Mingxi and Huohuang walked around the lake, and nothing was found.

The two children crouched by the lake and looked at the quiet mirrored lake. The moonlight was shining and it looked beautiful.

"Would we like to wait until dawn?" Fire Phoenix asked.

"That's waiting, it will be dawn soon." Mingxi nodded, and it was better to find it in the morning.

"Is there any mention of Huangfu, isn't Auntie at the lakeside?" Fire Phoenix suddenly asked again.

Mingxi looked at the fire phoenix sideways, and his face suddenly brightened. "Apart from this place, do you think a girl might climb to such a high mountain?"

"But, how did Abu come here?" Fire Phoenix asked doubtfully. "She will not fly to the air and fall down."

"She can understand Long Yao if she is from another continent..." Ming Xi and Huo Huang looked at each other. "That needs a gap."

The fire phoenix stood up suddenly, "Yes, the gap!"

"If there is a gap, it is aura, but we don't feel the aura." Mingxi looked at the surrounding mountains, and it was not like a gap.

"Let's call the scorpion." Huo Huang said that the scorpion is a dragon, not subject to the checks and balances of God, so her sea is not restricted.

Mingxi squinted and looked at the fire phoenix. "You are also a beast, how can you be restricted?"

"Yeah, I am a beast..." Fire Phoenix snorted. "But I didn't feel the existence of the gap."

"Let's wait." Ming Xi held his chin and tried to sense the surrounding air. Even a hint of aura could make him discover the same.

"Or go find the nephew, the dragon is much stronger than us." Huo Huang said, while pulling Mingxi back.

Mingxi suddenly opened his eyes and pulled the wrist of the fire phoenix. "Fire, what are you most afraid of?"

"I am not afraid of Laozitian... I am afraid of the city owner." Fire Phoenix called.

“Really only the city owner?” Mingxi walked around the fire phoenix. “Water? Can you get into the water?”

The face of Huohuang has changed slightly. "Jokes, I can still be afraid of water!"

"That's great, let's go to the bottom of the water to see." Mingxi pointed to the lake.

"What?" Fire Phoenix screamed, "I don't go, there is nothing to see in this lake."

"Are you afraid of water?" Mingxi asked with a smile. He pointed at the lake. "You found that there is no water in this lake. It is surrounded by mountains. Where does the water come from? Isn't it strange?"

The fire phoenix was furious and angry. "What happened to Lao Tzu who was afraid of water? You have seen what kind of fire has entered the water and can still be burned up. Then again, you will not let the lake have a spring under the ground."

"No, this big lake, how many springs there are, even if there are springs, there must be water, we look at the water." Ming Xi said.

"I won't go." Fire Phoenix called.

"You are a beast, the fire on your body is not the water that can be destroyed by the earth." Ming Xi smiled.

"In short, I just can't go down." He knows that this water can't be him, but is it natural that he is afraid of water?

"Then you are waiting for me here." Ming Xi took off the robes on his body. "I went to the water to see."

The fire phoenix pulled him. "When did you learn to swim, you should not drown."

"You think everyone is you." Mingxi smiled, threw clothes to the fire phoenix, jumped into the lake briskly, and swam like a fish.

"It will be great to swim!"

Mingxi runs in the sea, and there is a layer of aura body. The coldness of the lake cannot invade his body.

This lake is much deeper than he thought. He hasn't seen the bottom for a long time. If he didn't have a spiritual body, he must have been unable to withstand the pressure.

what is that? Mingxi looked at the bottomless lake. It seemed that something was shining. He swam quickly and looked very close. He found it very far after swimming. He grabbed the thing floating in the water. It's a piece of gold that's about the size of his slap. It looks like... scales?


A strange sound was heard at the bottom of the lake.

Mingxi took out the night pearl and illuminate everything around him. He looked at it strangely and found that the water at the bottom of the lake was flowing in a rotating way, as if he had to **** everything in.

This lake... is even deeper than the sea! And how can there be such a big hole?

Looking at the black hole that seemed to be a big mouth, he felt a chill of the forest.

Mingxi’s body was being pulled down. He immediately turned and went upstream. However, the black hole behind him seemed to have vitality. He had discovered his existence. The tornado-like water shone in Mingxi’s foot and took him. Pulling over to the black hole.

What the **** is that? Mingxi is pushing hard to the upstream. If it is a gap, it should not be like this.

The water at the bottom of the lake is getting more and more urgent, and Mingxi feels the strength is quickly lost.

He endured the pain of the sea and used the undead work method, and the spiritual power was consumed in an instant.

"Cough..." He took a sip of water and his body was caught in a turbulent flow, pulling the black hole quickly.

Is he going to die here? Mingxi thought.

Suddenly, his hand was caught, and a force pulled him out of the turbulence and went upstream at a rapid speed.

I don't know how long it took before he breathed fresh air.

"Cough and cough!" Ming Xi coughed a few mouthfuls of water and gasped in a big mouth. "How did you get into the water?"

"Are you okay? If I don't go into the water, you are already dead." The fire phoenix is ​​waiting to die. Mingxi doesn't know the time in the water. He has waited for two hours. How can a person be in the water? At two hours, he could only endure fear and persuade himself that it was the water of the world. He could not hurt him before he went to save him.

Mingxi shook his head and swam to the shore with the fire phoenix. "The bottom of the lake is terrible. There is a **** hole below, not a gap, which is more terrible than the gap."

"Just is that **** hole to **** you in?" Fire Phoenix frowned. "I only saw a few waters coming up. Is the water in this lake coming from the black hole?"

"It should be." Ming Xi's heart also has fear of the **** hole. "We want to know more details, it can only be a deaf child."

Fire Phoenix asked, "What do you think is that **** hole... What?"

"I don't know, go back first, tell this to my mother." Mingxi gasped, he sneezed.

"If you know that you almost drowned in it, you will definitely slap you." Fire Phoenix said with a sigh of relief, he used the holy fire to dry the wet clothes of Mingxi, "put on the clothes."

Mingxi glanced at him. "Then don't say it."

"What are you holding in your hand?" Fire Phoenix noticed that Ming Xi had been holding a golden thing in his hand.

"I saw it in the water." Ming Xi opened his hand, and the gold piece shone with dazzling luster in the morning light.

Fire Phoenix stunned and rounded his eyes, "The scales of the mermaid..."

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