With a little clue, Ye Hao, they have a purpose to find, she is no longer easy to become a woman to seek medical treatment, changed her body, she became a doctor of practice, and is a variety of intractable diseases specifically for pregnant women.

Just on the street, there was a drug shop to change hands. She slammed it down without saying anything, and wrote the plaque in person. This road is the only way to go to the Song family. She thinks that if Song Hongyi passes, she will definitely pay attention. Yes, and, definitely, come to her.

The drug shop opened for two days. In addition to people who are familiar with the drug shop on weekdays, they bought a few medicines. Basically, no one appeared. Ye Hao’s heart was worried, and it was not right to discuss with Murong Zhan.

"I don't want to go to the Song family in person." Ye Hao said, "It is not a way to wait for this. Xue Lin has checked these days, and there is no news. If it is discovered by Song Honglan, it will be even worse."

Murong’s thin lips smirked a little, “What are you going to the Song family?”

"Be a casual person..." Ye Hao said that he was stupid. If she went to the Song family, she still didn't know when she would be close to the owner of the Song family. Maybe she would be a smuggler. What can she hear? "Forget it, you should haven't said it before."

"You are too nervous." Murong whispered, holding her hand to sit on the soft couch. "Song Hongjun's younger brother is Zhao Xiang, Zhao Xiang went to the palace two days ago to find Zhao Wei, and finally broke up. Cheng Hao recently sent people to stare at the Song family."

Ye Hao sat up straight and turned to look at Murong Zhan. "How do you know Zhao Xiang went to Zhao Wei? You arranged people in the palace?"

Although Murong Zhan couldn't see Ye Hao's expression, but at this time her mind clearly showed her cute look with big eyes and small eyes. He coughed a little. "Almost, but the specific content was not inquired, since Cheng Haopai When people guard the Song family, he must have the same suspicion as us."

"How many things are you still holding me? Since you can arrange the manpower in the palace, why not arrange it in the Song family?" Ye Hao grinned.

"That was arranged a long time ago. If you want to arrange it now, it will cause Cheng Hao to pay attention." Murong Zhan whispered, "However, Cheng Hao sent people to stare at the Song family, but they did not know that they were staring at Song Hongwei. Still staring at Zhao Xiang."

Ye Xiaomei, "The relationship between Zhao Xiang and Zhao Wei has always been good. Zhao Wei is enthroned. It is said that Zhao Xiang is the first princess to support her. Cheng Hao will not doubt her other things, maybe she still has Zhao Ning. Related, will Zhao Xiang and Zhao Hongyi save Zhao Ning together?"

"I will know soon." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Ye Hao went to the pharmacy to open the store the next day, thinking that it was another day without harvest. In the evening, he came to a man who said his wife was pregnant for six months, but when he went to the field today, he accidentally fell. A glimpse, now I saw red, I have to ask Ye Hao to see.

"Let's go." Ye Hao went without a word and went with the medicine box.

When I got out of the city, I found out that I came to the suburbs.

On this way, the man has been nervous and worried. He is very suspicious of Ye Hao’s medical skills, but he has no money to ask a better doctor, saying that his wife is hard to bear. If the child can’t keep it, he will not have it in his life. I am looking forward to it.

Ye Hao silently listened to what he said all the way. When she was about to come to his house, she said, "Since you have found me, you should have a little confidence in me."

The man bowed his head and said, "Doctor, I... I don't doubt you..."

"Nothing, go in." Ye Hao said faintly, she can understand his fears. After all, she is a new face, and she has no reputation at all. It is cheaper to pay for the clinic.

Into the room, Ye Hao will smell a medicinal taste, is a fetus, "Do you often drink fetus?"

The man nodded, "to keep the child."

"If there is no problem, the fetus is not necessary to drink, it is a drug three-point poison." Ye Hao said softly, has gone to give the pregnant woman a pulse.

The pregnant woman lying on the sputum has a sallow face, and the facial features are plain, not Zhao Ning...

Ye Hao sighed in disappointment in her heart, and she still had such a glimmer of hope.

As the man said, the woman fell and saw red, and there was no other problem, that is, the fetus was drunk a little.

"You can still hear the heartbeat of the fetus. Don't get out of bed and walk as much as you can for three days." After Ye Hao took the pulse, he determined that there was no big problem, and he re-opened the medicine. "This medicine takes three posts and drinks once a day." Don't drink any more after drinking, and don't drink any fetus."

"That... don't need a baby?" the man asked.

Ye Hao frowned and said, "Your wife is strong and the child is good. You don't need to drink the fetus every day. You should also consider that your child will be unhealthy after birth. It is not good for children to drink too much."

The man was shocked by Ye Hao.

"Just like this, just lie for a few days." Ye Hao said, turned and walked out of the house.

Ye Hao is sitting in the man's ox cart. I can only walk slowly back, but it is still early in the sky, and she is not tired now. If she is not afraid of scaring others, she still wants to fly directly. gone back.

After leaving the village, Ye Hao’s speed was getting faster.

She found someone behind her, who is tracking her?

Just thinking, she felt a sharp wind sweeping in the back of her head, she resisted the urge to avoid, but secretly used the spiritual power to prepare, falsely fainted.

"Take me to see Hou Ye, she is a doctor, I checked it, no problem."

Ye Hao heard a voice saying this.

Hou Ye? Ye Hao smiled in her heart, oh, it was really a break from the iron shoes, and finally found it. I don’t want her to go this way to prove that she is a doctor.

She was carried in a carriage and twirled for half an hour before the carriage finally stopped.

“Who is this?” A familiar voice whispered.

"Hou Ye, this is the doctor who recently opened a new drugstore, specifically for those pregnant women to see a doctor." The person who caught her whispered, "I have checked it, and I still stare at her for a few days, not our emperor, the innocence ""

"Take her away." Song Hongyu said, he does not believe in any strangers.

The man was in a hurry. "Hou Ye, now Cheng Hao’s people are staring everywhere. It’s hard for us to ask the doctor to come here. This person happened to come to see a peasant woman. No one noticed her, the one inside... The stomach has been hurt for two days."

This sentence finally made Song Hongyu hesitate. He looked down at Ye Hao for a while, and reached out and touched Ye Hao’s face a few times. "Let her wake up and not let her go."

"Yes, Hou Ye."

Ye Hao was happy in the heart, and finally did not let her wait.

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