If there is still something in the heart of Ye Hao, except for the eyes of Murong Cham, it is unclear, that is, Abu, who is next to Huangfu, is not a mermaid, if there are other mermaids besides her?

Mo Rongzhan asked the coachman to find a home in the city to stop. This is the border. The folk customs are different from other places. Ye Hao sees people outside wearing strange clothes, and even his face is tightly packed. To a pair of eyes.

"Where are you looking for the driver?" Ye Hao lazily asked the ink-filled Zhan Zhan.

"I met with him on the road, bought a carriage with him, and hired him as a driver." Murong Cum whispered, "I don't want to go out and go."

Ye Hao also felt exhausted and heard the words just shaking his head. "No, the women outside are packing themselves tightly. If I go out like this, I will see others or others."

Murong Zhan heard the tiredness in her words. She regretted that she was unrestrained yesterday. He walked over and sat down beside her, gently squatting in her arms. "Sometimes it is dark, it is better to take a nap. When it’s dark, let’s go to Huangfu.”

"At least one day and one night back and forth." Ye Hao whispered, their speed is fast, can not appear during the day, it is not good to be found.

"I let the coachman leave on his own and leave the carriage in the inn. There are so many people coming here, no one will pay attention." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Ye Hao really wanted to see Abu, and he listened to the advice of Murong Cham.

At night, she was in the arms of the ink, and the figure was not in the night. There was no moonlight tonight. They did not find it in the sky. Even if anyone saw it, it was only a dazzling.

Murong Chan had come to Mingxi before, but he knew the residence of Huangfu, but they stood outside the bamboo house, surrounded by darkness, and apparently no one was there.

Ye Hao took two night pearls from the space and illuminated the surroundings.

"It seems like no one." Ye Hao said, holding the hand of Murong Chong into the house.

Dust on the table, the tea is cold, and a little smoke is gone. It seems that the people who live here have left for at least a few days.

"Huangfu took Abu away..." Ye Hao held the cup in his hand, and the leftover tea was not dumped. "Did he find out that we are aware?"

"Well, he is afraid that we will hurt Ah." Murong Cum said softly, understand why Huangfu wants to take Ah to leave. Since he knows the origin of Ah, and keeps her in her side, it must be protected. her.

Ye Yan sighed, "I am the first time I saw a woman who protects her heart."

"The second time." Murong Chan said indifferently.

“Is there before?” Ye said in a different place.

Murong Chan squeezed her hand hard in her palm. In addition to protecting her with Huang Xin, who else?

Ye Hao suddenly remembered that Murong Chan had been jealous. "Oh, it’s a pity. If you don't see Ah, then let's go back."

“Yeah.” Murong’s mouth smirked with a faint smile.

"You said he would take Ah where to take it?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

Murong Zhan and her slowly walked out of the bamboo house. "What do you say?"

Ye Hao thought carefully, "Huaguo."

The emperor must have brought A to the sea. Ah is not a mermaid. Living in the sea is the most suitable place. Huaguo is the place of the emperor, and it is sure to better protect Abu.

"If it is China, I will always see it in the future." Murong Chan said.

"It's not that A is not found in the nearby lake. I want to see it." Ye Hao said, holding the hand of ink-filled Zhan.

Murong Zhan remembered the big hands full of strange atmosphere. "There is nothing to look at, but it is a lake."

"If Abu can appear there, it will prove that it is not simple." Ye Hao said, insisting on going to see the big lake.

"Let's go." Murong Chan is helpless. Anyway, it is already sealed. It should not be dangerous.

There is no moonlight tonight, only the stars, the lake reflects the stars, and the twinkling, it is a scene.

Ye Hao walked into the lake and found no strangeness. It was just doubts. There are still such big lakes in the mountains, and they are still living water.

"The water is cool at night, don't touch the wet." Murong Zhan took Ye Hao's hand and prevented her from approaching the lake.

"I don't know if I think too much, I always feel that this lake is very strange." Ye Hao whispered.

Murong Zhan chuckled, "What can be a strange thing about a lake in the world."

Ye Hao thinks that maybe he really thinks more about himself. "Forget it, let's go. The imperial concubine protects Ah, so Ah shouldn't hurt him."

"Then go back." Murong Cham daggers, licking Ye Hao's waist into the night sky.

They didn't look back. If they look back at the lake, they will see the bottom of the water, as if there is a big hand in the cave.



Compared to Murong Cham, their freedom is at ease. At this time, there is not such a good leisure in the water of Wangdu City.

He has not decided to go to the throne, but he took the placement book sent back by Shen Luoyang and closed it at the water house, no matter who asked for it.

In fact, the whole world knows that Tianzhu will give way. Who will be the next emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, but the water will not be enthroned one day, and one day will not be allowed.

The people who died in the imperial court.

"Ye girl, please stay." The people outside the study blocked Ye Wei and prevented her from going in to disturb the water.

"The general did not come out in the study?" Ye Wei whispered, her injury was raised a little. I heard that the water had to inherit a big position, and my heart was infinitely happy. He did not resolutely send her away. There is still a little bit of nostalgia. It is difficult for her to control the expectation of him, but she does not know that he is about to get what he wants, but he can’t close his door.

A glimpse of water has long known that Ye Hao will do this. He looks at the words that make the book a beautiful show. This is her handwritten, every sentence is true and true, but it is really ruthless.

She knows his heart, but she does not leave it to him.

Give way to the book...

"Lu Yan, don't you think that you have not given up the book, will I betray you?" Water whispered, she really didn't believe him.

"If you do this, you just want me to owe you, and I will still be in Mingyu."

"He can treat your daughter as if he is out. Can't I?"

"You look at it..."

A glimpse of water will let the book in his hand, suddenly open the study door, and see Ye Wei standing outside the door, he indifferently retracted his sight and strode out of the gate of the water home.

Ye Wei looked at his strong and generous back and finally smiled with satisfaction.

This man finally figured it out.

He will see that she will wait for her to serve a match, and let her stay.

She does not ask for prosperity, she just wants to be with him.

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