Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1994: Qi State Messenger

Zhao Wei wants to make it difficult for Murong Yu to ask Murong to hand over Ye Hao. Murong Yu will push Ye Hao to the fact that Ye Hao is not the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea. By the way, he asked Qi to send Zhao Ning back. They are under house arrest of Wang Hao, and they have to give them an explanation!

Murong Yu also made this matter known to the world, so that everyone in the world knows why Lu Hao will kill Cheng Hao. That is because Cheng Hao has placed a ban on the kingdom of Jin Guo, his ambition is intended to be the day, Zhao Zhao wants them. If you hand over Lu Yan, then you must surrender Zhao Ning. If she says that she can't make it, she must give a statement. Unless she tells the truth, Zhao Ning has already been taken away by Lu Hao.

That proves that Cheng Hao is indeed a soft-nosed king of the country, and Lu Yan killed him and did nothing wrong.

Zhao Wei did not pay attention to Murong’s request. She directly asked the messenger to go to the Yuan Dynasty and asked the Yuan to give her an account.

The Qi State messenger sent the letter to the hands of the water, because Ye Hao could not be found, and Ye Hao had never returned to the palace.

"Would you want our country to surrender the Scorpio?" Water slammed the letter on the table, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He really wondered if Zhao Wei was not awake because of Cheng Hao’s death. Their Yuan Dynasty handed over the Scorpio.

Don't say that Cheng Hao was supposed to die, even if it was really Scorpio who killed Cheng Hao, then what?

"Water general, such as today's next person who does not know that the Yuan Dynasty is under your leadership today, Lu Hao clearly wants to enjoy the success, you do not have to enmity for her and our country, you say yes?" Qi State messenger Say hello to the water.

Others just watched the water and didn't talk. To be honest, they really didn't want to fight with Qi, let alone for Lu.

The water stared at the Qi State messenger with a cold eye. "Who told us that we are sitting on the heavens? If there is no Scorpio, there will be no Yuan."

"The generals..." The generals standing on the side stood up and wanted to talk, and they were looked back by the cold eyes.

"Oh, yes, the Yuan Dynasty is indeed created by Lu Hao, but it is not the general of the water, how can she create the Yuan Dynasty, and the 100,000 soldiers will only listen to you." He said with a smile.

Water sneered, "Scorpio can kill Cheng Hao without the ability."

The smile of Qi’s messenger has been stiffened. “The generals of the water, Lu Yan is a murderer, and we will never give up.”

"What is the matter of our Yuan Dynasty?" asked the water with a blank expression.

"Because Lu Hao is the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty." The Qi State messenger said that he felt that the attitude of the water was different, and he did not seem to intend to hand over Lu Hao.

A glimpse of water, a smile, "The original messenger knows that our name is Lu Hao."

The face of the Qi State messenger is stiff. "Water General, what do you mean by this?"

"Go back and tell Zhao Wei, if you want to start a war, we will fight. Our Yuan will fight!" said the water coldly.

"After the water, your Yuan Dynasty is hard to have today. Do you really want to destroy the Yuan State for Lu Hao?" Qi State messenger shouted.

The subordinates on both sides of the hall looked nervously at the water. They were not afraid to fight with Qi, but they wanted to use the strength and financial resources for the battle. They naturally felt that it was not worth it.

"Throw him out to me." Water did not even explain it. Zhao Wei wanted to sell him to Lu Hao. If he promised to hand over Lu Hao, what did he become?

"General..." His subordinates want to stop and say, isn’t the generals really not thinking about it? I have told him many times these days, although the Yuan is created by Lu Hao, but the new officials in recent years simply don’t know who Lu Hao is, even they have never seen Lu Hao. Hey, they came from China. They were the former men of the water. They only listened to the water and didn’t know Lu Hao.

Now that Lu Hao is back, I want to get the Yuan Dynasty, and they really have a hard time agreeing.

The water whispered, "I have to say it clearly before I said it."

The subordinates looked at each other and had to listen to the instructions of the water and pull the Qi emissaries out.

"After the water, don't regret it!" Qi State messenger shouted.

"The generals, if we fight, it is not good for us."

Water did not pay attention to them, but strode away from Wangducheng and went to Yejiabie in the suburbs.

He told Ye Hao about the envoy of Qi to come to him.

"Zhao Wei is going to kill me." Ye Hao smiled faintly. It was not strange for Zhao Wei’s approach. She must have sent people to go to Jinguo. Murong Yu should have already made an excuse to push to the Yuan. On the other hand, Zhao Wei will not let the messenger give a glimpse of water.

"At the beginning, you should kill Zhao Wei." When the water is cold, this will last forever.

Ye Hao glanced at him faintly. "I killed him because he was under house arrest, and he would not die. He will deal with the aunt in the future."

Water whispered, "Zhao Wei is the queen of Qi. After all, if she wants to deal with you, you can only go back to the palace. Even if Zhao Wei wants to send people to attack our Yuan, I can bring troops to fight."

"No, no need." Ye Hao shook his head. "If you do, it is completely in the trick of Zhao Wei."

"What do you want to do?" asked the water.

Ye Hao slightly frowned, his fingers unconsciously knocked on the table, followed by Murong Zhan's side for a long time, and some habits did not consciously learn him.

Her murder is a personal grievance, and she does not want to be tired of the country and does not want to squander the Yuan.

"Do you want to force a country with one person?" asked Water.

"I want Zhao Wei not to use the power of Qi to deal with me." Ye Hao said, "Can you first ask me about the news of Jin Guo?"

Water glanced at Ye Hao silently. "Good."

Ye Hao bent his lips and smiled. "I am bothering you."

"Do you want to smash the day again?" Water asked, and she came back this time, as if she was resisting the identity of the Scorpio, and even the Royal Palace would not go back.

"I don't want to, I don't think it is suitable." Ye Hao smiled. "After the water, you are more suitable than me."

The water is dark and gloomy. "Do you think that I am such a villain, and when you are not there, you will join the party to smuggle and turn the Yuan into..."

"I don't mean this." Ye Hao interrupted him. "The Yuan Dynasty was created by me, but it is all the merits of everyone. I have been in the city these few days. The people like you very much. You can see that you are four." The contribution to the Yuan Dynasty over the years."

Water said, "I won't do that. If you want to give up, then give the Yuan to the Ming."

Ye Hao did have such thoughts before, but now it is no longer possible, and the ministers of the Yuan Kingdom will not agree.

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