Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1977: long time no see

Back to Wang Ducheng, Huang Yucheng was completely stunned when he saw the statue of Ye Wei.

He finally understood why Zhao Tianqi said that the scorpio appeared, and the rigid and rigid statue turned out to be lifelike. Even the hair was the same as the real. In the distance, he seemed to see the sly clothes fluttering in the wind. Come along.

No wonder... It’s said that Scorpio is alive.

"How? I didn't make a mistake. The sky is showing up, isn't it... she is still not dead yet?" Zhao Tianyi said to Huangfu.

Shen Luoyang said, "The dead will show up."

"The crow's mouth!" Zhao Tianxi scolded. "You can't talk without speaking."

"You shut up." Water glanced at Zhao Tianyi.

Zhao Tianqi tightened his lips and turned to look at Huangfu.

"There is nothing in the world to say." Huang Fu suppressed the grief in his heart. For four years, if she and Mo Rongzhan are still alive, they should have returned. "No one in the world can change the statue overnight. It should be a little bit of engraving, but it didn't notice."

"I think so, but everyone should be a god." Water said, this is a possible explanation.

The emperor was silent and said only a moment ago, "If you have faith, it is a good thing, let you become the faith of the people of the Yuan Dynasty."

When the water didn't talk, he put Lu Yu's statue here, which was originally intended.

They walked over the statue and walked inside the gate.

Back to the water home, the water slammed the others and spoke to the emperor in the study.

When Ming Xi originally wanted to follow the study, he was pulled by the fire phoenix.

"You see, the woman looks like it is not like?" Huo Huang pointed at the woman who came on the other side of the gallery. She wore a dress like the color that Ye Hao used to like, and looks like it... .

"It looks a lot like it." The nephew said, "But she is charming, not like a lady."

What does it mean to have such a person in the water home?

Ming Xi slightly raised his eyebrows at the woman.

The seedlings came in from the courtyard at this time, and the woman’s face showed a friendly smile.

She laughs more like Ye Hao, but she looks older than Ye Hao.

"Miao Miao." Ye Wei smiled and came forward to say hello.

"Ye girl, how are you here?" Shui Miaomiao saw Ye Wei in her eldest brother's yard, and her face clearly showed disappointment.

Ye Wei did not like to see the water seedlings, but still said and said, "I am looking for a general."

The seedlings looked at Ye Wei. This woman was brought back by a big brother a year ago. At that time, she was injured. The older brother asked the doctor to keep her life day and night. She didn’t see her every time she came to see her brother. Ye Wei, who saw her today, is inexplicably familiar.

"You..." The water seedling frowned. "Where did the clothes on your body come from?"

"It was sent to me by the generals. Do you like it?" Ye Wei asked with a smile. She saw that the seedlings didn't like her, but what about it? She didn't need to please the seedlings, only water. Just like it, she just doesn't want to care about the pampered girl who is so good.

Scorpio used to wear such clothes before! No wonder she feels familiar, Ye Wei looks very much like Lu Hao, especially the clothes, the makeup seems to deliberately modify the five senses, if you don't look carefully, you really think she is Lu Hao.

What exactly does Big Brother want to do?

"Don't wear such clothes in the future," cried Miao Miao.

"This..." Ye Wei smiled. "I am afraid to listen to the general."

The seedling nurse gave her a look and said disgustedly. "Even if you look like it, you are not her. You don't even have to give her shoes."

The smile of Ye Wei’s mouth deepened and asked without leaving a trace. “Who is it like?”

"Scorpio Niangniang!" The water seedlings nursed the way, turned and left, so angry that she even forgot to look for water.

She is like Lu Hao... Every night, the name of the water is vague and screaming, is it?

I heard that Lu Hao is the twin sister of Ye Hao.

Ye Wei's twilight became a bit cold, looking at the back of the seedlings for a while, she continued to go in the direction of the study.

Mingxi and Huohuang, who stood on the roof, looked at each other and they had spiritual power to cover them, so others could not find them.

"She is also surnamed Ye." Huo Huang said, "What is the relationship with Ye Family?"

"I don't know." Ming Xi shook his head. "When you listen to the water, you have to say something to Mr. Huang."

They returned to the roof of the study, and Mingxi looked at Ye Wei's back and gazed at the woman.

There was a sound of water in the study.

"...I won't come back. She only has one daughter to stay in Jinguo. You leave Mingyu around Murong Yu. No matter what you ask, now four years have passed. Are you still not planning to take care of her?" I asked coldly.

"There is Murong Yu to take care of her." Huangfu said.

The water flashed through the wrath of the eye. "You believe in Murong Yu, I believe, in the future, whether it is Jin Guo or Yuan Guo, it must be Ming Yu, so you have to help me get Jin Guo."

Huangfu frowned. "What do you want to do?"

"Killing Murong, let Mingyu become the scorpio of the Jin State and the Yuan Dynasty." Water did not hide his thoughts.

"Ming Yu is still too small, can't." Huangfu said, "And Murong Yu is very good to Ming Yu in the past few years, you can't kill him."

Water said, "If Murong Yu does not die, he will not hand over Jin Guo to Ming Yu."

Huangfu knows that the 100 officials of Jinguo are now wearing Murong. "How do you want to kill Murong? Is the two countries fighting?"

"If he knows that Lu Hao is back..." Water sneered, "I want you to meet someone."

"Who?" Huangfu frowned.

The water smirked and smiled, and the mouth gave a voice.

The door of the study was pushed open, and Ye Wei entered.

"Oh..." Huangfu blurted out and immediately said, "You want to assassinate Murong?"

"Even if you almost admit your mistakes, Murong Yu will not recognize it." Water looked at Ye Wei with a smile, and he knew that as long as Ye Wei dressed up, she would look more similar to her.

When he pressed her under her body last night, she really thought it was her.

Huangfu looked at the water with a cold look. "You are crazy."

"You really do this, if you come back, you won't forgive you." Huangfu said.

"She won't be back." The water whispered.

"Does he want this ugly woman to pretend to be a lady?" The nephew listened for a long time and finally understood what was going on.

The three children listened too carefully, forgetting that their spiritual power could not be supported for a long time in the human world. They could hide their breath without talking, and when they opened their mouths, the water in the study was discovered.

When Mingxi was ready to take them away, a glimpse of water and Huangfu had already appeared in front of them.

"Oh..." Mingxi smiled and waved at the Huangfu. "Sir, I haven't seen you for a long time."

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