In the hall, in addition to the water, there will be a big bed, Lei Yingchun and others. They heard that Cheng Hao was the news of being killed by Tianzhu the day before. At that time, they only thought that there was a rumor that there was nothing in the middle of the morning. Only then did I know that it was true, and the Scorpio Goddess was in Wangdu City, and they immediately came to see him.

In the blink of an eye, the Yuan Dynasty has undergone many changes. The pattern of the temple is different from that of four years ago. The Yuan Dynasty was created by Tianzhu. No matter how it changes, the name of Lu’s is still in the minds of these ministers. A pivotal position.

Ye Hao is wearing a white water red collar today to print the scorpion. In the sun, she looks bright and beautiful, and the white porcelain skin is lined with lustre, she walks up the steps and enters the sight of everyone.

Almost no change at all. In the past four years, where did she spend her time?

After a glimpse of Ye Hao, after a four-year miss, he now has little idea of ​​controlling his own thoughts and desires.

"Scorpio Niangniang!" Shen Luoyang took a step forward and gave Ye Hao a ritual.

Her worship of this, finally pulled everyone back to God.

"Chen has seen the Scorpio Niangniang." Jiang Dachuan, they all bowed and looked excited.

"You all get up, get up quickly." Ye Hao is not used to the goddess of the goddess of heaven, and she has not made any achievements in the Yuan Dynasty for so many years, and she does not intend to stay in the future. She does not want them to misunderstand.

"Scorpio maiden, you will be back soon."

"...there is no death, there will be a blessing, and the return of the Scorpio is the blessing of our Yuan."

"Yes, this is the blessing of our Yuan."

Listening to them, you said a word, and Ye Hao’s heart was filled with warmth, and no matter what happened in the past few years, they still read her old feelings.

"I am not the blessing of the Yuan Dynasty. You are. If you were not you in these years, the Yuan Dynasty would have been broken." Ye Hao said in a loud voice, this is her true heart. Cheng Hao and Bei Tang are ambitious. The person, her disappearance, they must have thought of the opportunity to embezzle the Yuan Dynasty. Now the Yuan Kingdom has not been murdered, and even more prosperous, this is their credit.

Lei Yingchun said, "If there is no Scorpio, there will be no Yuanguo, Niangniang. Since you are back, why don't you go back to the palace?"

"Yeah, over the years, the palace has been repaired once, more spacious and brighter than before. Niangniang, Chen, etc. are here today to welcome you back to the palace." Jiang Dachuan said.

"Chen and other courtesy of the maiden back to the palace." Others followed the opening, another sigh.

Ye Hao said helplessly, "I will live here, and my heart will be my heart."

Lei Yingchun heard Ye Hao’s words and looked up at her in a strange way. Is this the meaning of the words, is not going to return to the palace?

"I believe everyone has heard the rumors outside. Cheng Hao of Qi State was assassinated. Zhao Wei will definitely find revenge for me. If I enter the palace to continue to be your Scorpio, Zhao will transfer hatred to the Yuan. It’s not easy for Yuan Yuan to have the prosperity of today. It should not be involved in the war again because of my personal grievances. It’s not fair to you or to the people of the Yuan Dynasty.” Ye Hao’s eyes looked at the hall clearly. Everyone, they are the people who followed her on the battlefield. The Yuanguo was the one they had with her. She really didn't want to be a member of the Yuan Dynasty because of her own affairs.

The water sighed and said, "You are the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. Your business is the matter of the Yuan Dynasty. It is our business."

Ye Hao looked at him and said to other people, "I have been out to sea for many years and I don't know much about the Central Plains. You, I rushed back to the palace, and I can't do anything, and... I still have a lot of things to do. of."

Lei Yingchun and Jiang Dachuan face each other, they all understand the meaning of Ye Hao, she is not willing to smash the day.

Is it because of the water?

"Scorpio Niangni..." Shen Luoyang looked at the water and glanced at it, and wanted to persuade him to persuade Ye Hao.

"The adults are still going back, going back to the palace, I will consider it." Ye Hao smiled and interrupted the words of Shen Luoyang.

Lei Yingchun, they looked at the emperor behind Ye Hao, and felt that they said that no more use, and had to retire.

There was only one water left in the hall and Huangfu was watching Ye Hao.

"Hey, are you serious?" Huangfu whispered. He thought she didn't want to go back to the palace because she wanted to test the reaction of the minister first. It didn't look like this.

"Every sentence I said is true." Ye Hao said, "I don't want Zhao Wei to have an excuse to attack the Yuan."

The water sighed and said, "You are clearly looking for an excuse. If Zhao Wei dares to send troops, I will dare to fight. The Yuan Kingdom does not have to be afraid of Qi."

"The war is a matter of labor and money." Ye Hao looked at the water. "If the Yuan Dynasty has such a peaceful life, don't destroy it."

"Oh, that's right." Huangfu gently beheaded.

"In any case, you are the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. If Zhao Wei dares to declare war, then I will lead the troops to fight." Water whispered, strongly rejecting Ye Shu’s suggestion that she wanted to hand over the Yuan. That is absolutely impossible.

The reason why he stayed here is because of her.

"A glimpse of the water!" Ye Hao saw him turn and left, and opened his mouth.

"The minister went to prepare, and he would enter the palace in the same day." The water left in a big stride, and so many words that Ye Haofang said were all in the air.

Ye squinted at his back. "The water before the scorpion seems to be not so stubborn."

Huangfu smiled. "He has always been like this."

"Master, what do you think of handing over the Yuan to the water?" Ye Hao said with a smile, this is her thought after seeing the Yuan Dynasty. She feels that water is better suited to become the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty than her.

"I thought you wanted to hand over the Yuan to the Mingyu." Huangfu said.

"I used to think like this before." Ye Hao blinked, before going to Xuantian mainland experience, she gave Mingxi and Mingyu all plans, Mingxi inherits Jinguo, Mingyu inherits Yuanguo, their brothers and sisters People must be able to support each other, but Ming Xi obviously does not intend to stay in the human world, and he is not suitable for it.

As for Mingyu... She is still too young, and the variables will be too big in the future. Now, her loyal water will not be loyal to Mingyu, at least not let the water become an enemy.

Huangfu said, "A water needs to be restrained."

If no one is constraining the water, he may become a tyrant.

"Who is looking for someone to restrain him?" Ye Hao frowned, thinking of turning to Huangfu.

Huangfu shook his head sharply. "If I restrain him, I don't have to live in the mountains."

"That's because you don't want to, if you want, you can definitely restrain the water." Ye Yan said with a smile.

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