The mood of the water was both irritating and angry. He could hear the meaning of Ye Xie's words, so he was even more angry. She didn't want to go back to the palace. She didn't want to be the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. She wanted to hand over the Yuan to him.

Is she testing him, or is she really planning to drop the ministers who were born and died with her?

No matter which answer, water is uncomfortable.

The reason why he came here to become the general of the Yuan Dynasty is because he wants to follow her, even if she knows that her heart belongs, even if she knows that she is the queen of Murong Cham, he puts down everything in Huaguo, as long as he can see When she arrived, she was able to be satisfied with her.

Now she wants to leave everything behind.

"Big Brother!" The water seedlings in the hall saw the figure of the water, and immediately ran out, his eyes glowed and exclaimed excitedly. "I heard that Tianzhu is back, where is she? Can you take me? Go looking for her?"

"Going to her, she will leave in a few days." Water said with a blank expression, their brothers and sisters were really sincere to her, she probably dismissed.

"Scorpio will leave? Where are you going?" The seedlings were smashed.

The water looked at her sister and said coldly, "She doesn't want to be paralyzed that day."

"It turned out to be like this." Shui Miao Miao grinned. "I thought she was going to sea again. Brother, where is Scorpio living, I want to go find her."

"North Lipo Yejia Bieyuan." The water is as bright as ice.

The water seedlings were very happy, and they turned around. They ran a few steps and looked back at the water. "Big brother, do you like Tianzhu Niangniang?"

"What are you talking about!" The water was slammed into the mind and glanced at the sister with anger.

"I saw it before, Big Brother don't forget, but I came over." Shui Miaomiao said with a smile, "You know Scorpio for so long, you should know what kind of person she is, you don't want to let her not like it." Something else, otherwise..."

The water is cold, "How else?"

"Scorpio looks very gentle and weak, but she is different from other women. Big brother should be clear in his heart." Otherwise, he will not have a soft spot for her. For many years, the woman who wants to give her big brother What's more, but he seems to be blind to one eye. There is already a jade in front, and he is tempted by those women.

Even she likes Scorpio very much. If she can be with her eldest brother, it is naturally a good thing, but she knows that this is impossible. The person that Scorpio likes is Murong Cham.

A glimpse of water is very clear about the temperament of Ye Hao. She must have noticed what she did not want to return to the Yuan Dynasty.

"Big brother, I am leaving." Miao Miao Miao rushed to see Ye Hao, waved and ran away.

Is there any way to persuade Ye Hao to change his mind? A glimpse of the water stood in the same place, and no one was noticed when he was close.

Ye Wei came to the side of the water, looked up at his handsome side face, and saw his eyes softer than ever before, and he knew that he should be thinking about Lu Yan.

Men only show this look when they think of a beloved woman.

"Yeah." Ye Wei whispered to him, and he was still a little unwilling that his mind was all Lu Hao.

She was holding her to sleep with her, and he imagined her as another person every time.

As soon as the water turned back, the moment of tenderness in the eyes was replaced by indifference. "How are you here?"

"See you alone here, so come and see." Ye Wei said, "I heard that the Scorpio is coming back. She is a cousin I have never met, and she is inevitably curious about her."

When the water is low, I look at Ye Wei. "Do you want to see her?"

"If you let me see, I will go, you don't like it, I won't go." Ye Wei softly said softly, she can only rely on him, and naturally listen to him.

"What about you going to see her, she is already leaving." The water said coldly and turned back to the study.

Ye Wei looked at the back of the water, and the tenderness and affection in her eyes became a bit meaningful. Her lips smirked a sly smile. "It turns out that my sweetheart doesn't like you."

I really want to know what Lu Yan has, and let the water stunned for her.

If she is Ye Xi’s twin sister, it’s not too young now. She’s been in the past few years to keep the girl’s skin and body. What is Lu’s ability?

I heard that there are still two children. When I was fifteen or six years old, I was born beautiful again. It has already passed ten years. Where can she be beautiful?

Ye Wei’s mind emerged from Ye Hao, who was once favored in Ye’s family. When she was a child, she was married to Ye Hao, because she had the love of her grandmother and her uncle, and herself? The father only used her and her sister as chess pieces, and wanted to use them to consolidate their power. The mother was weak and timid, and everything listened to her father. Her best person was second.

At that time, she didn't know what she thought. She always wanted to be close to the two in front of Ye Hao and saw the look of Ye Hao's face. She felt very happy.

What can be changed like this? The most loved by her grandmother is Ye Hao. The second uncle protects Ye Hao tyrannically, and she is not allowed to use the leaf 蓁 half.

Ye Hao’s life is much better than her. She can only choose to run away with her favorite man. As a result, she still has to be abandoned.

However, I heard that Ye Hao’s life was not good. Who wouldn’t marry, but he would marry the enemy of Ye’s family. He was left out and was burned to death.

It seems that she is still better than Ye Hao.

I don’t know which one is more beautiful than Lu Wei and Ye Wei.

"Ye girl, you have cooked the soup for the general." Someone came over with a food box. This is the soup that she deliberately gave to the water in the morning.

"You sent it to the general's study room." Ye Wei said that when the water was in a bad mood at this time, she certainly didn't want to see her. She didn't go to him to find it, and when he remembered her, she would come to her. .

Ye Wei turned and walked out of the room slowly. She hesitated a little, and decided to go to Bei Lipo. She should go to see her relatives, isn't she?

Outside the gate, there were several figures striding forward. Ye Wei recognized that these people were all squatting in the water. She stood sideways and had a low dagger.

Those people saw her, and the eyes were flashing strangely, but soon they passed by her face and went to the study room to find water.

Not long ago, she met these people at the Water House. They were all generals in the army and ministers of the court. It seems that... they are not very loyal to the so-called Scorpio, but they hope that the water will enter the palace.

If the water really becomes the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, will he still leave her with her?

Ye Wei smiled and smiled, and suddenly felt that Lu Hao was like a stumbling block.

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