Since the last time the nephew had tried Abe, Mingxi and Huohuang did not say anything, but they were very curious about Abe’s life. Therefore, when Huangfu took Abu back, they were also thick. The skin is behind.

The bamboo house where Huangfu lived was in the mountain forest. Even if he lived in Abu, he was very quiet here. More Mingxi and Fire Phoenix were here, and he immediately became busy. No matter where he went, he heard the fire phoenix. A voice that doesn't talk.

Although I did not say a word.

"Can you be quiet?" Ming Xi was annoyed by the sound of the fire phoenix, and could not help but ask him to shut up.

"Then let me talk to her." Fire Phoenix pointed at Ah.

Huangfu, who is drying the herb, said helplessly, "Ah can't talk."

Fire Phoenix and Mingxi exchanged a look.

"Sir, where did you see Abu?" Mingxi asked with a smile, and looked innocent.

"In the deep mountains over there, I found it when I went to pick the medicine." Huangfu pointed a finger and pointed at the towering mountains in front.

There are basically deep forests and old forests. Fire Phoenix looks at Huangfu in a strange way. "You found Ah in that place. Do you doubt her origin?"

"Doubt." Huang Dagger, how could not doubt, "but she lost her memory, and she can't talk, I can't see death."

"Mr...." Ming Xixi looked at him in front of the emperor. "When you saw Ah, what was she like? What was wearing, was there an injury?"

Huangfu slowly lifted his head and looked into the eyes of Mingxi’s red and black eyes. "Well."

This is not the truth!

Mingxi saw the clues from the flashing eyes of Huangfu. He smiled and stood up. "Okay."

"You ask so much, do you think that Abu's life is suspicious? What do you know?" Huangfu asked softly.

"No, it’s curiosity." Mingxi said with a smile, "Children are very curious."

Huangfu stood up with herbs and looked at Mingxi. He used to be Mingxi’s husband. He knew that the character of this child is different from that of other children. Mingxi was smart and steady from childhood, not because he was curious. People, did he completely change his temper when he went to other places in the past four years?

"Ming Xi, what have you done in the past few years?" Huangfu asked.

"Nothing to do." Mingxi looked innocent. "Sir, there is nothing we will go to find."

Ming Xi took the hand of the fire phoenix and walked outside the fence. Ah is not in the nearby small lake.

"Mr. Huang Wei is lying." Fire phoenix lowered his voice and said to Ming Xi.

"I know that when he saw Abu, Ah is definitely not like this." Mingxi looked back at Huangfu, and he just asked about the first time he saw Abu, although Mr. was well concealed. But it still flashed a bit.

The fire phoenix frowned and said, "I didn't feel any spiritual power in Abu, if it wasn't a child... I didn't find her strange."

Mingxi pointed to the highest mountain. "Let's go there and see."

"Do you want to bring Aber?" asked Fire Phoenix.

"No." Ming Xi gently shook his head and walked toward the lake.

There are a lot of fish in the small lake near the bamboo house. Mingxi remembers that Huangfu used to like fish, but he lived in the bamboo house for two days, as if he didn't see him eating fish.

A did not stand on the side of the lake with a small stone. She seemed to be afraid of water, and she did not dare to be too close.

"Ah, what do you do with so many small stones?" Fire Phoenix asked. "What's good with small stones, let's go fishing."

"Hey!" Ah did not shake his head, glaring at the fire phoenix.

Fire Phoenix laughed. "What? You don't like to eat fish?"

A lame anger, put a small stone in his pocket, turned and ran back to the bamboo house.

"What happened to her?" The fire phoenix was foggy, and he said something wrong.

"Is it the reason for Abu?" Mingxi thought thoughtfully, is it because Abu no longer likes to eat fish?

Fire Phoenix scratched his head. "What are you talking about?"

"We go to say goodbye to Mr.." Ming Xi said, pulling the fire phoenix to the bamboo house to find the emperor.

"Sir, we have been here for two days, it is time to go back, or my mother would think that we are in trouble everywhere." Ming Xi said with a smile.

Huangfu carefully looked at Mingxi and wondered if his words were true. "You don't want to live here for a few more days?"

"No, we will come over with the nephew in two days." Ming Xi said.

"Well, I will send you out of the forest." Huangfu said.

"You don't have to." Mingxi waved his hand and refused. "We know the way."

Huangfu gently decapitated and sent Mingxi them out of the bamboo house. They watched their back disappeared on the mountain road, and then they turned back to the house.

"Yeah." A did not hold the small stone in his hand, looking at the emperor with a smile.

"Why are you going to pick this up again? You can't put it in your bed. It hurts when you fall asleep." Huangfu said with a smile.

A not pouting, she likes to put these stones under the bedding.

"Do you have them in front of Mingxi..." Huangfu looked down at her legs.

A did not understand the meaning of Huangfu, she shook her head hard.

"That's good." Huangfu smiled slightly. "Let's sit down and eat."

At this time, Mingxi and Huohuang, who had left the bamboo house, stopped for a while, and they sat in a towering tree until they were dark and flew to the mountains at a rapid speed.

The mountains in the night are very cold, the leaves have been condensed with a layer of frost, and the figures of Mingxi and Huohuang flashed through the woods. After half an hour, they came to the mountain where Huangfu said.

"How can Mr. Huangfu come to this place to collect medicine? We have to fly for so long. He has come here for at least half a day." It is still necessary for people with excellent martial arts to come here. Ordinary people want to walk on foot. This mountain is absolutely impossible.

"Maybe the gentleman wants to sneak a precious medicine, so he will not hesitate to spend time in this mountain." Mingxi said, "Let's go to the mountains to see."

They flew to the highest mountain and stood on the cliff looking down.

"Look at it." Ming Xi pointed to a flash in the distance.

"There should be... a lake." The fire phoenix took up its wings and turned into a human figure. Looking at the place where Mingxi’s fingers were, it should be that the lake reflected the moon in the sky and made a ray of light.

Ming Xi gently beheaded, "Look at the past."

"There is still such a big lake in the deep mountains." Huo Huang squatted and looked around, and this took Mingxi to fly over.

When they approached, they discovered that there are five mountains around the lake. If they don't look down from the heights, they won't find the lake.

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