Yuan Guo, Shuijia.

When the water went to repair the roof of the study, Ming Xi was arranged by him. Although one day had passed, his heart could not be calm.

four years ago! He thought that Lu Hao would not come back again. In the past few years, everything he did was to avenge her. Even some self-destructive people, who saw her similar, would want to get her.

She should return to the Yuan Kingdom soon.

He has lost his expectation, but she is coming back.

Water sneered at it, even if she came back, it was followed by Murong Zhan, and there was no hope.

"Yeah." Outside, a soft voice came in.

"Come in." When the water heard it was Ye Wei's voice, he converges his emotions and restores the indifference.

Ye Wei coveted into the house and looked at the water. "Yeah, you didn't eat anything in a day, I made a few snacks for you."

When I saw the water, I looked at Ye Wei, and my eyes suddenly stunned, as if I saw her.

He reached out and held her in his arms, very tight and tight, blurted out, "Hey..."

"Ye?" Ye Wei was hurt, but her heart was the same as the mirror. As she guessed, the woman in the heart was Lu Yu.

It turned out that he used her as a substitute for Lu Hao.

When the water smelled the rouge smell of Ye Wei, she immediately woke up. Lu Yan would not use such a fragrant rouge. She had only a slight herb fragrance.

"I am ready, I can go to Jinguo at any time." Ye Wei squatted on the neck of the water, even if he only had Lu Yan in his heart, she also recognized that she had not been tempted by a man for many years. It is the man she wants to get physically and mentally, she does not want to give up.

"You don't have to go for a while." Water said, Lu Hao is back, and it makes no sense for him to let Ye Wei go to kill Murong.

Murong will not be fooled.

Ye Wei was gentle and nodded. "Yes, I listen to you."

"You can't live here." Water slammed Ye Wei's chin. If Lu Yan saw Ye Wei, she would definitely see his mind.

"That... I want to leave the city of Wangdu?" Ye Wei's heart pierced, although she guessed that he would arrange this, she was still disappointed.

Water squinted at Ye Wei, he was not tired of her, and really did not want to see her again.

She is the one he has ever seen most.

"No, you can live in a hospital outside the city for a while." Water said.

Ye Wei’s mouth is slightly ticked, but fortunately, he still can’t bear her.

"Okay." Ye Wei took a sip of water and kissed his ear.

"Go on, I still have something." The water pushed her away.

Ye Wei’s eyes flashed a touch of darkness, “Yes.”

Water squatted alone in the room for a while, and suddenly got up and walked out of the room to the courtyard where Mingxi lived.

Ming Xi is calming his nephew.

"Tell you not to eat too many plums, now you know the consequences." Fire Phoenix squatted on the other side of the table, gloating to see the crying face.

"Ming Xi..." The child was tearful, how did she know that eating too much plum would be sore, she couldn’t even bite the meat, and her teeth were hard to die.

"First drink porridge, don't bite things, tomorrow will be better." Mingxi said with a smile, "I can't eat too many plums at once."

The nephew nodded politely and looked at the big fish on the table. Wow, crying, I could only watch and can't eat, it was more sad than when I was in Longjishan.

Ming Xi said that the fire phoenix would not laugh out loud. He wiped the tears from his face. "When your teeth are good, I will take you to eat more delicious food."

"Really?" The cry of the nephew stopped short.

"Do not lie to you." Ming Xi gently licked her head, turned to look out the door, whispered, "Water General, do not know what to look for?"

A glimpse of water came out of the corner and looked at the three children inside.

He has not been able to determine how the three children tracked him for a few days, but he did not want to catch it.

"General Water, is there something?" Ming Xi asked with a smile.

"I still want to ask you some words, Huangfu?" He thought that Huangfu should be with Mingxi.

Mingxi was not surprised by the arrival of the water. He guessed that the water would definitely come to him.

"Mr. said that there are still things to deal with first, and come back to me tomorrow." Mingxi said.

Water glanced gently, he looked at Mingxi, because he was the son of Lu Hao, so it was very complicated at this time, "Your mother let you come to the Yuan Dynasty... because I am, right?"

"Yes." Mingxi did not conceal, bluntly.

"She suspects me..." The water sneered at himself. "What have you heard?"

Mingxi said with no concealment, "I heard that you are running against Mr. Huang, who is ambitious and wants to embezzle the Yuan Dynasty. He also has a secret letter with Qi Guo of Tong Qi, and he wants to join hands with Jin Guo."

The water floated on his face, "Is it believed? I believe that I will embezzle the Yuan, will it hurt Huangfu?"

"My mother doesn't believe it, so let me first ask the gentleman to ask, if it is not happening to happen to my little uncle, she will come in person." Mingxi waved his hand and looked at the time. His parents should save the younger sister. "I can't say that the things on the other side of the country have been solved, they are on the way."

"You... aren't you killed by Murong?" asked the water with a frown.

Mingxi groaned, "How can we be killed by the six uncles? Do you think that the six uncles have intentionally harmed us for the throne?"

The water screamed, "Isn't it?"

"You are too small to look at my mother." Mingxi laughed. "The generals of the water, my six uncles are now very good as the emperor of the kingdom. I don't want to change my mother. And, fortunately, I have six uncles. He took Mingyu as a daughter to take care of."

"I used to pick up the jade, Murong did not agree." Water is cold and cold, if he is taking care of Mingyu, he can also treat Mingyu as his daughter.

Fortunately, Mingyu is not growing up beside the water! Ming Xi was thinking in his heart.

"You really don't communicate with Cheng Hao?" Ming Xi asked.

"I want to deal with Murong, and I want to talk to the Qi State Alliance, but I don't need any secret letters." Water frowned and said that he really wants the alliance, and it is also a matter of fairness.

Mingxi waved his hand. "It seems that my mother is right. Those letters are only used by Cheng Hao to deceive my little uncle."

Water does not care about the situation of ink-tolerance, "What is your mother going to Qi?"

His words were just finished, and someone outside hurriedly called him, Shen Luoyang.

"What?" asked the water in a cold voice.

"General, there was news from Qi State, Cheng Hao was killed." Shen Luoyang came very anxious, and he still had some breathing.

Ming Xi heard the words slightly different, Cheng Hao died?

The water is a little dull, "How come to die?"

"I heard that... was killed by the Scorpio Niangniang." Shen Luoyang called. "General, is the Scorpio girl really alive?"

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