When Ye Hao was called "Wake Up", she was confused and didn't know where she was. It was dark and she touched her neck. "It hurts!"

"Where did you come from?" A low voice came from the ear. Ye Hao looked for the source of the sound in the dark. She could see that the man was Song Hongzhen. He had not seen it for a few years. He seemed to have changed nothing. Only the eyes became deep and calm.

"Who? What are you going to do?" Ye Hao cried in panic. "I... I just came to Kyoto to open a store. There is no silver, Grandpa, I beg you to let me go."

Song Hongyu said in a cold voice, "Shut up! No one wants your money."

Ye Hao rubbed his hands on his shoulders. "Grandpa, don't you rob money, don't you want to rob?"

"Where did you come from?" Song Hongyi only heard the words of Ye Hao.

"Border town..." Ye Hao whispered, "I just opened a pharmacy and wanted to make a living."

Song Hongyu frowned. "What is the name?"

"My name is Ye, the little name is Pearl." Ye Hao said weakly.

"Give you five hundred two, live here, take care of me... sister." Song Hongyu said coldly.

Ye Hao noticed that he had a pause when he said his sister. Obviously that person is not his sister. "How long does it take to take care of?"

Song Hongzhen said coldly, "You don't have to ask this, you take good care of you and will not treat you badly."

"But I am just a doctor, not a waiter." Ye Hao.

"My sister is raising a baby. You take good care of her belly. Others don't need you to serve." Song Hongyu said, "If you dare to leave here and go out and talk, then you don't need to live."

Ye Hao hurriedly nodded and promised, "Yes, I will not talk about it."

Song Hongzhen stood up, turned and left the house, and told the people outside, his voice was extremely low. "Take her to see... the lady."

That lady? Ye Hao’s twilight flashed, and it was almost certain that Zhao Ning was hidden here.

"You, come out." The man outside called out Ye Hao.

"Immediately." Ye Hao stood up and stumbled outside Leo. "Grandpa, what are you going to do?"

The man looked at Ye Hao with a disgusted look. "Follow me."

Ye Hao followed him through a courtyard and garden, and passed through a dark door to a courtyard. There was a ring on the patio that was hitting the water, saw the man and the leafhopper, and dropped the bucket to the door.

"Don't come over." Hey ring yelled at them.

Lin Zhiran? Ye Hao’s eyes flashed through, and she would see her here.

"This is the doctor who is looking for you Wang Hao." The man pointed at Ye Hao and said, "Isn't your family Wang Shuo uncomfortable? Tell me about anything."

"What doctor? You just want to find a doctor and want to fool us?" Lin Zhiran inserted his waist and glared.

The man said impatiently, "Don't be angry with me. If it is not our family, you are still in the dungeon. When the time is up, we will naturally let you leave."

Lin Zhiran thought of the previous experience, and felt that it was at least much stronger here than there.

"If there is anything, call us again." The man left Ye Hao and left.

"Hey, hello!" Lin Zhiran cried, the man did not return.

Ye Hao stood on the patio and felt that there were people around staring at it, so she didn't immediately show her identity with Lin Zhiran, but she looked at her without any trouble.

"You really are a doctor?" Lin Zhiran did not ask Ye Hao.

"Yes." Ye Hao whispered.

Lin Zhiran thought that there is no way now, I hope this woman can really help Wang Hao.

"You come in with me." Lin Zhiran cried.

Ye Hao bowed his head and followed Lin Zhi and then entered the room.

There was a smell of medicine in the house, and Ye Hao frowned and looked up and saw the woman who was sleeping on the bed. It turned out to be Zhao Ning.

"Who?" Zhao Ning heard a little noise, opened his eyes in fright, and hugged his son, who was sleeping next to her.

"Wang Hao, is a slave." Lin Zhiran stepped forward and appeased Zhao Ning, "They sent a doctor, don't you feel uncomfortable? Let the doctor see."

"No, I don't look at the doctor." Zhao Ning shouted, she was afraid that the doctor would kill her child.

Cheng Hao threatened her. If Murong did not do anything, he would kill her child.

Ye Hao found that Zhao Ning's face was not good, and did not say that she lost a big circle, not even a little blood.

Her stomach is not particularly noticeable. It should be a five-month-old child. Sleeping next to her is a two-year-old boy with an abnormal flush on his face.

It looks like aunt!

Ye Hao immediately stepped forward and sealed the window with spiritual power, so that outsiders could not hear her talking. "Don't be excited, you can't be too excited now, Zhao Ning, it's me, I am here to save you."

"Who are you?" Zhao Ning stared at Ye Hao with amazement, never remembering that she had seen her.

"Is the child sick?" Ye Hao is going to hug the boy.

Zhao Ning refused to let go and stared at Ye Hao with vigilance.

"I will not hurt you and the children." Ye Hao said helplessly, "Zhao Ning, you see clearly, it is me, Lu Hao."

"Impossible!" Zhao Ning's voice changed. "Lu Hao is dead."

Ye Hao smiled. "No death, we are back. Aunt told me about your business."

Zhao Ning still does not believe in the identity of Ye Hao, which is incredible, and how the dead people will still be alive.

"Anniling..." Lin Zhi screamed Ye Hao, "How is it possible?"

"I am easy to accommodate, and now I can't let others know my identity." Ye Hao whispered, "Ninger, show me the child first."

Zhao Ning is still in the air, and the child is hugged by Ye Hao.

It’s hot! Ye Hao was taken aback. "When the child has a fever, when did it start?"

"It was still good last night. I didn't know how to start a fever today." Zhao Ning said, his eyes were filled with tears.

"Give it to me." Ye Hao took the child to the soft couch, took off the cotton jacket for him, burned the dragon in the house, and gave the child so much, how could it be fever?

She took the silver needle from the box and began to give the child a needle.

When Zhao Ning saw Ye Hao take out the silver needle, she already believed her identity.

About half an hour later, the child cried out.

"There has been a fever, and I will give more to the children." Ye Hao said, handing the child to Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhi looked at Ye Hao with awkwardly, "Im Man, really you?"

"How can you follow Ning's?" Ye Hao asked. "I thought you would be in the palace."

Sure enough, it is a goddess! How else would you know that she used to be in the palace?

"Queen's nephew, you... really still alive?" Zhao Ning is holding a son who is already sober, and still can't believe the identity of Ye Hao.

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