After Ye Hao finished, she left. Murong Yan stood in the same place and silently looked at her back. She met her present scene little by little in his mind. It felt like a world, and it happened yesterday. Everything related to her is so profound and vivid that it is the most colorful memory of his life.

I don't know how long it took, Murong Yu returned to God, and I couldn't see Ye Hao's figure in sight.

He laughed at himself and knew her feelings about Murong Cham. He still didn't give up, even she couldn't stand it. His persistence made her uncomfortable.

He knew it a long time ago, she is a woman who is easy to be soft.

Unfortunately, she never felt soft about him.

Even if she showed a slight hesitation to him, he would leave her alone.

She has always been jealous of him.

"Father of the Emperor..." Ming Yu did not know when he came, and looked at him carefully outside the door.

Murong Yu pressed down the sourness of his heart, and the sadness in his eyes was replaced by calmness. "Ming Yu, come over."

Ming Yu smiled and came to Murong Yu’s side, taking the initiative to hold her hand. “Father, is that... gone?”

"Is it fun to go to the temple fair yesterday?" Murong took the Mingyu to sit inside and let Ford go to pick up the snacks that Mingyu likes.

"It’s fun." Mingyu’s eyes sparkled. "My children gave me a few wishing lights. I put them in the wishing pool. I wish the father and the emperor to live a long and healthy life, and accompany Mingyu for a lifetime."

Murong snorted and said, "Your life should be someone else to accompany you."

Ming Yu’s face changed. “Does the father don’t want Mingyu?”

"No, I am your father. In the future, if you become a relative, that is the little girl of others." Murong pouted in the head of Ming Yu, Ming Yu is his daughter, and then he got along with him for several years. Mingyu has been regarded as his biological daughter.

"I just want to be with my father." Ming Yu said seriously, then hesitated, "and Yan Xiaoliu."

Murong snorted and said, "I saw Yan Xiaoliu yesterday?"

Ming Yu gently nodded, "I also met my nephew."

"Who is a child?" Murong asked with an eyebrow.

"She is an orphan, she brought it back, and now lives in... Qin Wangfu, she has been following her brother." Ming Yu said.

How could Ye Lannan bring an orphan back, and let her live in Qin Wangfu, most of which is what this orphan has to do with Ye Hao.

"You lived in the Qin Wang House yesterday?" Murong asked with a smile.

Ming Yu glanced at him and gently nodded. She buried her face in the palm of Murong's hand. "Father, isn't that too bad?"

"How do you say this?" Murong asked softly.

"Actually, I understand it in my heart. They must have had a reason to leave. But when they came back, I felt uncomfortable in my heart, that is, I didn't want to make them better..." Ming Yu said in a low voice, she was afraid that the father would feel She is a bad boy and will not hurt him in the future.

"Ming Yu's heart is wronged, you just want to let others know your grievances, don't really hate you, right?" Murong asked with a smile.

"Yes..." Ming Yu said softly.

Murong smiled and said, "No one will be willing to hate the jade, whether it is the father or your mother, they love you the most. If you are willing to spend the night at Qinwang, you will prove that you have forgiven them, right?"

Mingyu hesitated and gently nodded. "But I still... I don't know how to get along with them."

That sentence, she still can't tell.

"It doesn't matter, take your time." Murong said, this is a good start.

Ming Yu smiled. "Well, today... Today, my mother asked me if I want to go to Qiguo with them. She said it would be dangerous."

Going to Qi is indeed dangerous! Standing in Murong’s position, he did not want Mingyu to take risks, but since Ye Hao proposed this matter with Mingyu, it is sure to ensure the safety of Mingyu. More importantly, she wants to use this time to understand Jade repairs mother-daughter relationship.

"Do you want to go to Mingyu?" Murong asked in a low voice.

Ming Yu looked at Murong Yu. "I don't want to, if I go, isn't there only a father in the palace? I want to stay with you."

Murong’s eyes widened with a warm smile. “There are other people in the palace.”

"But they can't let the father and the emperor laugh." Ming Yu said seriously, "The father is not laughing on weekdays."

"Is it?" Murong stunned. He didn't know that he didn't usually laugh.

Ming Yu said, "I have already considered it anyway. I will not go to Qi, I will stay with my father."

Murong’s heart was filled with a warmth. “Would you not want to live in Qinwangfu?”

"Why should I live in the Qin Wangfu? Does the father want me to live in the palace?" Ming Yu cried in horror.

"Of course not, here is always your home." Murong said that he thought she wanted to be with her family.

Ming Yu whispered, "Yes, here is my home, I will not leave the father."

Murong Yu patted the head of Ming Yu. "You are my daughter, always."

"Yeah." Ming Yu smiled happily. "Yes, Father, I have something to ask you."

"What?" asked Murong.

Ming Yu looked around and determined that there were no other people before he whispered, "Father, do you believe that there is a phoenix in this world?"

Murong Yu slightly stunned, Nirvana reborn phoenix?

"I believe." Murong Yu said with certainty that he knew that Ye Hao was born again.

She is his phoenix, the only queen he wants.

Ming Yu’s eyes are bright. “Have you seen the phoenix?”

"No." Murong smiled and shook his head. "I have never seen it. How can I suddenly ask this question, hasn’t Mingyu seen the phoenix?"

"Not..." Ming Yu remembered Mingxi's embarrassment. She knew that this matter could not be said. "Just want to ask, I saw someone at the temple fair doing a phoenix lantern today, very beautiful."

Murong smiled and said, "Ming Yu is a phoenix."

Ming Yu smiled. "I am not, I am Princess Mingyu."

The father and the daughter are talking, and the voice of Ford is heard outside.

"Come in." Murong said faintly.

Ford hurried in, "the emperor."

"What is so flustered?" Murong asked, frowning.

"Zhang Daren returns, the scorpion of the vine is killed in the street... was killed by His Highness." Ford screamed in exasperation.

Needless to say, this Highness is Mingxi.

Ming Xi killed the vine's nephew? Murong frowned, "What happened?"

"What is that vine flying?" Ming Yu called. "The lessons I learned yesterday are not enough. Today, I am going to provoke Mingxi?"

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