Ye Yinan and Tang Yan knew that these wanted lists were just like them. However, they still showed some unwillingness and were sent to the royal study room. They only gave Murong a ritual.

"Auntie them?" Murong asked, he wanted to know if the aunt's family was back safely.

"The emperor, Xiao Wang Ye sent Xiao Wang and the child to go back to the palace to rest." Ye Yinan said.

Murong Yu looked at Tang Yan. "Can there be danger on the road?"

Tang Hao replied, "The road is safe and sound, and Cheng Hao’s death is quite a blow to the country. They should be busy with the funeral now."

"Since people make a general order, the court is not very safe. You come back this time and estimate that the threshold is not calm." Murong’s mouth floated a little smile, and in the eyes of both of them, it seemed to see the taste of gloating. .

"What do you mean?" Ye Yannan stunned, how could the imperial court be uneasy?

Murong Yu said with a deep smile. "There are a lot of people who are not upright for you."

"That can only prove that we are doing our duty on weekdays, and the emperor suddenly wants to take over the military rights, so that some people are afraid of it." Ye Yinan said that he asked himself for so many years, no matter what aspect he would not pick one out.

Tang Yan slightly frowned, but it seemed to be a bit worried.

Murong Yan looked at them. "I believe you, naturally I believe that other people in the court who have been used by others will be more happy if you can persuade Murong Zhan to come back."

"The emperor is still alive." Ye Yannan said bluntly, "Hey, maybe he has already gone to China."

"What?" Murong's face changed. "Do they want to go out to sea?"

They didn't mention it to him!

"I heard it, if the things here are solved, they will go to China." Lian Ange followed his father, and they should be sooner or later.

"They won't go like this." Murong returned to God and shook his head firmly. "If you really want to go out to sea, you will come back with Mingyu."

Ye Xiaonan nodded gently, and he almost forgot that Mingyu was still here.

As I spoke, the voice of Ford came from outside.

"The emperor, Song Daren asked to see."

"Come in." Murong whispered.

Song Wei strode in and walked in. After a ceremony, he couldn't wait for Murong to speak. He already said, "The emperor, Qi Guo Zhao Wei sent someone to send you a letter."

Zhao Wei sent someone to send a letter?

Ye Yinan and Tang Yan exchanged a look, while looking at Murong Yu.

"Do you believe?" Murong Yu seems to be calm, as if he had already guessed that Zhao Wei would send a letter.

The letter of this letter is beautiful and beautiful. When I saw it, I knew it was written by a woman. Murong saw the words of Zhao Wei and knew that this was not the handwriting of Zhao Wei. It should be written by others.

"The emperor, what does Zhao Wei say?" Ye Xiaonan whispered.

Murong’s face was gloomy. “She wants the Jinguo to surrender and avoid the two countries’ war.”

"What?" Tang Yan’s face was full of anger and felt the maliciousness of Zhao’s letter.

"If it wasn't for Cheng Hao's house arrest, Xiao Yan wouldn't kill him. Cheng Hao's death is simply a matter of self-receiving." Tang Yan said, I am afraid that Murong will really push Ye Hao.

Murong Yu did not speak, but silently handed the letter to Ye Yinan.

Ye Yinan took over the past, and the twilight became cold. "Zhao Wei is upside down in black and white! One thing that does not mention Cheng Hao's house arrest, is to say that he is sneak into Wangdu City and kill Cheng Hao."

"She naturally only said that she is reasonable." Murong said faintly, "This is not her sinister intentions."

"This letter is just about wanting to turn it into a person who will be condemned by the entire Jinguo people in the future." Tang Yu said coldly, Zhao Wei did not directly declare war with Jin Guo. Someone must point her behind her, if Jin Guo does not hand over Hey, what is she going to do?

It will definitely be done to let the people of Jinguo resent and kill Cheng Hao.

However, if he surrenders, Zhao will definitely kill her.

"I don't want to agree." Murong said faintly, "Who sent the letter?"

"It is the messenger of Qi." Song Wei replied.

Murong sighed coldly. "Go back to them. Lu Hao is the king of our country, and will not be handed over to Qi."

Song Hao had long known the answer of Murong Yu and was not surprised.

"The emperor, if you do this, Jin Guo and Qi will definitely go to war." Ye Xiaonan said in a deep voice, "Zhao Wei must know that he is no longer the queen of the kingdom. If the emperor surrenders her, it may Some people are dissatisfied. If they don't pay, there will be people who disagree, and it will be difficult for the country."

"It is indeed a dilemma, but if Jin Guolian can't keep it, what's the point?" Murong asked coldly.

Ye Xiaonan whispered, "The emperor, don't forget, I used to be the emperor of the Jin State. She is still the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. She is not in Jinguo now. It is in the Yuan Dynasty. Zhao Wei wants revenge and lets her Go to the Yuan Dynasty."

When Tang Yin heard the words of shirking, he was so angry that he was holding the clothes of Ye Yannan. "Do you know what you are talking about? You are your sister. Do you want to see death?"

"I don't want to die, but choose a better way to deal with Zhao Wei." Ye Yinan said, "This will at least delay the time."

"You don't need to delay the time. If you really want to start a war, I can lead the troops to fight." Tang said.

Ye Yinan said helplessly, "If you really want to go to war, you don't need to go to the battlefield, you are my sister, I don't want to protect her."

Murong looked at Ye Xiaonan with deep gaze. "Is this what you mean?"

"Yes." Ye Xiaonan turned to look at Murong, "I will find ways to avoid war."

"...that letter?" Tang Yan remembered, let Lin Zhiran send a letter to Ye Xiaonan, did she guess that Zhao Wei would do this?

Murong said faintly, "There is no unity in the world, and the war must be avoided."

"He said that this is her private vengeance, I don't want to be involved in Jinguo, and I don't want other people to sacrifice for her." Ye Yinan said.

Don Juan had to say, "That would be awkward."

Murong Yu looked at Ye Xiaonan, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know, you know, you have always had your own idea." Ye Xiaonan said helplessly, "Qi Guo should not be fighting at this time. Cheng Hao is dead. Who can replace him?" Zhao Wei’s position does not necessarily sit still.”

Zhao Wei was the throne of her younger brother. Now her big backer is gone. Who knows if the minister of Qi State will listen to her?

Still look at it.

"Take it as you can," Murong said.

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