Ye Hao returned to the carriage and made a deep conversation with Murong Cham. Afterwards, nothing could be glaring at him. Murong Chong was not angry when he was betrayed by his son. He just groaned and no longer irritated him. As for the son, huh, huh, come to Japan!

Putting Abu to this matter, Ye Hao and Murong Zhan talk about things that have recently become more spiritual. "Do you feel it? How do I feel that I am not quite right."

The whole world is very rare in the mainland, and there are places where the aura gathers, most of them have gaps or strange treasures, but they are on the official road, where there are any gaps, let alone treasures.

"Where is the most spiritual place?" asked Murong Cham.

“Like...” Ye Hao carefully sensed, “It’s in Mingxi’s position.”

Murong Zhan said faintly, "I should ask Ming Xi, he brought something back."

"Related to Ming Xi?" Ye Yiwei, "He did not find himself."

"Stupid son." Murong Zhan is cold.

Ye Hao poked his shoulder. "Do you have a son like this?"

The son can sell him, can't let him say that his son is stupid?

"Yeah." Murong Chan only whispered.

Ye Hao glanced at him with a funny look. Since he returned to the mainland, he has been a lot less old than the old ones. He brought back his cleansing in the Xuantian continent. If she is not around, others estimate that He is not Murong Zhan.

"I went to see Mingxi." Ye Hao said with a smile, and he took a kiss on the face of Mo Rongzhan. "Hey here, wait for me to come back."

"Will you wait for your arrival?" Murong Cham asked faintly.

"..." Ye Hao thinks that although he is expressionless, he is definitely teasing her.

His needs in a certain aspect were not restrained because the eyes could not be seen, which made her very helpless.

Ye Hao carefully sensed the flow of aura, and more sure that the spiritual power is concentrated in the place where Mingxi is located. Although I don't understand it, I can still feel the difference.

"Jiang Daren, Shen General, let's set off. There is a grassland suitable for the foot in front. It takes about two more hours to go." Ye Hao decided to observe it again, and wait until the next place to see if the aura remains. Do not disperse, it is really related to Ming Xi.

"Yes, Scorpio." Shen Luoyang should have said that it would be dark after two more hours. They have already left the official road. It is too dangerous to walk the mountain road at night. It is indeed impossible to move on.

She thought that Scorpio didn't understand this. It seems that she is very clear.

Ye Hao said helplessly, "I have said it many times, don't call me another day, I am not a scorpio."

"But, all the people in the Yuan Dynasty still put you on the same day." Shen Luoyang said.

"Yes, after waiting for this incident, I will let the people of the world understand that the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty is only the statue of the city gate." Ye Hao whispered.

Shen Luoyang looked at her strangely, "that Yuanguo..."

"The Yuan Dynasty has long been a glimpse of water." Ye Hao whispered, "God down, go ahead at full speed."

"Yes... madam." Shen Luoyang nodded.



After two hours, they passed through the steep mountain road and came to a grassland. The grassland that passes through this side will be Bailizhou tomorrow.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the leaves are curling up in the arms of Murong Cham, looking at the black sky outside.

"The weather in this place in Bailizhou has changed too much, it is still so hot during the day, and it is so cold that people can't stand it at night." Ye Hao whispered, she was fortunate to have practiced, and this cold can withstand it. Living, the soldiers outside can only find ways to warm up. "Fortunately, the military capital is relatively abundant, otherwise the soldiers do not have large cotton coats, how to survive in Bailizhou."

"Yeah." Murong Cham responded faintly. He used to fight in the mainland and experienced more bad weather. He did not feel that there was any hard work here in Bailizhou.

Ye snorted and glared at his face. "How do you always perfuse me?"

Murong Chan reluctantly grabbed her hand. "This weather change is common to every soldier. They don't feel uncomfortable. You still go to Mingxi. The things on his body are more and more hidden. Breath."

"Yes!" Ye Hao slammed up. She was observing on the road. The aura was followed by Mingxi. But what is there in Mingxi?

"Don't be anxious!" Murong Chan frowned, holding her hand under the carriage.

Ye Hao had already ran to the carriage of Mingxi, and they found that they had an enchantment outside. This enchantment was set by the nephew and she could not enter.

"Ming Xi!" Ye Hao cried.

The people inside the carriage did not seem to hear it. Ye Hao frowned and used the spiritual power to enchant the enchantment. A spherical aperture appeared around the carriage.

The figure of the nephew appeared in the rut in an instant, and looked at Ye Hao with a stern look. After seeing the people, he gave a sigh of relief.

"Madam, it's you." The nephew laughed.

"Ming Xie? What are you doing?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

The nephew looked around and said, "Mrs, we know why there is an aura."

"Is it because of Mingxi?" Ye Hao asked quietly.

"How do you know?" The nephew cried in surprise.

Ye Hao slightly frowned, walked into the rut, and entered the carriage and saw Ming Xi and Huo Huang around watching a round egg.

“What is this?” Ye Hao asked, a layer of aura around the thing that looked like an egg, with a red glow flowing. "That spirit pet egg..." Ming Xi said.

Ye Weiyi, "What is inside?"

"I don't know." Ming Xi looked up at Ye Hao and said, "It is moving."

"Is it coming soon?" Ye Hao asked, the original aura came from the egg.

Ming Xi said, "I have been in the space, just jumped out of my own, and now I am not moving."

When they were talking, the aura of the egg disappeared completely and a crack appeared in the eggshell.

Ye Hao breathed a breath at this pet, thinking about whether there would be a spiritual pet.

"What is this?" The fire phoenix screamed out, only a crack appeared and then a leaf appeared.

“Hey?” The child screamed, “Hunting Dragon!”

"What is a hunting dragon?" Ming Xi asked, how could his spirit pet be a dragon.

"It's our enemy." The child licked his mouth, and the grandfather of the dragon clearly injected the spirit of his spirit into the dragon, how could he cultivate the hateful race of the dragon.

Ming Xi looked at his nephew and held his spirit pet. "It seems that there is no movement, or let it go back to space."

"I won't hurt it again." The nephew groaned. "He just broke the shell and needs to feed him."

"Can it eat like this?" Ye Hao asked.

The nephew nodded, took a piece of jade from his arms, and placed it in the crack of the eggshell. Without a moment, the jade disappeared.

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