Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1931: Have a relationship with you

Since the other party is a person around Mingxi, Huo Huang naturally no longer angers him, beckoning him, "Come and sit down together, Ming Xi and so on."

When Yan Xiaoliu heard the name of Ming Xi, the whole person was stunned.

Lin Yanbei responded to who the fire phoenix said, and immediately shouted, "Nonsense! Your Highness has been... not in Kyoto, where did you see your Highness?"

"I am with Ming Xi, I see him every day." Huo Huang said with a smile.

Yan Xiaoliu slammed into front of the fire phoenix. "Do you say that Hee is back? Is he still alive?"

"Of course, he is not so easy to die!" Fire Phoenix said lazily.

"Ming Yu, is he really talking?" Yan Xiaoliu's beautiful eyes are full of bloodshot eyes. In the past few years, he has not blamed himself for a day. If he did not leave Kyoto with Ming Xi, if not for the sake of going Looking for his father, Ming Xi will not be taken away by the enemy, the emperor and the maiden will not disappear.

Ming Yu’s hands were caught by Yan Xiaoliu and finally recovered. She looked at Yan Xiaoliu slyly. “Yan Xiaoliu, when did you come?”

"Ming Yu, is Mingxi coming back?" Yan Xiaoliu couldn't care for the other, he just wanted to know if Mingxi was alive and back.

"No." Ming Yu looked around and said in Yan Xiaoliu's desperate gaze. "He went to buy us lanterns, but I haven't returned yet."

Yan Xiaoliu’s eyes slowly floated hope, and Mingxi really came back?

Ming Yu seemed to wake up at this time, she looked straight at Yan Xiaoliu, "Yan Xiaoliu, they are back."

"Where is Mingxi, I am going to find him." Yan Xiaoliu couldn't wait to see Mingxi and see that he really came back.

"He went to the temple square to buy lanterns." Ming Yu said.

Yan Xiaoliu whispered to Mingyu, "You are waiting for me here, I am going to find Mingxi."

"I am going with you." Ming Yu called, she has relied on Yan Xiaoliu since she was a child. At this time, she finally saw someone who can be trusted. She felt that she was full of grievances and wanted to talk.

Yan Xiaoliu looked at the fire phoenix, he was not sure what identity this person is, and he did not trust the Mingyu to him. "Well, I will take you there."

Fire Phoenix picked an eyebrow. "No, Mingxi let me protect his sister."

"You can go with us." Lin Biaobei said.

"Okay." Fire Phoenix stood up in a difficult way. He looked at Yan Xiaoliu's eyes. This young boy is really too fascinating, so it is no wonder that Mingyu likes to be with him.

Ming Yu is next to Yan Xiaoliu, and it seems that there is no such thing as a soul, but he is still absent-minded, and his eyes have deep uneasiness.

If the fire phoenix is ​​thoughtfully coveted, he does not know what Mingxi thinks. He will tell Mingyu everything about Xuantian mainland, and let Mingyu see his true body. If Mingyu turns his head, This incident tells others that it is difficult for them to survive on the human continent.

Ming Xi believes in Ming Yu, but he does not believe it.

"There was someone fighting in front."

Not long after they walked out of the tea house, they heard someone in the crowd calling.

"Don't go to see the fun, it is the young master of the Fuji family."

"And that is the vine flying? Who is this bad luck this time."

"It seems to be two children, the little girl looks pretty..."

The surrounding arguments came, Yan Xiaoliu and Lin Biaobei looked at each other, and Lin Biaobei was cold and cold. "It’s the vine flying, and his uncle is a dark guard, and it’s a day outside."

Fire Phoenix asked casually, "His uncle will not just be a rattan."

"Have you seen Fujisawa?" Yan Xiaoliu asked with an eyebrow.

"I have seen it in the morning and I have played it. However, the person who beat him is Ming Xi." Fire Phoenix said.

Lin Biaobei screamed, "You hit the vine?"

"It's Mingxi." Fire Phoenix corrected. "Just play a few dark guards, and I don't need to shoot with Mingxi."

Yan Xiaoliu hurriedly asked, "Is Mingxi injured?"

Fire Phoenix looked strangely at Yan Xiaoliuyi. "You are too small to see Mingxi."

Yan Xiaoliu was secretly surprised. He was a martial artist who had seen Fujisawa. Although Mingxi had a lot of talent before, but only a few years ago, how could he have already played the Fujisawa, and he was able to lead the secret guards. It may be too weak.

"It seems that... It is Mingxi and nephew." They have already come to the temple square, where the acrobatics are surging, the voice of shouting and killing comes from there, and the eyes of Ming Huang see the figure of Mingxi.

"Let's go and see." Yan Xiaoliu cried, holding Mingyu's hand and ran quickly.

The crowd crowded them out, or the fire phoenix first rushed over. The place where acrobatics was already a mess, a pair of fathers and daughters trembled beside them, and there were several people around Mingxi and Yu’er. It seems that Finished.

"Ming Xi, it seems that you are easy to misappropriate, and have a hatred with the Fuji family." Huo Huang went to Ming Xi's side, watching the young master of a place, I can imagine what happened just now.

"I warned them." Ming Xi said seriously, he did not want to start with them.

"You...Do you know who I am?" Rattan was beaten with black eyes and still did not change his personality. "I tell you, you have provoked me, there will be no good days." ”

Ming Xie looked at him seriously for a while. "Which is the son of a nobleman?"

"My uncle is Fujisawa!" Cang Fei shouted.

"...Fuji?" Ming Xi looked back at the fire phoenix. "Is the person who was stepped on the foot today, is it also called this name?"

"It's him." Fire Phoenix nodded.

Ming Xie sighed seriously, and another punch hit the face of Fujiwar. "Your uncle has a relationship with me."

Fujiwara was stunned by a fist, and he was still waiting for Mingxi to know who his uncle was and then begged for mercy.

"Quiet." Mingxi smiled and looked back at the father and daughter. "You can continue to do business."

The girl in Tsing Yi gave a trip to Mingxi. "Thank you for saving the son, but we are offended by the Fuji family. We can't survive in Kyoto in the future. I am afraid that we must leave to save our lives. We are tired of the son, and we are uneasy."

"Don't worry about us." Ming Xi whispered, looked around and took out a silver coin from his arms. "Smashed your things, this is for you."

The father and the daughter hurriedly waved their hands, saying that they did not dare to accept the money.

"You take it, these are your business, have been broken, how to do business, even if you go to other places, you need to re-install." Mingxi said faintly.

The girl in Tsing Yi still refuses to do it.

Mingxi put the silver into the hands of the big man. "Just be the money I lend to you."

After that, he did not wait for them to return the money, and left with a nephew. Just after a few steps, he stopped and looked up to see two familiar figures.

It is Yan Xiaoliu and Lin Biaobei.

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