinner."

When they came to the hall, they knew that the children were arranged in the partial hall. Mingxi and Mingyu had not come yet, and Huofeng was looking for them everywhere.

"You don't have to go to them, there are Mingxi, they won't go far." Ye Hao said, she is still very confident about her son.

"Listen to Xi'an outside the palace gate, and give the vines and a few dark guards." Ye Xiaonan whispered in Ye Hao's ear, and the tone was still with a hint of pride.

Really worthy of his nephew!

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