It is easy for Mingxi to catch up with Mingyu. He followed it slowly and determined that Mingyu was in his sight.

"Hey, how is Mingyu suddenly so angry?" Ming Xi asked the nephew around him.

"I don't know." The nephew looked confused. "Mrs. is combing my hair. I saw her standing outside the window and it looked like she was angry."

At that time, Ming Yu’s expression was like... Something was stolen by her, and it looked fierce anyway.

Mingxi understood the reason why her sister was angry from her nephew's words and phrases.

"I am going to chase her." Ming Xi said.

Ming Yu has already ran to the garden. She is running outside the gate and it seems that she wants to go back to the palace.

It was only after she took her out of the palace. If she went back like this, it would be a bit of a worry.

"Ming Yu, don't run anymore." Ming Xi grabbed the hand of Ming Yu. "Can you listen to me?"

"There is nothing to say, your family is full of rounds, what do you call me to do?" The anger on Mingyu’s face has not disappeared. She was not a person who knows how to hide her emotions since she was a child, and has always been Being spoiled and spoiled, I was so delicate. Today, I saw Ye Hao combing her hair and touching her pain in her heart. All the emotions broke out.

Mingxi said with a funny smile, "Mingyu, in fact, you always miss you and your mother, right?"

"You are nonsense, I don't have a mother." Ming Yu called.

"What are you angry about?" Ming Xi asked. "When you see your mother combing your baby, don't you feel uncomfortable in your heart? You think that Niang can only do this for you alone, so you are angry and deliberately say those words. Injury mother, Ming Yu, do you know that while hurting the mother, are you hurting yourself?"

Ming Yu opened his face. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You know what I am talking about." Ming Xi pressed the shoulders of Ming Yu and forced her to look at herself. "You hate us, thinking that you and I are disregarding you, in fact, when my mother is going to save me, it is fundamental. I don’t know if I will go to Xuantian mainland. It is only after a long time that she knows that I am in Xuantian mainland. I know that you are here alone. You remember me, not because you are special to my brother, because you want Qi Niang, let the mother know that you deliberately forget them, right?"

Ming Xi’s words poked the heart of Ming Yu one by one. Even if Ming Yu didn’t want to admit it, her face was a burst of white, and she had to admit that she really thought so.

“How do you want us to compensate you?” Mingxi asked. “I left, disappeared, and I don’t want to go to see me, stay with you, can you get rid of it, can you prove that they are more like you?"

"I don't need it!" Mingyu's face was white and his eyes filled with tears.

Ming Xi looked at her calmly. "What do you want?"

"She wants to go with you to save you." The nephew whispered, "She felt that she was left because she was too useless."

"Hey, you peek at her mind!" Mingxi frowned, and looked at his nephew with dissatisfaction.

"She said nothing, you and my wife looked very unhappy, I just want to help you." The child whispered, she did not like to see other people's minds, it is very expensive, she is for them.

Ming Xi patted her hand. "Be obedient, don't do this in the future, no matter who you are, don't."

"Oh." The nephew nodded.

"Nonsense, I didn't think so." Ming Yu shouted in anger.

Mingxi sighed. "You always think that we are going out to sea. Actually it is not. The place we go is more dangerous than here. I think if you have another chance to choose, you and I will not take you there. Xuantian mainland, because we all want to protect you."

"Now you can say anything." Ming Yu said.

"I wanted to let you know later." Mingxi went to Mingyu and went over. "After you know, don't say it."

Ming Yu looked at him doubtfully. "What?"

"I want to tell you where we went." Ming Xi took the hand of Ming Yu. "The people there are different from here. The weak and the strong, the strong is everything. The mother is just a mortal. She survives step by step. It’s not easy, and it’s been besieged all over the world. Everyone has to kill her. You said that you have grown up, then you should understand what danger we are facing at the time.”

Ming Yu’s face is white and does not believe in every word that Ming Xi said.

"I didn't lie to you." Ming Xi said, then he ran the air and flew up with Ming Yu.

The wind whistled in their ears.

Ming Yu rounded his eyes and looked at the whole of Kyoto at his own feet.

"Fire!" Ming Xi shouted.

Another figure suddenly appeared. When it was not in the clouds, the wings became huge phoenixes, flying around Mingxi and Mingyu.

"Phoenix?" Ming Yu looked at the fire phoenix.

"Can't say it." Mingxi said with a smile, "I will take you to sit up."

Ming Yu is even more scared, can still sit on the phoenix? Phoenix is... the legendary god.

"He is a fire." Ming Xi said, sitting on the back of the fire phoenix with Ming Yu.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and there were some stars in the air. Mingyu saw the starry sky so close for the first time, as if dreaming.

"Ming Yu, do you understand now? We are not going out to sea, not to go to play. It is a place where we can't come back when we can't come back. There are too many unknown dangers. If we are not lucky, we may not be able to return. Mingxi said in a low voice.

"Ming Xi, we can't fly anymore, or Ming Yu will not stand." Fire Phoenix said, he has already flown to the end of the sky.

"Nothing, the people below can't see you. At most, I thought you were a meteor." Mingxi looked at the following, and couldn't see Kyoto for a long time. There was only a cloud of clouds, and because the sky was dark, everything looked. Not enough.

Ming Yu asked, "You... will you fly?"

You naturally add Ye Hao and Murong Cham.

"If we don't practice, we can't do it there. Mothers don't even have martial arts. You can see the hardships of her cultivation." Ming Xi whispered.

Ming Yu gently stroked the feathers of the fire phoenix, so real... not at all like a dream.

"Let's go back, or the adults will be anxious." Ming Xi said, "If you want to know more, I will tell you later."

"Not a dream." Ming Yu murmured, she really saw the phoenix, and really flew into the sky.

Ming Xi looked at her and smiled. She returned to Ye Jia at the fastest speed. At the moment of landing, his spiritual power was also used up. He almost fell down, but he was able to hold him in time.

Fire Phoenix looked at him with concern.

"Ming Yu, we should go to the end of the meal." Ming Xi said, nodded with the other two, indicating that he did not matter.

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