At noon, the sun is shining, the ships in the port of Bailongjiang come and go, a large passenger ship slowly docks, and several young girls from the deck are clear, they are Mingxi and his party.

The fire phoenix and the deaf children are all novelty. When they get off the boat, they look at the surroundings with their eyes wide open, and they are not so boring.

Xu Jinbei is saying goodbye to Bailuoshan. After all, he is a peer, and he is also a grandfather's student. He is also his own elder.

For Xu Jinbei to follow Mingxi to Tianjin City, Bai Luoshan did not oppose it. He secretly observed Ming Xie for a half-day, and felt that the former Emperor of the Emperor also said that he was as smart and charming as he was in the past. In comparison, if Xu Jinbei is with him, there will definitely be benefits.

Although Ming Xi is no longer a prince, nor is it a candidate for the prince who had been expecting to grow up, who knows who this world will be in the future.

Ming Xi did not know that Bai Luoshan had high hopes for him. He was talking faintly with Lei Bingfu.

"Master Mingxi, today, don't see anything in the future. Don't forget what you promised me." Lei Bingfu has no longer dressed up as a ring, and the face of no powder is in the sun. Run Ruyu, peach apricot noodles are very beautiful.

She was a dead man. After she retired, she became a big lady of Lei Family. She showed her intelligence and difference from a urinary. She had no intention of going to the palace again. It was not good to live outside, but with her slow Growing up slowly, she found that although she had been fighting in the palace for a lifetime, she still missed the life in the palace. She had already enjoyed the days outside, and she missed her previous life.

Perhaps this can reflect her value, she is the right person to live in the palace.

The emperor in the Jinguo Palace now makes her feel very challenging.

Mingxi looked at Lei Bingfu faintly. She said that she would protect Mingyu and help Mingyu become a happy and happy empress in the palace, instead of being so restrained and restrained as other emperors, she could not do what she wanted to do.

I don't know why, he actually believes that Lei Bingfu.

"After landing, someone will secretly **** you to Kyoto City. When you go to find me, you will help you." Mingxi said softly, although Lei is a famous member in Wuling, but in Kyoto, which show Behind the woman is not a famous aristocrat, Lei Bingfu wants to go all the way to the palace unimpeded, it is more difficult to rely on Lei family.

Naturally, there is no problem with her own ability, but it takes some effort. She chooses to trade with him and wants to have a smoother path.

Lei Bingfu smiled and nodded. "I believe in you."

"If I let you find that you violated your promise..." Mingxi did not say anything, he knew that Lei Bingfu would know the end.

"Nature will not forget." Lei Bingfu smiled.

Even if she has her own child, she will not let her child fight for the throne. How tired it is.

Mingxi nodded faintly, "Farewell."

Lei Bingfu stood in the same place and watched Mingxi. Some of them left, until they could not see them. She looked back at Bailongjiang. Mingxi said that she would help her find out who the pirates were hired. Even the pirates have invited, this way to Kyoto City, most of them will not be too calm.

"You and the kid said something for a long time." Mrs. Ray came out of the cabin and asked some disgustingly.

"He said that people will secretly protect us from returning to Kyoto." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, although the mother is a bit stupid, but she is sincere and sincere, Lei Bingfu is loving her from the bottom of her heart.

She was an orphan girl in her life. She had never felt the mother's love since she was a child. Therefore, although Mrs. Ray is not smart enough, she is a qualified mother.

"One and a half big boys, you can believe when you speak." Mrs. Lei laughed.

"What he said, I believe." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, she took the arm of Mrs. Ray and walked off the boat. "Mother, we are taking the water, except for the people on board, who knows?"

Lei Bingfu has been skeptical about who the pirates were hired. After thinking about it, except for the people on board, it seems that Lei family and the Xie family know that their journey has gone wrong.

"We changed the Bailong River waterway to be a temporary decision, except for you..." Mrs. Lei snorted. "Fuer, what are you suspecting?"

"Nothing." Lei Bingfu smiled and shook his head. He remembered that Lei family had a sister who was almost unable to lift her head, a helpless sister. Who can help her?

After they were separated from Mingxi, the Lei family were taken away by the Xie family who came to the port to meet. Like Lei Bingfu’s guess, their carriages were ambushed shortly after they left the city.

This time it was not a pirate, but some hooligans, but the skills were good. Although the Lei family had already sent people, the people sent by Xie’s family were not good at martial arts, but they were dragged down and beaten for a long time. The home's nursing home gradually lost.

Mrs. Ray has been frightened and eclipsed, holding Lei Bingfu crying in the carriage. "What the **** is it, how come it always happens."

"Mother, don't be afraid." Lei Bingfu whispered comfortably and was robbed again and again. This is not okay.

"Fuer, you are going to escape, and the mother will kill you, too." Mrs. Lei cried.

Lei Bingfu pale, but still calm, she believes that Ming Xi said, he said that people will protect her safely to Kyoto City, she believes what the boy said.

"Mother, if I take it out this time, I must find out who is going to harm me. I will teach this person to regret this life in this life." Lei Bingfu's voice is very low, and his eyes are cold.

Mrs. Lei was panicked at this time, and she couldn’t listen to Lei Bingfu’s words. She only wanted to protect her daughter from leaving.

"Pull down the son-in-law of the carriage." There was a rogue shouting outside.

Just as a rogue rogue jumped into the rut, a long arrow broke into the air and fell into his head. The man fell straight into the carriage and died in front of Lei Bingfu.

Mrs. Ray was so scared that she passed away.

coming! Lei Bingfu breathed a sigh of relief. She broke away from Mrs. Ray’s hand and slowly walked out of the carriage. She watched four men wearing black clothes and smashed the rogues.

This is the person that Mo Mingxi sent to protect her back to Kyoto.

Seeing them, she is finally able to ensure the safety of this road.

Although there are only four people, they are obviously masters. The dozens of rogues know that they will give birth to two less than a moment. Lei Bingfu keeps their lives.

"Tell me, whoever asks you to come, if there is one false truth, you'd better pray that you are a person without a family or a family. Otherwise, I want you to pay for the Manchu." Lei Bingfu stood in the rut and looked at them with a condescending attitude. .

The four dark guards heard this and couldn’t help but look at Lei Bingfu.

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