"This is the lantern of Jinlong, for you." Mingxi took a lantern to his nephew. "Mingyu likes a little white rabbit. I bought her a little white rabbit."

The nephew watched curiously with the lantern. "It's not like a dragon. The dragon is a five-claw, and this dragon's horn is not like it."

"Little girl, the dragon is like this, the whole Kyoto Zhalong lamp is the most realistic of our Lanjiafang." The boss who sold the dragon lamp smiled and said to the nephew.

"The dragon is not like this." The child whispered.

The boss laughed. "Little girl, it’s hard to see you see the real dragon."

"When I have seen it..." I want to say that she is a white dragon, and she is shut up by Ming Xi.

"She has seen it at the Dragon King Temple and always thought that it was a real dragon." Ming Xi said to the boss.

The nephew opened the hands of Ming Xi, knowing that he almost said the wrong words, and his eyes went to other places.

Mingxi paid the money and took the nephew's hand and hurried away.

"Are you angry?" The nephew looked carefully at Mingxi, thinking that he was angry that she had just said nothing.

"No." Mingxi looked back at her. "I also think this dragon light is not very similar."

The nephew grinned. "That is, we...have grown a lot better."

"But if this is the case, don't say anything to others in the future," Ming Xi said.

"Well, I won't say it later." The nephew nodded hard.

Ming Xi took her through the crowd and saw that some people were doing acrobatics, her eyes were bright, her feet were still moving, and she was staring at the man who was in the fire.

"Ming Xi, that person is smoldering, so good." He shouted.

"That's acrobatics, it's not really a fire." Mingxi said helplessly. For the nephew, everything on the mainland is strange. She has been trapped in Longshan for so many years and has never seen the outside world. It will inevitably be full of curiosity.

The nephew took his hand. "Are we going to look at it for a while?"

Mingxi looked at her for a while and saw that she really couldn't move her footsteps and had to stand with her to watch acrobatics.

A handsome girl in Tsing Yi came over with a bronze gong, and Mingxi threw a bit of broken silver into it. The girl almost glanced down and bowed her head.

"The little girl is very handsome." On the other side, several teenagers dressed in robes smirk at the girl in Tsing Yi, and the one standing in front of her hand reaches for her chin.

The girl in Tsing Yi took a step back and said with shame, "Gongzi, please be self-respected."

"Hey, she told us to be self-respecting." Several teenagers laughed arrogantly.

The man who just performed the fire-breathing acrobatics hurried over and smiled at the young people. He said, "Several sons, the little girl is not sensible, and it is offensive to say the wrong words. You will be forgiven."

"Forgive me, let your daughter show us a broken chest." The boy said, several people around him sneered.

The girl in Tsing Yi was afraid to hide behind the big man and looked like she was about to cry.

"The little girl has never learned martial arts. I will give you a performance to break the chest." Dahan said, walked over and lay down, letting people move the big stone to their own body.

"What is he going to do? So big stone is pressing him. Is he not afraid of death?" The child was amazed. Mingxi said that the mortal is very fragile. This person does not seem to be vulnerable at all.

The teenager walked over and smashed the big man. "Whoever wants to see the broken stone in your chest, let your daughter give us a performance."

The girl in Tsing Yi was scared to cry, and in the past she supported the father who was stumbled.

The people around the crowd were quiet, and there were several young men who showed indignation in their eyes, but because of the identity of the boy, no one dared to step forward.

"Ming Xi, what are they going to do?" asked the child curiously.

"Doing bad things." Ming Xi frowned, and after leaving Kyoto for so many years, the few embarrassing things that came out now, he looked at them and didn't even know each other.

The nephew rounded his eyes. "The girl is crying. What do they pour into her mouth?"

"Don't be too much." I don't know who shouted in the crowd.

"Who wants to gossip?" one of the teenagers screamed in exile.

The nephew went out and pulled the boy who was holding the girl in Tsing Yi, and screamed softly. "You didn't hear her say no? How do you force her?"

"Where is it... little girl..." When the teenager who took the child saw her nephew, her eyes straightened. "Hey, this little girl looks much better than this laughing."

"The young master of the vine, the little girl said that she was forced to do so, let her do it for her work." The young man next to him laughed.

"Teng Fei, let us see the good show today."

The one who called Teng Fei looked at her, and reached out to catch her.

I kept my hand out from the side and clasped the hand of Fujii. "Speak well, don't move your hands."

Ming Xi looked down at the child, although he didn't like to gossip, but since the child had already stepped in, he had no reason to leave it.

"Who are you?" Fujiwara wants to withdraw his hand, but finds that his strength is not enough.

The boy looks younger than him, how can he be more capable than him?

"It seems that today can be less boring." The other two teenagers looked at Mingxi and smiled, and they were already ready to attack.

"I won't fight with you, roll." Ming Xi looked at Fujiwara and said faintly.

Fujiwara laughed loudly. "Little kid, not playing with you, we are hitting you."

Mio child stroked the sleeves, "I'll beat them."

"Don't! They are not worth your shot." Ming Xi hurriedly stopped the deaf children. If you really let the deaf children take the shots, then these people really died. "I will be fine."

"Kid, do you know who we are?" Rattan flies into the nose, no one in Kyoto dares to offend him. This little boy is definitely from the country, and he doesn't know who they are.

Ming Xi said, "I don't know, I don't need to know."

"Little son, little girl, don't worry about us, lest you get tired." Dahan said to Mingxi.

"Catch them and let them perform a big stone on the chest."

The two young men came over to seize Mingxi, and the onlookers were so shocked that they closed their eyes and felt that the two brave little girls and the young son were pitiful. With the screams, everyone took a breath. .

In addition to Fujii, the other five teenagers were kicked out.

"So weak, but also good to bully others." The child looked at them with a scornful look and turned to the girl in Tsing Yi. "These people don't have to be afraid of them. You will spurt fire and burn them directly."

Ming Xi is crying and laughing. "Hey, their fire breathing is not like this."

Fujiwara has changed his face. "You are tired, take them back!"

Behind them, there are more than a dozen small nursing homes, each of whom grows tall and majestic and is pushing the crowd away.

Chapter 1 931 has a relationship with you

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