A few days in the water, I have been thinking that someone is following him. I was in a state of defense. So when I heard the sound on the roof, he quickly broke through the window and stopped the thief who wanted to escape.

When he saw that it was three children, his expression was already stunned.

Actually a child! Are these people who are following him in these days?

The water looked down at the four plums on the tile, and the same plum that was left that day, the people who listened to them on the roof that day were still the three children!

Can they actually follow him for so many days without knowing it?

"Ming Xi..." Huangfu blurted out. He stared at the child in the middle. The familiarity was too strong. He remembered the child who had made him amazing.

Over the years, in addition to receiving Lu Wei as an apprentice, he still has two students.

"Mr. still recognize me?" Mingxi smiled and asked, he thought that Huangfu should have not remembered him. After all, he was not a long time student of Huangfu, and it has been so many years.

This sentence is light and pleasant, but it sounds like a thunder in the heart of Huangfu.

He understands what this sentence means. This child is Mingxi.

Ming Xi...The son of Lu Hao is the child who has been missing for four years with Lu Hao.

"Who do you say he is?" Water asked with a shocked look at Huangfu.

Huangfu did not hear his words, but went forward. He looked at Mingxi with a low-pitched look. The more he saw it, the more he felt that he was. Although Mingxi and Mingyu were dragons and babies, the two men looked different. "You really Is Mo Mingxi?"

"Isn't Mr. already recognized me?" Mingxi said with a smile. He used to call Huangfu as Taifu. Now he is not a prince. Huangfu is not a Taifu of Jinguo. He can only call him Mr.

"You..." Huangfu was excited. His emotions have not fluctuated for a long time. I don't know what to ask.

Water squats on Mingxi’s shoulder. “You are Mo Mingxi? What is your mother’s name?”

Mingxi slightly frowned, pushing the hand of the water, "My mother is of course Lu Yan."

"Where is she, where?" asked the water aloud.

哐啷 ——The broken bricks are scattered on the ground, and their standing position looks crumbling.

“It’s not very convenient to talk here.” Ming Xi whispered, “Is it better to go to the house?”

"Go!" Water couldn't help but say, immediately took Mingxi's hand to the other side of the house.

The nephew and the fire rushed to follow up.

Huangfu saw that they were light and fluttering behind the water, and the eyes flashed a surprise.

They all came to the house, Ye Wei was outside the study room, she was going to go in, but did not expect that there would be people on the roof, she stood below and listened to them quietly.

That child is the son of Lu Hao...

Is Lu Hao back?

"What about your mother?" Water only wants to know if Lu Hao is back, even Mo Mingxi can come back, then what about her?

"You let me go first." Ming Xi said calmly, although he would like to throw out the water.

I couldn’t listen to it at all. "You tracked me for a few days, what do you want to do? Where have you been in the past few years?"

"You asked so much, what kind of question do you want me to answer?" Mingxi tried to break free from the water and took a few steps back.

Huangfu asked behind him, "Are you all safely coming back?"

"Yeah, except for the resentment, we are all back." Mingxi said with a smile. "We came to the Yuan Dynasty for a few days, and today we found Mr., and Mr. can really hide."

The water took a deep breath and he heard his heartbeat speeding up.

"That..." The emperor opened his mouth, but the voice went hoarse. He paused for a while before asking, "What about your father and mother?"

Mingxi looked at the water and said, "They are going to do something else. This time, you should come to the Yuan Dynasty."

“Where did they go?” Water asked, “How long have you been back?”

"It’s almost a month." Ming Xi raised his eyebrows. "They went to pick up the country."

Water immediately understood what it was. He had already learned about the things left by Cheng Hao of the kingdom of Jin.

Huangfu knows that their disappearance was a strange thing. He is now squatting on the water. "Ming Xi, is there something wrong?"

"It’s my mother who told me to come to the gentleman first." Mingxi said with a smile, "I heard that the Yuanguo should join forces with Qiguo to deal with Jinguo."

"What?" Huangfu stunned and looked at the water and said to Mingxi. "This is a misunderstanding."

A glimpse of water has calmed down from the shocked excitement. He has seen Mingxi before. Although he was still very young at that time, he can still see the former figure from his face.

He carefully looked at Mingxi. It really looks like Murong Cham. The Emperor recognizes his identity and has almost no doubt. Then he is the son of Lu Hao...

"In the past few days, are you tracking me?" Water suddenly asked.

"Not counting, just want to find a gentleman, only you can help us find it." Ming Xi smiled and said, "I have found it now, and will not follow the generals of the water again."

The water is gloomy, which sounds harsh.

"Where have you been in the past few years?" asked the water.

"I was in trouble, so I dragged a little time." Ming Xi said, "We are back for a month."

“Why don’t you tell us?” asked the water in a cold voice.

Mingxi looked at the water and glanced at it. "I heard that the relationship between the Yuan and the country in the past few years is not very good. There are too many rumors, and we also have concerns."

"What concerns?" The face of the water is gloomy. He does not want to become an ally with Murong, but all this is for her. After she came back, she was jealous of him?

"Afraid of things is human." Ming Xi said directly, he didn't care about the fact that the water was about to drop the ink-like face.

Huangfu sighed in his heart. "You have been back for a month. There is no news on the side of the Yuan Dynasty. Is it... someone deliberately refuses to let us know?"

"It's my mother." Mingxi said with a smile, "I am pleasantly surprised."

"Really... very pleasant surprise." Huangfu chuckled. "It seems that you and your mother are not planning to stay in Jinguo for a long time."

Ming Xi looked sideways at Huangfu. "How did you guess that I haven't seen my mother?"

"You have been back for so long, Jin Guo is still calm, visible... Ink and Zhan are not going to return to the palace." Huangfu whispered that he understood the two of them and seemed to have no interest in the power of the throne. It is.

"My eyes can't be seen, of course, it is not suitable for being an emperor again. Six uncles are not very good." Mingxi smiled, and this is also said to give water a glimpse.

The emperor stunned. "What happened to your eyes?"

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