The news that Tengfei was killed has spread throughout the streets. In recent years, almost every Kyoto people know that there is a mixed king who is arrogantly arguing all day, and his uncle is the leader of the Guardian. Law, the new emperor was enthroned, the officials of the court were at the stage of watching, thinking that Fujisawa was the confidant of Murong, so he endured the vine family, and did not expect that there would be a person who dared to move him today.

Perhaps the only person in Kyoto who dared to kill Rattan directly was this one.

Even if the vine is the confidant of Murong Yu? Mo Mingxi is also the relative of the emperor, the former royal family.

Almost everyone in the court is preparing to watch the show.

However, the parties seem to have not taken care of this matter.

"Ming Xi, what about the vine flying really?" Fire phoenix asked with a smile, holding a white sugar cake in his hand.

"Is he dead?" Ming Xi asked faintly.

Fire Phoenix said, "That didn't."

"I didn't kill him. He was scared to death. What is the relationship with me?" Ming Xi waved his hand. He smashed the vines twice and didn't die. Fujii himself was scared to death by his name. Blame him?

"The mortal is really too crunchy." The child said with a sigh. "But things are delicious, or they are happier."

Mingxi glanced at her with a smile, only knowing what to eat.

They haven’t had enough to eat enough on the street, and Murong has sent someone to invite Ming Xi to the palace.

"Into the palace? What happened?" Ming Xi frowned at Xue Lin. At this time, he was asked to enter the palace for no reason. It must have happened.

Xue Lin whispered, "You have already passed the death of the vine to the palace, Master Mingxi, don't you know?"

Killing the vines can still be so free to go shopping, it is only their young Master Mingxi! Xue Lin silently praised him in his heart. He was still in the dark guarding house. He knew that Fujiwara had been bullying people in the name of their dark guards. He also endured a sigh of relief.

"Is the vine flying dead?" Ming Xi raised his eyebrows. "Isn't it still alive?"

Xue Lin said, "Yang Caifu Yin Daren went back to the palace and said that you killed the rattan."

"If a punch can kill him, then he died last night and didn't know a few times." The nephew frowned and said, "He obviously scared himself."

Mingxi gestured to Mingyu not to talk, "Fire, you first bring the children back to the Qin Wangfu, I went to the palace to see what happened."

"I want to enter the palace with you." cried the child, she did not want to be separated from Mingxi.

"When you are obedient, you and Huo will go back first, I will be fine soon." Ming Xi whispered.

The fire phoenix pulled the hand of the child and whispered in the ear of the child. "The palace is full of purple gas. If you go there, you will not be able to control the original shape."

The nephew heard a slight change in his face and finally listened to Ming Xi’s words, no longer saying that he would enter the palace with him.

"Xue Lin, let's go." Ming Xi said to Xue Lin, "Is the six uncles going to the Fuji family? Are you sure that Fujiwara is really dead?"

"Ming Xia's young master, Wu Chong has already gone to the Fuji family, and Fujisawa should have entered the palace." Xue Lin whispered, "Are you really killing the vine?"

"What do you say?" Ming Xi faintly asked.

Xue Lin scratched his head. "What do you mean? Master Ming Xi, I didn't understand."



At this time, Murong Yu has already learned from the mouth of Ming Yu about what happened last night. At the same time, people also went to check the life of the vines. This is how the vines have been condoning their nephews.

It is no wonder that the imperial court officials are increasingly disliked by the dark guards. He has received more and more impeachment from the secret guards. It seems that most of them are related to Fujisawa.

"Father, my brother can't kill the rattan. If you want to fight, you will be killed yesterday. It must be that Fujiwara didn't know what to do today." Mingyu unconditionally believed this brother.

Murong Yu still knows more about his nephew, and Ming Xi is still taught by Ye Hao. It is impossible to kill a person like a rat.

If this matter is not related to Mingxi, he still wants to let Fu Yin directly find out the truth.

"The emperor, Fujisawa is looking outside to see." Ford came in and whispered.

Murong slammed his head slightly. "When Mingxi arrived, let them come in together."

Ford promised to go out and head down.

Just after leaving the imperial kitchen, I saw that Ming Xi was brought into the palace by Xue Lin.

"The temple... Master Mingxi." Ford finally saw Ming Xi, almost didn't come forward and hugged him in his arms and cried.

"Fu Gonggong." Mingxi smiled, only when he did not see the next vine.

There are vines here, and Ford is not good to say too much with Mingxi, just whispered, "The emperor is waiting for you inside."

Mingxi nodded and stepped into the royal study.

Fujisaki looked gloomyly at the back of Mingxi, and this slowly followed.

"Brother." Ming Yu screamed, this is the first time she called her brother.

Mingxi smiled at her and gave a gesture to Murong. "Ming Xi has seen six uncles."

"I heard that you killed the young master of the Fuji family?" Murong asked him to look at Mingxi and whispered.

"A punch, not enough to kill him, he should not die." Mingxi pretending to be innocent.

Murong Yu looked at Fujiko. "How is your nephew?"

"Back to the emperor, Feier is still unconscious now, obviously someone has put a heavy hand on him." Fujita lowered his head, his voice said sadly.

"So, the injury on his body is very heavy? Please see the doctor?" Murong asked.

Fujisawa said, "The doctor has been invited, and I still haven't woken up after taking the medicine."

"Ming Xi, how do you make the vine fly seriously injured?" Murong sighed in a deep voice, and did not say that because Ming Xi is a blind man.

"Just hit his shoulder and punch." By the way, using his spirit to take time out of his strength, let him and his people have no strength to continue to fight, so it is certainly impossible to say that serious injuries.

Murong faint smiled. "Teng Yu said that he was seriously injured. Ming Xi said that he only punched his shoulder and it seemed that people should go to the inspection."

"Six uncle, Fujiwara is too weak, I will not be seriously injured to him, that is, he is too useless, I heard that my name was fainted, and still half dead." Ming Xi said.

"Nonsense!" Rattan yelled, "Fly and you have no enmity, why do you want to beat him?"

Mingxihehe smiled. "I still want to ask you about this. There is nowhere to be. He will take people away from the road. Is it the street?"

"That is in the street, there are many witnesses. Who is right or wrong? Didn't you know if you asked?" Ming Yu asked tenderly.

Murong said with a smile, "Ming Yu is right, you should ask people to ask."

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