Ye Hao suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, she was sweating and gasping.

"What's wrong?" Murong Chong felt her panic, busy holding her in her arms and gently patted her back.

"I dreamed that Mingxi had an accident." Ye Hao grabbed the clothes of Chen Rongzhan. "I don't know how to make such a dream..."

Murong Chong blinked slightly and held the small hand of Ye Hao. "It’s too tight recently. We are now on the human continent, and there will be nothing."

Ye Hao looked up at his handsome face and reached out and touched his eyes. "Because it is the human continent, your eyes will always be cured. There is too little aura here. Can we still go to the mainland?" ?"

"You still want to go to the mainland of God?" Murong Zhan held her hand, he thought she should never want to leave the world again.

"Of course, I have to cure your eyes." Ye Hao said, "Can the gap in Guiyun Mountain be used?"

Murong Zhan shook his head gently. "The spiritual power of Guiyun Mountain has completely disappeared, and the gap cannot be opened again."

"There will always be there in other places, anyway, we still have time, we can go find it." Ye Hao said.

"This is not an urgent matter, first solve the trouble." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Sleep, don't think too much."

Ye Hao also felt that she was thinking too much. She leaned back on the chest of Murong Cham, and under the comfort of Murong Chong, she quickly slept.

Murong Zhan gently caressed her face. It was determined that Ye Hao had completely slept. He slowly sat up and put a medicinal herb in the incense burner. He came to Mingxi’s room, and there was no one inside. The fire phoenix is ​​not seen.

He frowned slightly, about guessing where the three children went.

Ming Xi and his nephew are still swimming in the water. What Mingxi did not think is that this time the turbulence came faster. He remembered that it was a long time before the water was turbulent. Now they have not seen the black hole. There are several streams of water to **** them over.

He hurriedly took the nephew's hand and worried that she was taken away by the turbulence.

There was a ray of light on the fingertips of the nephew, and the water flowed gently, and the turbulence was quiet.

A huge black hole appeared at their feet.

Mingxi felt the coldness and the ridiculous atmosphere that came from there.

It seems that there is something waiting to summon them in the **** hole.

"Go!" He took his hand and instantly turned into a little white dragon, flying out of the water with Ming Xi.

Mingxi turned back and rounded his eyes. He saw a pair of skinny and strange hands sticking out from the **** hole, and the water of the whole big lake was stirred.

A strong, Sen Han, terrible breath came from the big hand.

The big hand is not physical. If it is nothing, it still exudes a feeling of chilling heart.

"Come on!" The nephew will launch Mingxi, and she will fight with the big hands.

Mingxi fell to the side of the fire phoenix and shouted loudly, "Hey!"

His voice just fell, and he saw a tall figure appearing next to his nephew.


"City Lord!"

After Murong Zhan pulled down his nephew's hand, Shen Sheng said, "Stand to his palm, seal it here with a dragon."

"Dragon?" The child snorted. She has been in the keel mountain since the day of the broken egg. Although Grandpa has taught her a lot, she will not use the dragon.

"The gas sinking Dantian, running the sea, the two gas merge together." Murong Zhan whispered.

The nephew did what Murong Chan said, and she felt a strange airflow running in the sea.

"Take him back to the lake with the dragon, I will seal it." Murong Zhan said.

"Good!" The nephew replied.

Although she has spiritual power, she does not understand the seal. She can only lend the dragon to the ink, and she will force the big hand back to the lake. Murong Zhan uses the dragon to form an enchantment on the lake. The star's light appeared in his hand, pressing the palm of his hand back into the black hole.


The lake was shaking, the surrounding peaks were swaying, and there was a huge starburst at the bottom of the lake, which then dimmed.

After a while, the lake finally calmed down, the mountain stopped shaking, and everything went to calm.

Xiao Bailong squatted up from the lake and landed on the shore to restore the look of the little girl.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ming Xiwen asked.

"I'm fine." The nephew shook his head and looked at the ink-filled Zhan in the air.

Ming Xi lightly coughed, "Hey, how are you here?"

Huo Huang bowed his head in guilty conscience and did not dare to go to see Murong Cham.

"Go." Murong Chan's voice is very cold. He didn't stay here. He has already stepped away in the night sky.

"Come on." Ming Xi said, pulling the nephew behind the ink-filled body, Huo Huang hurriedly followed.

Back to the other hospital, Murong Cham has been waiting for them in the hall.

"Hey..." Ming Xi walked into the hall and looked at Murong Zhan.

"The city owner, I want Mingxi to take me to go, it is not his business." The child is afraid that Murong Zhan blames Ming Xi, and rushes to take responsibility to himself.

Fire Phoenix said, "No, it is me..."

“How did you find out that there was a problem with the lake?” Murong Cum asked softly. He did not intend to ask anything. It is meaningless to ask questions now.

Mingxi said, "We suspect the origin of Abu, want to find her place to find clues, and found this lake in the mountains. I saw a **** hole in the lake last night, and I went with my nephew today. Hey, what is that black hole?"

"The hands are full of different atmospheres, what kind of black hole do you say?" Murong Zhan asked.

"There is no bottom, it seems that people will be sucked in." Ming Xi said.

The nephew said, "That's because you have my scales on my body. I heard Grandpa Long said that there is a place in the realm of the gods to close all the evil and fierce places. It seems to be called... the ghost is dark, I think the black hole should be It is open to it."

"Don't you say that Ah is not a mermaid? How could she... come from the place you said?" Fire Phoenix asked hesitantly.

“Mermaid?” Murong Chan raised his eyebrows. “Is her identity already determined?”

The nephew said, "Ming Xie caught the scales of the mermaid in the lake. If there is no guess, Ah is not a mermaid, and it is a purebred mermaid."

Murong Chan reached out and "take it."

"Here." Ming Xi immediately took the scales to Murong Cham.

"Two days later, I will go to Bailizhou. You will determine the identity of Abu tomorrow. If she is really a mermaid..." Murong Chan frowned, not sure what attitude Huangpu had to A.

Ming Xi said, "Hey, Mr. Huang Wei seems to care a lot about Ah."

"If it is determined, at least ensure that the mermaid will not hurt him." Murong Chan said.

"This matter is handed over to us, we will definitely confirm it tomorrow." Mingxi nodded and secretly thought that he must make a sin.

Murong Zhan returned the scales to Ming Xi, "I will talk to your mother when things are over."

"Yes..." Ming Xi whispered.

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