Until the departure to Bailizhou, Ye Hao did not see the water again, he just let people come to marry her, as to what Ye Wei is, he did not explain, she did not want to know.

In addition to Shen Luoyang, even Jiang Dachuan also went to Bailizhou.

However, they obviously want to go to war. If they are not followed by 10,000 soldiers, they almost think that Ye Hao is going to play there.

Since the departure of Wangdu City, they have not been in a hurry. After a few days of walking, they have been resting directly in the night. It seems that they are very confident about this battle. Shen Luoyang is eager to see in his eyes, wanting Let Jiang Dachuan go and talk to Ye Hao.

They couldn't compare with Zhao Wei's strength. I heard that they have all arrived in Shajiu City. If they drag on, they will be occupied by Bailizhou when they arrive at Bailizhou.

"What are you anxious, not the first day to follow Tianzhu, since she is not in a hurry to hurry, it must be her reason." Jiang Dachuan's mood two days ago is the same as Shen Luoyang, then he figured it out, Since even Ye Hao is not in a hurry, they do not need to follow the urgency.

"I am worried that Scorpio will not know where to go for the past four years, and I don't know much about the situation." Shen Luoyang whispered and turned to look at the two carriages parked in front.

She still couldn't understand why Scorpio insisted on taking the troops to go out and let the generals go to fight. Isn't it better? Murong Chong’s eyes could not be seen, and with three children, she was really worried...

Shen Luoyang was thinking about how to protect the three children's thoughtfulness at that time, and then saw the little girl rushing to the wind and grabbed an eagle that was flying in the air.

"..." Shen Luoyang completely looked at it.

"Ming Xi, you see, there is a note on the eagle's foot." The nephew shouted in the air.

"Go down!" Mingxi frowned. "Isn't it going to let you fly?"

The nephew grabbed a big eagle and returned to the ground, grievously said, "Yesterday, the lady said that there is a spy, I just want to help my wife."

Ye Hao came over. "The child is very powerful."

"Madam, this is the eagle you are looking for." The nephew took the eagle in his hand to Ye Hao, and glanced at Mingxi with a look of grievance.

"I am not saying that you are not right, but will be seen." Ming Xi whispered.

Ye Hao looked at his son faintly. "When you fly in the middle of the night with the fire phoenix, you are not afraid to be seen?"

"How do you know?" Mingxi was surprised. He clearly left the fire and phoenix when everyone was asleep.

"Although we have left the city of Wangdu, it is still appropriate." Ye Hao raised an eyebrow and said, "And, are you holding me something?"

Ming Xie shook his head sharply. "Mother, I can take care of you."

“Really?” Ye Hao felt more and more difficult to grasp the mind of this son. She had been running to Huangfu a few days ago. She felt a bit strange, but thinking that her son had grown up, she was not good at the time. Always in charge of him, so I did not ask.

"Hey, you can rest assured that there is me watching, and I won't let Mingxi sit on a bad thing." Fire Phoenix promised to be there.

"It’s because you don’t feel at ease." Ye Hao took a look at the fire phoenix. "The weather is very strange these days."

The three children nodded. "We also noticed, so we will be in the middle of the night to investigate. Mother, you don't feel that the aura has become more."

"You also noticed?" Ye Hao looked at them, she thought it was her own illusion.

"Yeah, we suspect that there are people outside the world in the vicinity..." The mermaid has appeared on the mainland, who knows if there will be something else.

Ye Hao frowned. "I will talk to you first about this."

After a pause, Ye Hao suddenly looked back to Ming Xi, "What do you say about the opposite world?"

"That is... other continents." Ming Xi laughed a few times, almost forgot, and did not talk about mermaid with her mother.

"Mu Mingxi!" Ye Hao blinked slightly, his voice was cold.

Ming Xi coughed, "In fact, we wanted to tell you a few days ago, and I forgot it when I was busy."

Ye Hao found a position next to him and sat down. "You said, I listen."

The three children sat down around the leafhopper, and by the way set an enchantment between them to prevent others from hearing their conversation.

Seeing that they are all connected, it seems that what they have to say cannot be known by others.

"Mother, we found one thing, do you still remember Abu?" Mingxi whispered.

"Know, the girl that Mr. Huang Wei took in." Ye Hao frowned. "Don't be mysterious, say anything."

"Ah is not a mermaid." Fire phoenix blurted out.

Ye Hao groaned, thinking that he was wrong, "What are you talking about?"

"The girl saved by Huangfu is actually a mermaid, coming from a different world." Mingxi whispered, how would he find Abe’s identity to tell Ye Hao one by one, that is, omitting the **** hole and the big hand did not say.

He felt that if he said it, he would definitely be beaten.

"You say it again!" Ye Hao took Mingxi.

"Ah is not a mermaid, it is from a different world, and it is a purebred mermaid." Mingxi pointed at the scorpion. "After cultivating, the mermaid can become a hybrid dragon and become a servant of the nephew."

Ye Hao stood up angrily. "You actually let the fish stay with Huangfu?"

"Anything has been forgotten, and the gentleman has long known that A is not a mermaid." Mingxi said in a hurry. "We have no way to send Ah to go back. Her son sealed her spiritual power. She will not hurt her." ""

"You guys..." Ye Hao angered, these three little kids actually took her so important.

"I know this thing, we thought he told you." Ming Xi said, rudely pushed responsibility to Murong Cham.

"Are you sure that A is not safe?" Ye Hao looked at them with an eyebrow.

The nephew said, "I know if she breaks my seal."

Ye Hao sighed, and now it is impossible to go back to find the emperor, and since the emperor knows that Ah is not a mermaid, she does not let him send him.

"There must be something to tell me in the future." Ye Hao said seriously to Mingxi.

"Yes, mother." Mingxi shouted.

Ye Hao went to the other half of the carriage, she was going to talk to Murong Chan.

They have been paying attention to their Shen Luoyang and Jiang Dachuan. "Do you hear what they are saying?"

"Can't hear, can you hear?" Jiang Dachuan asked.

"I can't hear it..." Shen Luoyang scratched his head and was surprised. They were clearly not far away. With their martial arts, they should be able to hear what they were talking about.

Actually, I couldn’t hear a word. It’s not like watching a voice.

"I can't hear you if you can't hear them. It's not right to eavesdrop anyway." Jiang Dachuan said.

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