Mingxi, they are still strolling around in the city. He and Ye Hao have their own means of communication. They know that the parents are still somewhere in the distance, and they are not in a hurry to go out to sea. He does not hurry to Tianjin City. First, take a walk with the nephew, and they will go out to sea in the future, but I don’t know when I will return.

They only played in the city for less than two hours, and Mingxi knew that Lei Bingfu had been robbed outside the city.

"This Lei Bingfu..." Ming Xi's beautiful face flashed a touch of laughter. If there is no one to help him, she will think of something to get out of trouble? I always feel that she is not like someone who is so easily defeated.

"You seem to care about this Miss Lei." The nephew took Ming Xi's hand and looked at him seriously.

Ming Xi smiled and said, "I have reached some agreements with her."

Xu Jinbei heard their conversation and looked at Mingxi. "Is there anything that Lei Bingfu has?"

"The mind is complicated, singular, and wins in the open, but also free and easy." Ming Xi whispered, "She is interested in the palace, helping her, but also let her owe personal feelings."

"Do you want her to help Ming Ming in the palace in the future?" Xu Jinbei is a wise man, and immediately understands the intention of Mingxi to help Lei Bingfu.

Mingxi gently decapitated and continued to walk with ease. He did not forget to buy a warm hat for his nephew. "Six uncles can protect Mingyu, but there are many variables after the showgirl enters the palace in the future. She is fine."

The women in the harem are insidious, and sometimes their heart is more powerful than men.

Six uncles loved Mingyu again, and he could not stay in the harem to protect her all the time.

People always have time to neglect.

"You think very carefully." Xu Jinbei thought of the Zhuyu man in the palace, and felt that Mingxi used his mind for this sister.

"Ming Xi, you see, they are fighting!" The fire phoenix that has been walking in front of him talked a little more excited.

When the eyes of the child were bright, they immediately ran in the direction of the fire phoenix.

Although Xu Jinbei did not spend much time with them, they vaguely felt that they were not ordinary people, and they should rarely go out, so they were full of curiosity about everything.

"Looking at the past." Mingxi's tone is somewhat helpless. Although he is also a teenager, he is a bit more stable than his peers.

What Huang Huang saw was not someone fighting, but recruiting relatives in the contest. There were two big men on the ring, and they were playing hard.

"Is it a win-win?" Fire Phoenix asked a passerby with great interest.

"Of course, the color head is Miss Shen." The passerby laughed and saw that the fire phoenix was just a teenager. Then he joked, "There is also interest in the younger brother, you are a young man, I am afraid that Miss Shen Jia still looks. Not looking up."

Huo Huang heard that he was recruiting in the contest, and he had no interest at all.

"What is the competition?" asked the child curiously.

"Set a downfall, whoever wins will be the woman's husband." Fire Phoenix simply explained, "Miss Shen must be very ugly to marry, or how to recruit."

When the passerby heard the fire phoenix, he turned back and said, "You must be careful when you talk to the young man. This Shen Jiayuan was wearing a sin. Later, when he went to the throne, he turned over. I heard that Shen is old with the present, now Bai Longjiang And who knows Shen Shen in the city of Bohai, the whole smuggling is controlled by him. The younger sister is Shen Jiada, and the younger Shen Jia is already a showgirl. With Shen’s friendship with the present, Ronghua is just around the corner. ""

Ming Xi and Xu Jinbei exchanged a look, they have never heard of Shen family, today, it seems that the coming is not small.

"How are all the girls around?" The children feel boring, and the showgirls are going to live in the palace. Just a little bit of a place to live for a lifetime, boring.

"The Emperor's draft is a big event in the world, but every age is enough to register and screen." Mingxi said faintly, on the other hand, the draft is actually quite laborious.

Fire Phoenix asked, "Would you like to check who Miss Shen Jia is?"

"No, so many show girls, we can't check them one by one." Ming Xi said.

Xu Jinbei frowned and meditated.

"What's wrong?" Ming Xi whispered to him.

"I was thinking... This Shen family is not the Shen family I think." Xu Jinbei whispered, "When Qin Wang was still in the emperor, he once ordered an old case to be investigated, which is related to Shen."

When Ming Xi saw that Xu Jinbei’s look was serious, he was a little more curious. “Which Shen family?”

They walked a few steps away, and there were no other people around them. Xu Jinbei said, "I also had an unintentional listening to my grandfather. This incident has been implicated. Shen Yuexuan was rich in enemies, but he was obscured to cover up his ancestors. In the crime of framed others, Qin Wang restarted the case and found out the truth. Shen Yuexuan finally saved his life and saved his life. With his only daughter disappeared, I heard that he was the best of the six kings.

"Oh?" Mingxi had not heard of this incident, but turned his gaze to the downfall.

"However, Shen Yuexuan should have only one daughter." Xu Jinbei said.

Ming Xi said, "No matter how many of his daughters, they are the things of their family. Six uncles are not self-sufficient people. If it is really Shen Yuexuan, it proves that this person really has a few talents."

Being able to earn today's achievements by wearing sin is not something that anyone can do.

"Hey?" Fire Phoenix suddenly cried.

"What's wrong?" Ming Xi asked.

Fire Phoenix said, "I seem to see Fujisawa."

How can Fujisawa be here?

"Check out the Shen family." Ming Xi whispered, he believes that the fire phoenix will not look at the wrong person, if the vine is really here, it is really unusual.

There was still no victory or defeat in the ring, but the people who participated in the test were invited by Shen. From the beginning to the end, the Miss Shen Jia did not appear.

"If we want to go to Shenjia, let's see it." Fire Phoenix said with a smile.

Mingxi’s eye-dropping eyes turned. “If you don’t hurry, just go and see.”

"What should I do if I am recognized?" Xu Jinbei asked.

Fire Phoenix smiled. "We can also teach people to recognize it."

The Shen family of Bohai City in the past two years is indeed the Shen family of the rich enemy. The Shen family is Shen Yuexuan. Since Murong Yu was enthroned, he no longer concealed a small business. Next, he developed his business to good fortune. Although he does not have a rich enemy in the past, he is also a small achievement. When his daughter enters the palace in the future, Shen Jia’s true wealth will come.

"Master, Mr. Ye is coming." The followers came in and whispered back, "waiting for you in the darkroom."

“How is the banquet prepared?” Shen Yuexuan stood up. He was already well-maintained in middle age, and he still had the handsome style of the year.

"All are ready."

Shen Yuexuan satisfactorily nodded and walked in the direction of the study.

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