Water thought that through the persecution of Zhao Wei, Ye Hao might change his mind and return to the palace, but she still refused to be the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. She would rather live in this small courtyard with Murong Zhan, no matter what he said. She did not change her mind.

He said nothing is useless.

Ye Hao looked at the back of the water and strode away. When she started the Yuan Dynasty, she thought about leaving the Yuan to Mingyu in the future, but she left for four years. The four years are not long or short. It is enough to change a lot of things, especially the people, is the most complicated and easy to change. Now, the minister who still respects her as the **** of the Yuan Dynasty is there. Even if she goes back to the day, it is different from the previous ones. They must be different. Will hold the water for a while.

Originally, she felt that Huangfu was more suitable. Unfortunately, he was used to living in an uncontested life. It was impossible to be as good at power as a water.

"Sister Ye, what happened to my eldest brother? I told him to ignore me, as if he owed him a few hundred and two." Shui Miaomiao came in from the outside and asked with a puzzled face. She heard that her brother came and wanted to be tall. Happy to say hello, who knows only to see a cold face.

"I don't agree with me, so I am leaving." Ye Hao said helplessly.

The water seedlings were the first two days to find Ye Hao, and they also brought their three-year-old daughter. They are in the backyard with their nephews. Anyway, there is no other person in her family. She simply stayed here at Ye Hao. .

"My brother wants to persuade you to go back to the palace?" Miao Miaomiao whispered, "Sister Ye, do you really want to be jealous of the day?"

She thought, but can she be a few years? Nowadays, everyone thinks that she has not changed. She feels that she is properly maintained. But after ten years, twenty years later, will they still feel this way? If she is still like this, others will treat her as a monster.

"Yeah, these four years are free to get used to it, and I don't want to live in the palace at all." Ye Hao said with a smile, so he had to make excuses for himself.

Miao Miaomiao agreed to nod. "I think it is really stuffy in the palace."

"You and Zhao Tianqi are not afraid of depression, here they are bored and can go to Zhaojiadao." Ye Hao laughed.

"Although this is the case, I think that my brother has only one person here. I can't bear it. If there is a big sister, it would be better. My brother is not willing to be a relative." Shui Miaomiao sighed, she understood who the big brother belongs to. Can someone Ye Jie have a husband, how can the big brother not give up?

I still want to leave Ye Wei’s woman at home.

She did not dare to mention the woman with Ye Jie until now, and she was afraid of humiliating Ye Jie.

Ye Hao thought of the scent of the water, did not know how to evaluate, it seems that it is not so easy to persuade him to replace her as the emperor.

"I will go back to the backyard," said Ye Hao.

Huangfu took Abu and left, because A is not afraid of strangers, and when he sees a child, he can't help but kneel down. Ye Hao is afraid to be seen, and there is no strong left to live here.

Mingxi and Huohuang don’t know where to go. There are only the daughters of the children and the seedlings in the garden.

Before the water seedlings, they liked Mingxi and Mingyu most. Now they see Mingxi Changcheng’s handsome young boy, which is even more loved. It was originally moved to make the daughter and Mingxi become the childhood, but when they saw the children. She will dispel this thought.

I don’t have to think about it, it’s possible to let Ming Xi take care of her sister.

"My sister, wait for me!" He followed his little short legs and chased his nephew, wanting to eat the meat in his hand.

"You can't eat this, it's very hot, isn't it giving you a spicy candied haw?" He held a bag of spicy meat in his hand and ran and was chased by Zhao, she would not eat spicy. Has been spicy tears DC.

The water seedlings rushed to stop the daughter from eating anything, and then she was crying.

Ye Hao looked at the innocent children, shook their heads and smiled, went to the house to find Murong Cham.

Murong Chong often went out in the past few days, and finally finally rested in the house today. Ye Hao cooked the medicine on the table, and it was cold and did not drink.

"You don't take medicine anymore." Ye snorted and walked over to sit down next to him, pretending to be angry.

"Forgot." Murong Zhan's thin lips swelled in a slight curvature, reaching out to grab her thin waist. "Is the water receiving a letter from Qi Guo?"

Ye Weiwei, "How do you know?"

"The news from the Jin Guo side, Murong Yu refused Zhao Wei's request, and Zhao Zhao put Zhao Ning." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Is this not your idea?"

"I just reminded my big brother secretly, I am not sure if Murong will do that." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Zhao Wei must be mad, and she sent a messenger from Qi to the Yuan Dynasty to find a water." Hey, I want to let the water hand over me."

Murong Zhan whispered, "Will the water want you to go back to the palace?"

"Well, you said that what I want to do is exactly what I want to do. He knows better than me. Now the minister of the Yuan Dynasty is more loyal to him. Even if I go back to the day, I will not be guilty in the future." Ye Hao frowned and said, even her All of them saw that the water was unwilling to go down. How could he still want her to go back to the palace?

What is the idea of ​​playing in the water, I don’t see it, it doesn’t mean that Murong Zhan doesn’t know.

"Wait for Zhao Yu to send troops to the Yuan Dynasty, and then borrow 10,000 soldiers from the Yuan Dynasty, our own grievances, not to use water to intervene." Murong Zhan will hold Ye Hao sitting on his lap, his voice said indifferently.

"If Zhao Wei sends troops, it will not be good for them. Will she do that?" Ye Hao raised his eyebrows. Will Zhao Wei be so impulsive?

Murong Zhan gently rubbed her chin on her belly. "Well, she will."

"Do you mean to bring your own troops to fight?" Ye Hao finally reacted to what he said. "And, you are not invisible? How do you know more than me?"

"I just stunned, not stunned..." Murong Chong buried her face on her body, and laughed out loudly. The voice was low and sweet. "Although I am not an emperor, it does not mean that no one is available."

Ye Hao pushed him away. "Ink-Chan, you are carrying me a lot of things, do you know anything?"

"Not much." Murong Chan whispered.

"How is it possible!" cried Ye, "Quickly, what do you know?"

Mo Rongzhan had to say, "The three princesses of Qi State forced the palace, Zhao Yu killed three horses, and imprisoned the three princesses. He has already transferred 20,000 iron cavalry in Shajiu City."

This is the intention of going to war with the Yuan.

"She sent the messenger to let the water go out and let me go out, while collecting the sand nine cities. Is this going to threaten the water?" Ye Hao’s mind appeared in the hatred and grief of Zhao Wei’s day when she looked at her.

Zhao Wei certainly can't wait to kill her immediately.

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