Ye Haozheng listened to Mingxi talking, and there was a ring to sue outside, and the water was in the hall to see.

"Mother, is the general of water asking you to live in the palace?" Ming Xi whispered.

"The last time I told him clearly, I shouldn’t come again for this matter." Ye Hao’s eyebrows should be related to Zhao Wei, and Sha Jiucheng is next door to the Yuan Dynasty. If Qi is in the sand The nine cities are heavily armed, and the water is definitely known.

However, the news does not seem to have come soon.

"I am going to see what is going on." Ye Hao said.

This time, Shui Yizhen did not come to persuade Ye Hao to return to the palace. He knew that no matter what he said, Ye Hao would not change his mind. He is talking about Sha Jiucheng.

"Zhao Wei's 30,000 soldiers have already been in Shajiu City. I will take troops to Bailizhou tomorrow." The water sighed and said, "Since you don't want to go back to the palace, then this time is in the capital city."

"You want to bring troops to fight?" Ye Hao is not surprised. She knows how much Zhao Wei hates herself. Even if she tries her best, she must definitely seek revenge.

The water sank and nodded, "Yes."

"This is the grudge between me and Zhao Wei." Ye Hao said, "I was planning to go to you to say this, but you already know that if you go to fight, whether you win or lose, Zhao Wei will not give up. I want to go to Baili in person."

Bailizhou and Qi are separated by a desert. They have been safe for each other for many years. The border defense there is not big. If you don’t send troops, you will not be able to keep it.

“What are you talking about?” Water thought he was wrong. “Do you want to go to Bali?”

"Yes, I borrowed 10,000 soldiers from you. I have to personally solve the complaints of Zhao Wei." Ye Hao said.

The water smiled awkwardly. "You want to bring the soldiers to the battlefield. Are you sure you are not kidding?"

"Yes, anyway, it is not the first time." Ye Hao said with a smile, "And Murong Cham will be with me."

When I heard the name of Murong Chong, the water was more piercing. "He is already a blind man. Can you still arrange for a lineup? Lu Yan, do you want to owe me a favor, or really want to swear with you?" I have to do it all."

Ye Hao said helplessly, "I don't mean this. The person Zhao Zhao wants to deal with is that her resentful person is also me, so I think it is better to solve it personally. Although the eyes of Mo Rongzhan are invisible, it does not mean He can't do anything."

Her tone is very determined, and she is very unhappy. Water said that Murong Chan is a blind man, even if her Azhan can't see it. A glimpse of water is not his opponent!

"Okay." Water sneered a sneer. "If that's the case, I will listen to you."

“Thank you.” Ye Hao said with a smile. “We will leave after two days.”

When the water turned around and wanted to leave, when I walked to the door, I looked back at Ye Hao. "Do you doubt me or still avoid me?"

Ye Hao looked up at his deep, dark eyes. "I believe in you, water will change, people will change, you have to admit, even if I go back, I am no longer the day four years ago. Oh, no matter in the minds of those ministers or the people, Scorpio is just the statue outside the city gate. They will miss the faith, but they will not want me to go back to the palace."

"No..." Water wants to deny it.

"You said no, it is because you deliberately ignore the changes in these four years. When you have a water, you must admit that there have been too many things changed in four years." Ye Hao said.

The water is coveted. "Even so, the Yuan will return to your daughter in the future."

"Mingyu will have her own life, I can't arrange for her." All she can do is to make Mingyu's future smoother. Will she merge Jinguo and Yuanguo in the future? The ability.

"I have been waiting for you to come back. I never thought that after you came back, it would be like this." Water said faintly, "Zhao Wei has at least 30,000 troops in Shajiu City, you are sure 10,000. Is that enough?"

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Enough."

Water slammed gently, "I will arrange, Shen Luoyang is with you."

"Good." This time Ye Hao did not refuse.

"I hope there will be another time to meet again." The water whispered, and looked at Ye Hao deeply, turned and went out.

Ye Hao sighed in his heart.

Mo Rongzhan slowly came out from the other side. Although he couldn't see it, it seemed that he had never taken the wrong road, and he would not be tripped. Ye Hao tried to hold something in front of him several times to try. Failed.

"When did you come?" Ye Hao walked to the side of Murong Cham, she actually did not find him outside.

The ink-filled gray scorpion looks very gentle. It is a little warmer than the red and black ones before. He is coveted to Ye Hao. Even if he can't see it, his eyes still make people feel that he is watching. With.

“Why is it two days later?” Murong Cham asked faintly, he felt that the sooner the better.

"After solving the grievances of Zhao Wei, we will go straight to the sea, so I want to arrange more time in one day." Ye Hao said.

Murong Zhan caressed her face, "Well."

Mingxi learned that Ye Hao had to leave for Bailizhou two days later, and they sneaked into the mountains with their nephews that night.

"It's the lake." Huo Huang pointed to the Great Lake surrounded by five mountains, and came to the lake with his nephew.

"There is no breath..." The child looked at the calm lake. "I went to the water to see."

Ming Xi took her hand, "I will go with you."

"Okay." The nephew smiled and nodded. "Do you have my dragon scales on your body? You drop your blood into the dragon scales, and then inject your spiritual power. You can easily relax when you get into the water."

"Is it?" Mingxi was surprised. From the dark pocket of the purse, he dripped his blood on it, and the blood was immediately absorbed by the dragon scale. The dazzling scales were more dazzling, he injected Spirituality, the dragon scale became crystal clear in his hands, and it was like a fine white jade.

"Let's go, let's go down," said the nephew.

Fire Phoenix didn't like to go into the water. There are children here. He doesn't need to worry about Mingxi. He stands far away. "I am here waiting for you."

The nephew took Mingxi and jumped into the lake. The lake was dark, and Mingxi took out the night pearl and brightened it.

However, what makes Mingxi even more surprised is that he can breathe freely in the water. He does not use spiritual power, but he does not feel the water pressure at all, just like the feeling on the ground.

Is it because of... the relationship between dragon scales?

He glanced at her, and she went into the water more without problems. However, her expression became more and more heavy, as if she had found something.

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