Murong Yu urgently wants to know if Zhao Ning has been tortured. When he knows that Cheng Hao has kept her and Jun Ge in the dungeon, I really want to dig out the shackles of Cheng Hao. How can he make this to Zhao Ning? No matter what, Zhao Ning is Zhao's sister.

"...The emperor sent us to leave the city of Wangdu, leaving the scorpion to deal with Cheng Hao. When we arrived at the border town, we heard that Cheng Hao was dead and was killed by the scorpion." Zhao Ning’s expression was excited, "The scorpion can actually Killing Cheng Hao, he is like this to me and Jun Ge, and you are made to be like this. I can’t wait for him to die, but what about Zhao Wei? She loves Cheng Hao...”

"Before he did these things, he should know what will happen." Murong 沂 不同 不同 沂 铮 铮 铮 铮 铮 铮 铮 铮 铮 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨Will Zhao Ning lose, if he loses Zhao Ning, wouldn't he be born to die?

Zhao Ning also knows that Cheng Hao is dead. She and Murong Yu are safe. "The big sister must be very sad."

"She must have hated the dead." Murong said with a frown. Some worried about Ye Hao's current situation. The emperor is no longer the emperor of the Jin State. The nephew is not a queen. If Zhao Wei wants to deal with them, can they cope with it?

"I don't know where the scorpion is now." Zhao Ning worried that she knew how much the death of Cheng Hao was against Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei certainly smelt her and hated it. Later, she probably didn't have to return to Qi.

Murong said, "The scorpion should be in the Yuan Dynasty now."

"I thought they were returning to Kyoto from another direction. They went to the Yuan Dynasty." Zhao Ning said that they should have something to do when they go to the Yuan Dynasty.

"This time, you can safely come back to Jinguo and be able to keep your children. It is a lot of scorpion. In the future, no matter what happens, we must remember this kindness." Inkor’s hand put Zhao Ning’s lower abdomen, this child must It is very blessed and can be kept in such a situation.

Zhao Ning smiled slightly, "I know."

Murong Zhan bowed his head and kissed her cheek. "You are tired, take a break, I will give you something to eat."

"Yeah." Zhao Ning groaned in the back of his hand. "The scorpion gave me some amps, and my body has been nursed to be almost the same."

"That's a good rest." Murong said softly, and Zhao Ning huddled up. "You are lying down first."

When Zhao Ning was in Qi State, he thought about Murong Yu every day. He thought that he could not be with him in this life. Now he is by her side, and she is willing to leave him half a step.

At this time, there was a knock on the outside.

"Wang Ye, Wang Hao, slaves give you meals." Lin Zhiran said outside.

"Come in." Zhao Ning laughed and said to Murong Yu, "Small is sent, you don't have to leave."

Murong sighed her cheeks. "I don't go, I am here with you."

Lin Zhiran brought in two bowls of beef noodles and some pickled melon snacks. "Wang Ye, Wang Hao, this inn is remote, there are not many things in the kitchen. The slaves have made a few foods, and they can only grieve you."

"How can you suffer from eating?" Zhao Ning said with a smile, in the experience of life and death in Qi State, her and Lin Zhiran's feelings are not just as simple as the master servant. "You followed me for a long time, it should rest well. ""

"The slaves don't feel tired. Jun brothers have already eaten in the next room and have fallen asleep. Wu Daren, they are guarding, you rest assured," Lin Zhiran said.

Zhao Ning said, "Well, you can also go to rest."

Lin Zhiran retired after the ceremony.

She just had to go back to her room, and Don Juan came from the other side.

"Jing Ning Hou." Lin Zhiran stopped and gave Tang Yi a ritual.

Tang Yan gently beheaded Lin Zhiran. "Lin girl, I have something to ask you."

"Hou Ye, please." Lin Zhiran said, she knows that Tang Yan should be asking about things related to Ye Hao.

"The maiden... I mean, when you are separated from you, can you tell me something?" Tang said in a low voice.

Lin Zhiran said, "The goddess did not say anything else, just let us go to Feng Xiaocheng and other small princes, and also took a letter to the slaves, let the slaves see him when he saw the generals, ah, the goddess also said, please Jingning Hou Anxin returned to Kyoto, everything is as old."

What Tang Yan is curious about is what Ye Hao would say to Ye Yinan. What she said is as old as probably that Murong’s imperial edict was only a blind eye, and did not really want to take back his military power.

Originally, I just wanted to cause mutual suspicion between Cheng Hao and Shui. Now it is not necessary. Cheng Hao is already dead. She also went to the Yuan Dynasty. If the water really cooperates with Qi, she must have already understood.

It is possible to have a coal mine with whom it is possible. It is absolutely impossible to join the Jinguo League. Only the person who is not sure about Fujimori will believe that it should be distributed to the wasteland.

"Do you see... Qin Wang?" Tang Yan whispered, although in his heart, Murong Zhan is still the emperor of the Jin State, but his heart is clear, now the emperor word is not so easy to say.

"I saw it, Your Majesty... Qin Wangye’s eyes could not be seen, but his martial arts were still very powerful. We were stopped by the shadow guards of Qi State on the road. Qin Wang was one of the enemy, and we were able to leave Wangdu City smoothly.” Lin Zhiran said In the end, the sound could not help but improve. At that time, she secretly picked up the curtain and saw it. In the rainy night, Qin Wang’s figure was long and handsome. She couldn’t see how he shot. The defenders were not his opponents at all. And soon I can't fight back.

She was not the first to see Murong Zhan's shot, but she has never been shocked this time.

When Tang Yan heard Lin Zhiran's words, his heart's worries about Murong Zhan could finally be put down. It seems that his eyes are invisible, but it does not affect his martial arts. He should be able to heal in the future.

His former eyes could not be seen, but he was not cured.

"I know, you go to rest." Tang Yan gently decapitated, then, as long as he safely sent Murong to them to Kyoto, other things, and then decided to discuss with Ye Yinan.

They rested for two days in Fengqi City. On the third day, Tang Hao prepared two other carriages and planned to return to Kyoto at the fastest speed. I knew that in the middle of the road, I met Ye Haonan who was coming to them.

Ye Yinan was very disappointed when they saw them. He thought that he could spend a few days outside and had to go back with them.

He has heard on the road that Ye Hao killed Cheng Hao, and he is convinced of this rumor.

After a few days, they finally returned to Kyoto.

Ye Yinan and Tang Yugang entered the city gate and were surrounded by soldiers.

"Ye General, Jing Ninghou, you are finally willing to come back!"

"You are wanted." Murong pointed to the emperor on the wall and shouted in shock.

Ye Yannan raised an eyebrow. "Oh, that can only be advanced."

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