After everyone retired, Zhao Wei went to Cheng Hao's mourning hall alone. She insisted on setting up the mourning hall in the palace, just to be able to spend more time with him.

Cheng Hao...

Zhao Wei retired everyone and shrank himself to the side of the coffin. What I remembered in her mind were the bits and pieces of her and Cheng Hao.

She did not intend to break into the place where he practiced, and from then on, she had a more Cheng Hao in her life.

I thought that she would teach him for the future, and live with him and the United States for a lifetime. However, the world has never been as wishful. The five emperors they support will listen to others and want to design a trap, if not by them. Seeing through, preemptive, maybe she and Cheng Hao can't go today.

It’s so hard to be able to do what you want...

"I will certainly avenge you." Zhao Wei whispered, she put her hand on the lower abdomen, "will also give birth to the child safely, this is the most precious thing you left for me."

She wants to cry, wants to go with Cheng Hao, but she can't, she knows that Cheng Hao is doing so much for her, he pushes himself to the wave, so that everyone's dissatisfaction is concentrated on him. To remove the obstacles for her, everything is for her.

When he left, how could she live up to his intentions during his lifetime.

"The emperor..." Zhao Xiang screamed softly outside the door. She had not dared to leave in the palace these few days. She was afraid that Zhao Wei would not think about it and would sleep at night.

“Is there something?” Zhao Wei asked softly. When she accompanied Cheng Hao, she did not want to see anyone.

Zhao Xiang walked in slowly. "The Ministry of Rites set aside the day and sent it to the palace to give you a look."

"Hey, I know." Zhao Wei whispered, not wanting to know when it was going.

"I will give you a baby medicine." Zhao Xiang put the food box in his hand on the ground and took out a bowl of ampoules.

Zhao Wei finally looked back at her. "You have been in the palace for a few days. Why don't you go back, don't you fear your child looking for you?"

"There are old ladies, I don't worry." Zhao Xiang smiled faintly. "The emperor, you should drink the medicine first."

"Hey, there won't be anything." Zhao Wei took the medicine, the temperature was just right, she drank it in one breath, and even the candied dates that Zhao Xiang handed over were not answered. "I won't fall."

Zhao Xiang looked at her. "The emperor can be strong. That is very good."

"If you are not strong, who can be strong?" The person she can rely on is no longer there. "I have not revenge, and I must not fall."

"Then you are looking for Lu Hao to avenge, or to find Jin Guo revenge?" Zhao Xiang whispered.

"Is there a difference?" Zhao Wei is cold, she used to hate Zhao Wei to kill her mother, but that is the most blame, now she understands what is hatred.

Zhao Xiang said, "Nature is different. Lu Yi has been missing for four years. Jin Guo has already changed hands. You are looking for Jin Guo to take revenge. That is to be enemies with Murong Yu, not to settle with Lu Hao.夭 Today is not a Queen of the Kingdom of Korea, and even can’t be a sacred country, she is at most a king.”

"What do you want to say?" Zhao Yu frowned, feeling that Zhao Xiang had something to say.

"The price of being an enemy with Jinguo is too great. The emperor, now Qi can't stand the war, especially at this time." Zhao Xiang said, "You have to drive the people of Jinguo out of Qi, and eventually only Qi. The people feel that you are willful, let Jin Guoxian surrender Lu Yan, let all the people know that it is Lu Hao who killed Cheng Hao, killing people to pay for their lives, is a matter of course, if Murong Yu covers the land, We have an excuse for crusade."

When he heard Zhao Xiang’s words, Zhao Wei fell into silence.

She understood that Zhao Xiang wanted her to take revenge as an emperor of Qi, not as a wife.

Let Murong Yu surrender Lu Yan, if Jin Guo refuses to surrender, then she will carry out a tougher means, this can make Lu Hao become the object of hate of the Jin people, because it is Lu Yucai leading to the two countries Become an enemy.

"Is Song Hongyu asking you for this?" Zhao asked.

"No." Zhao Xiang gently shook his head, Song Hongyi's feelings for Lu Hao, it is impossible to say such a thing, he can not bear to treat Lu Hao like this.

Zhao Wei looked at her sister. She and Zhao Xiang grew up together. I used to think that this sister is a nerd. Now it seems that Zhao Xiang is not as gentle and weak on the surface.

She has always looked down on this sister.

"You are really good at this method." Zhao Wei whispered.

"In this case, the older sister will have to take care of it, and you need more energy to deal with the emperor of Jinguo." Zhao Xiang said.

Zhao Wei smiled faintly. "I will be fine."



Song Hongyu came out of the palace. Wang Ducheng was heavily defensive in the past few days and should have been to Cheng Hao.

"Zhen Guohou." An ordinary man came to him. "Our family wants to invite you to a gathering."

"Who is your master?" Song Hongyi asked faintly, who vaguely guessed who was looking for him.

"Hou Ye will know when he goes," the man said.

Song Hongxi smiled. "Go back and tell the five emperors. Cheng Hao is a teacher. Even if he is dead, Qi is now a foregone conclusion and can't change anything."

"It turned out that Hou Ye was also bought." The voice of the man was very light, but he was not willing.

"Even if it is bought, it is also Zhao's ability." Song Hong said, "Five Emperors can't buy people's hearts, then they can only accept their fate."

"The chicken is in the morning, isn't the town Guohou not afraid to see the emperor in the future." The person saw Song Hongyi completely unmoved, and the tone was a bit more urgent.

Song Hongxuan whispered, "After Zhao Qi was enthroned, he stabilized the turbulent situation of Qi State, and even did not listen to rumors and ruined Zhongliang. This point, the Five Emperors could not match her."

When the five emperors did not have a long time in the throne, they began to avoid jealousy and even killed a lot of ministers who had spoken. He would not go to see him alone.

"Cheng Hao is dead, there will be many people who think of the Five Emperors, I hope that the time of the country can still maintain the current position." The man threatened.

"In the end, the five emperors are not reconciled, or are you behind the scenes?" Song Hongyu looked at him coldly.

The man has no intention of going to talk to Song Hongyu again. "If you don't speculate, you will leave."

Looking at the back that has already left quickly, Song Hongyi has already frowned. It seems that the five princes who have been suppressed for many years are finally restless. They think that Cheng Hao is dead, and Zhao can be taken down by them.

They did not know that Zhao Wei was not what they imagined. She was never a woman standing behind Cheng Hao.

Since she was a big princess, half of the court's ministers have been drawn by her.

Only when the process is not strong, can people make a misunderstanding, thinking that Zhao Wei is a princess who is delicate and ignorant.

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