Mingxi is planning to bring his nephew to the main street to see and see today, lest this little white dragon, who just came out of the keel mountain, know nothing. Seeing people blowing sugar can surprise people for a long time.

How do you think you will meet Fujiwara who was beaten by him last night.

Knowing the relationship between Fujimori and Fujisawa, Ming Hee didn't want to care about him anymore. He did not know each other, so he thought that more than a few people would be able to win Mingxi.

Huo Huang wanted to teach him to teach him, and he was stopped by Ming Xi, whether it was a fire phoenix or a nephew. They didn’t know how to deal with it. They didn’t kill the vines and they were seriously injured.

"You are too weak, I don't care about you, you still let the road open better." Ming Xi looked at the vine flying in front of them, did not expect to open the continent for many years, just came back and met.

I thought that at the beginning, he took Yan Xiaoliu’s ancestors to the ancestors and dared not to let go again. Today, I have to repeat it again.

Fujiwara has been arrogant in Kyoto for a few years. No one dared to despise him so much. He was beaten by Ming Xi yesterday and has lost face in front of his friends. Today he is coming to find the scene.

"Today let you know who is weak!" Cang Fei pointed to Mingxi, "Do you think that Xiaoye is so good bullying?"

"No, I don't want to bully you at all." Ming Xi shook his head. "You are not qualified enough."

Tengfei heard more anger, "Call him, give him to me to fight!"

"I advise you not to be the best." Ming Xi seriously advised, "I am not going to be as good as yesterday."

"Hey, take him to the dark guardhouse and let him know the power of the dark guardhouse." Rattan yelled loudly.

Mingxi stood in the middle and said to the next child, "Hey, you go to the side first."

The nephew still held a candied fruit in his hand, biting a bite, and stood next to the fire phoenix.

"Isn't you afraid of dying?" Fuji said, he just didn't like the calmness of Mingxi's face. He wanted Mingxi to beg on the ground.

"You can't beat me." Ming Xi said.

"Then try." Cang Fei yelled, and with the sword he went to Mingxi.

Ming Xi sighed in his heart and easily avoided the sword of Fujii. He cultivated the immortal practice. The sword of the human continent could not hurt him, but he thought it would be better to keep a low profile.

Fujiwara and a dozen guards behind him were once again unable to fight by Ming Hee.

"How? I still want to fight?" Ming Xi was looking down at the vine flying on the ground.

"Who are you?" asked Fuji Fei, gnashing his teeth.

Mingxi had not answered yet, and someone next to him chuckled.

"It’s ridiculous that even the royal family does not know, but dare to learn to run on the street."

It’s a girl who is talking about it. It looks like a big jade. Mingxi thinks she looks familiar, but she can’t remember who she is.

It should have been seen in the palace before, otherwise he does not know who he is.

"What the Royal Highness, the emperor of the big kingdom!" Cang Fei called.

"Mother Xie Lanyue has seen His Royal Highness, and his descendants have not remembered the ministers. However, the ministers had the honor to see you in the palace, and they still have a deep memory." The girl who spoke up gave a trip to Mingxi, she was Ming Yu's companionship has often entered the palace before. Mingxi does not remember her. She does remember Mingxi.

Ming Xi vaguely remembered that there was such a person. He nodded zealously to Xie Lanyue. "Thank you a girl, and now there is no prince in Jinguo."

"The young vine, he...he is Mo Mingxi." The little friend who came with Fujiwara finally understood why Mingxi always felt familiar.

"What is Mo Mingxi, what is it?" Rattan flew up and asked the little friend who had been watching it. "You are afraid of him. I am not afraid of him. My uncle is a secret guard."

The person in the dark guardian is a fart in front of Mo Mingxi!

"Yes... is the missing Prince of the Crown, the relatives of the emperor today!" the little friend shouted.

Fujiwara’s arrogant smile on his face, what?

Ming Xi thought that this matter is here today, and they are ready to leave with the fire phoenix, suddenly yelling.

"The young vine, the young master of the vine?"

"No, is it scared to death?" Fire Phoenix probed his face and looked curiously at the vine flying straight down on the ground.

"..." Mingxi is full of black lines, this vine is really courageous enough.

Fire Phoenix walked over and tried it. He whispered to Mingxi, "Not dead, but it looks almost the same."

"You still don't send your young master to the doctor?" Ming Xi said to the few escorts.

"Fast, take the young master to see the doctor."

The people who had been onlookers saw that they had actually killed people and soon disappeared.

Xie Lanyue looked at Ming Xi, "His Highness, the Dark Guardian is now in the hands of Fujisawa. If the vines really do something, the Fuji family will not give up."

"Thank you for reminding me that this matter has nothing to do with Xie's family. Xie girl still goes back first." Ming Xi said softly.

"Yes." Xie Lanyue remembered just screaming at the vines. She didn't want to be thankful for her own family. Since Mingxi blocked her, she naturally didn't want to get into trouble. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Xie Lanyue left, Ming Xi continued to go shopping with her children.

Rattan, who was sent back to the Fuji family, was frightened and pale, and only one breath was hanging. His parents kept crying. The only child who seemed to be half-dead did not live. If something really happened, it really didn't need to live.

After knowing the news, Fujisawa rushed home and saw the look of the donkey. The doctor who asked the doctor could not tell why, he immediately asked the doctor to go.

After the royal doctor came, he said that Fujiwara was scared. Now he can only drink the medicine of the gods. If he can’t slow down, he will be really dead.

"What happened in the end?" Fujisawa was furious, isn't it good to go out today? How come back will be like this.

"Yes...it is that Mo Mingxi, he played the young master." The nursing home did not dare to say that today they first intercepted people and pushed all responsibility to Mingxi.

Mrs. Fujiji cried, "Who is that Mo Mingxi? Big Brother, you have to be the master of the fly."

"Take that Mo Mingxi to catch it and kill it in front of Feier. Maybe we will fly." Cang Fei's father called.

"Call shut up!" Rattan screamed. "I told Feier yesterday that he should not provoke Mo Mingxi. How did he go out today? Didn't you let him at home?"

"Feier wants to go out..." Mrs. Fujio whispered, "Don't we still be afraid of that Mo Mingxi, who is he?"

"Surname...last name ink?" Fujiji Ye finally reacted. Isn't that the royal family?

"The son of Murong Cham!" said Fujisaki coldly.

Who is Murong Cham... When Teng Erye remembers who this person is, his face turns white.

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