Ye Hao and Murong Zhan warmed for a long time, finally finally smothered him, and finally let him loose his mouth and agreed to go to see Lu Tingzhi. If he is not hurt now, Ye Hao thinks she doesn’t think about it today. Go out and see anyone.

"If you have a wound, you will be restrained." Ye Hao looked at his lower abdomen narrowly and stuffed a sweet date into his mouth. "I will come when I go."

Ink Murray smiled faintly, and when his injury healed, he would let her know the consequences of temperance.

Ye Hao came to the main hall and found that the people here were less than half. When asked, Fang Shaoming arranged that the uninjured people went down to help, and the people kept their lives under the reminder of Fang Shaoming. Now the other party’s arrangement is small. Listening to it, I only hope that I can go home and get back a little property, otherwise I really have nothing.

Lu Tingzhi’s injury was very serious, and it was because he was saved and injured, so he did not live in the main hall like everyone else, but was arranged in the wing.

When Ye Hao came over, a small monk was giving medicine to Lu Tingzhi. He quietly drank the medicine and politely thanked Xiaoxuan. He looked up and saw Ye Hao standing by the door.

The woman who once made him dreams of a beautiful and plain dress, but could not hide her bright and charming appearance, as if he was as fascinating as the little girl who was tempted at the time. It has been so many years, he has already been exhausted. It seems that she is a lot old, and she seems to have no change at all.

I didn't know her life, but he didn't know the taste. I only knew that this sister would attract his attention every time he appeared. Although she couldn't say a few words with her, she didn't seem to notice him, but he just liked to watch. she was.

I later learned that it is like.

He used to think about his own self-deprecation, hate his shameless, and later knew her life, he still felt that he was humble, not worthy of her.

I saw her in Kyoto City that year and thought that I would never see each other again in this life.

Big Brother hurts her like that... She must have hated him even.

"How is your injury recovered?" Ye Hao did not know what Lu Tingzhi was thinking. He had stepped in and came in, looking at Lu Tingzhi quietly and quietly.

"Ah!" Lu Tingzhi turned back to God and bowed his head. "It's already much better. Listening to the adults said that you saved me, I... grateful."

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "The third brother said so much."

Third brother? Lu Ting’s surprise raised his head. “Hey, do you still recognize me as the third brother?”

"I was originally raised in Lujia. Although there is no blood relationship, since my parents are Lujia people, I naturally want you to be called a third brother." Lu Yuzhi’s true identity is not Lujia’s, she still It is called the third brother of Lu Ting, but also to see the wife of Lu Lao.

Mrs. Lu’s kindness to her, she will not forget.

"Oh, I... very embarrassed." Lu Tingzhi said.

"Are you all okay?" Ye Hao sat down, looking at Lu Tingzhi calmly and calmly. After Lu Yi’s death, she and Murong Chan went to Xuantian mainland. I don’t know Lu Tingzhi and Liu’s later. How?

Lu Tingzhi nodded lightly. "I am in the Qiguo Hanlin Academy. My mother is following me. Although the days are not rich and expensive, they are also good."

“Why don’t you stay in Jinguo?” Ye Hao whispered, and Lu Ting’s talent was brilliant. If he stayed in Jinguo, he believed that Lu Shiming would definitely help him.

"No face left." Lu Ting's bitter smile, what he has to continue to stay in Jinguo, but no face to face him.

Ye Hao looked at him. "All that Lu Yizhi has done has nothing to do with you. You don't have to blame yourself. He is not your Lujia people."

Lu Tingzhi said with self-deprecation, "Although this is the case, he has been my eldest brother for more than 30 years, and... what the two children have done to your sister, I don't know how to compensate."

"She has paid the price." Ye Hao did not hide that he had retaliated against Lu Shuanger. "You are you, they are them. However, no matter who you choose to stay in Qiguo or Jinguo, no one has the right to interfere. I only hope that you can relax. My heart, I and I don’t blame you."

Since she opened the door to him today, she didn’t care about it. Lu Ting’s heart was so soft, “Thank you.”

"How come you just happened to pass here?" Ye Hao no longer mentioned the past, after the death of Lu Hao, the previous things have passed.

Moreover, Lu Shuanger has still been locked up in the harem of the Yuan Dynasty, and I am afraid that it will not be good to go there.

Lu Tingzhi whispered, "Last month was the day of my father's sacrifice. I went back to worship and went back to He'an Town. I didn't expect a sudden flood. My entourage and I walked away, I don't know if he would be water. Washed away."

"Let Fang Daren go to inquire?" Ye Hao asked.

"I have already inquired." Lu Tingzhi was somewhat uncomfortable and explained in a low voice. "At the beginning, Lu Yi was sent to the wasteland, and my mother and I followed. He arranged me to enter the academy. I concealed my identity. I know Fang Shaoming there."

Ye Hao smiled. "Zhao Wei knows your identity and still lets you in the Hanlin Academy. You can see that you are talented."

"At the time, Duanmu Ya helped me." Lu Tingzhi hangs his eyes, remembering his former friends, a grief in his heart.

"I killed Cheng Hao, Zhao Wei knows your identity. You are afraid that there will be no more comfortable days in Qi." Ye Hao said that Zhao Wei had to reuse Lu Tingzhi before, and now it will definitely be because of her relationship to Lu Tingzhi. There is a gap.

Lu Tingzhi smiled and said calmly, "I have resigned, and it is not bad to be a private servant in the future."

"Go to the Yuanguo." Ye Hao said faintly, "If you want, I will arrange."

"You are not giving way to the water?" One of Lu Ting, I don't understand how Ye Hao would let him go to the Yuan Dynasty.

Ye Xiao smiled. "Yeah, at this time, the water should be a thirst for you. If you go, you will definitely have something to do."

If there is no water, she will still be the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. She is now letting her go out, and it will be difficult for her to be handed over to her daughter in the future.

It is also impossible for the Yuan and Jin countries to be allies as intimate as before.

If Lu Tingzhi does not have the experience of these years, he may still not see anything, but he feels that Ye Hao will not ask him to go to the Yuan State for no reason.

"I... will consider it." Lu Tingzhi whispered, and did not refuse.

Ye Hao looked at him, and Lu Tingzhi really understood people.

"You are very hurt, so I am going to be injured here. My brother is an imperial minister. After a few days, I will come over, and your brothers can gather together." Ye Hao said.

"Good." Lu Tingzhi heard that Lu Xiangzhi was an imperial minister, and his eyes were smiling.

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