The two people who were remembered are now chasing a group of wild horses in the grasslands on the northwestern border of the country. They are not in a hurry to return to Kyoto.

"The wild horse is a wild horse. It is not easy to cover it." Ye Hao was sweating and tired, leaning against the shoulders of Murong Cham. "You used to not cover such a sweaty horse. How did you do it?" ”

She is now able to use the spiritual power, but she still can't hold the wild horse. He used to be a martial artist, but he is just an ordinary person. How can he do it?

"The set of horses should also be skillful." Murong Zhan said with a funny smile.

They left from Bailizhou. She wanted to go back to Kyoto City to find Mingyu. If Mingyu would like to, she would take her out to sea. On the way, she heard that Murong was preparing for the draft, and she felt that she would not have to rush back. However, I went to play all the way.

When passing through the grassland, I met a group of wild horses. The leader was a sweaty, **** BMW. The wild nature was like an unprecedented love. Leading a group of wild horses running like a thunder and shaking, Ye Hao liked it, and wanted to rely on his own The ability to cover the red horse, the result has been chasing for three days, has not been able to set it down.

I can't help but be disheartened.

Murong Zhan comforted her with a smile, "Would you like me to set it up for you?"

"What else does that mean!" Ye Hao screamed. "The wild horses that naturally want to cover themselves will recognize the Lord."

"There are few people here, even the shepherds have not seen. Listening to the sounds of the wild horses running, they should survive here and be the leader. Not only the wildness is heavier, but also smart. It takes a lot of thought to cover it. "Ink said with a smile."

Ye Yiyi was stunned. "It is beautiful to see it running freely. It is too bad to think of it as a mount. Forget it, don't set it up."

"Really?" Ink Chong Chong smiled and chased the wild horse for three days. Instead, their two horses were ran away by the wild horse, and the loss was great.

"Don't persuade me, I don't want to, don't let it go, let it be a free road." Ye snorted. "Let's go."

Murong Zhan grabbed her waist and bowed her lips to her lips. "The grassland is infinite, staying here for two more days."

"There is no place for a cover, there is nothing." Ye Hao was surrounded by his warm embrace, remembering that she only looked after the wild horses these days, has ignored him for several days, plus at Bailizhou, at least It’s been half a month.


"The horses are coming again." Ye Hao cried. "Get up."

In the distance, the smoke was rolling, and a wild horse that was full of fire broke into their sight.

"Since I let it go, it can't be cheaper." Murong Chan whispered in Ye Hao's ear.

What do you mean? Ye Hao didn’t respond to what he meant. She had already taken him up and steadily landed on the red horse that had been chasing her for three days. The red horse violently moved, thinking I want to get them out.

Ye Hao’s hands and feet were tightly held by Murong Zhan, and he did not know how he did it. Actually, no spiritual power was needed. The red horse calmed down in two or two.

"You..." Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan in surprise, and now he is on horseback. He still refuses to let go of her.

"I haven't tried this kind of taste yet, I only saw it in the book." Murong Chan held her in her arms.

Ye Hao scratched his chest. "What book are you reading, so shameless."

Inklessly smiled and kissed her ear. "Where is shameless, male and female love, isn't it normal?"

I don’t know how long it took. Ye Hao only knew that he had been unable to move all over the body. He was held by Murong Zhan. He washed the bodies of two people in a hot spring and then went to sleep in the space.

When she woke up, she was already in the carriage, and Murong Chan was sitting next to her, looking mentally awkward, completely different from her wilting.

Murong Zhan glared at the back of her hand, "Wake up?"

“Where are we?” Ye Hao asked, his voice still hoarse.

"I just entered the city, bought a carriage on the road, hired a driver, and sent us back to Kyoto City." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao looked outside and said, "I still want to see Abu."

"Go and see at night." Murong Zhan said that if you go to the Yuan Dynasty, it is best not to let the water be discovered.

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded gently, and leaned on him with some tiredness. He complained, "Where do you go to learn... I don't know how to do it."

Murong Zhan said in a serious way, "What books are in the castle."

Ye Hao felt that this was not quite right. "Did you not touch other women before you met me? What do you think of these things?"

Listening to her full of acidity, Murong Zhan held back his smile. "Inadvertently turned over, curious and looked a little more. It used to be very boring."

Now I feel really interesting and delicious.

“Which woman was not interested in it before?” Ye said.

"No." Murong Zhan kissed her mouth. "It was the first time that you were forced to be happy in the cave."


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