Ye Hao left from the room of Lu Tingzhi. When she passed the hall, she heard someone crying. She stopped. In the corner of the main hall, there was a child who looked like a seven-eight-year-old who was crying and the person next to it seemed to be It is already accustomed to it, and there is no past to persuade him.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao walked over and whispered.

"Oh..." The little boy cried sobbingly, pointing to the woman lying next to him. "My mother... How can I not wake up, is it dead?"

Ye Hao looked at the woman on the side and looked like a gray face, stiff limbs, like a dead person.

"I look." Ye Hao's heart glimpsed, I am afraid that this woman is already dead, she explored the pulse of the woman, and her eyebrows screamed. "Is your mother sick?"

died? And at least a few hours of death, no one actually found out.

The boy cried and said, "My mother had been vomiting yesterday. The whole body was hot. The doctor prescribed the medicine. I thought it would be fine today, but how can I call her today?"

Ye Hao looked at the boy's face, his dark face showed an abnormal blush, and she reached out and explored the boy's forehead, so hot!

"You are sick." Ye Hao looked at the boy with a serious look. She stood up and looked around. She only saw the people lying down and raised the wounded, but did not see other people. She hurried out of the hall and finally saw a Deaf, "Little Master, can you have a doctor here? There is a woman who is dead, her son is getting hot, no one cares."

The monk looked awkward. "The donor, I don’t know what happened in the morning. There are a lot of people who have a fever and vomiting. Besides the woman inside, I have just discovered that I have died. My doctor is cooking medicine, but it is all effective. No."

Ye Hao’s face changed. “Is it already dead? How many people are there who are hot and vomiting?”

"Today's rough statistics, there are about fifteen people, the boy who said that the donor did not count, then there are sixteen people." The monk said.

Oops! Ye Hao’s twilight dignified, “You are quick to find Fang Shaoming, I am going to find other doctors.”

"Fang Daren seems to be busy..." The monk was surprised.

"Nothing is more important than this!" Ye Hao said sharply. "Speed ​​to find Fang Shaoming."

After Ye Hao finished, she went to the side hall next to the main hall. She remembered that there were many wounded people there, and the doctor was there to treat the medicine.

There are two doctors in the partial hall who are seeing a doctor, and two drug children are cooking.

"Wu Dafu." Ye Hao recognized one of the doctors and said, "The patients who are hot and vomiting are afraid of being infected. We must isolate the sick people, or they will infect them again, but the consequences are unimaginable."

Dr. Wu slowly put down his pen and looked up at Ye Hao. He didn’t know Ye Hao’s identity. He only knew that Fang Shaoming seemed particularly polite to the woman. He frowned and said, “This lady, we are treating these patients, you do not need to worry."

"If it's so easy to heal, you won't die so many people!" said Ye Hao, "There are only patients who have been quarantined before, so that more patients and dead people can be eliminated."

"It sounds like you are a doctor, or else, these patients will let you come to medical treatment." Another doctor said with a sneer.

Ye Hao took a deep breath and turned to look at the patient lying on the ground. He turned to the monk behind him and said, "Let people find Fang Shaoming?"

"Already people have to go to the adults, but Fang Daren seems to go to the river, will not come back so soon."

"What about your abbot?" Ye Hao asked coldly, since Fang Shaoming had no time to come back, she could only take the initiative.

When Wu Dafu saw Ye Hao still want to find the abbot, he couldn't help but smile. "Mrs. Although the old man is not talented, but he has been practicing medicine for decades, what good advice do you have to teach, can you cure these patients? They have to It is typhoid fever. It rains like this in the winter. It is soaked in the water for a long time before it is sent to the hospital. The medicine is in short supply. It is good to be able to maintain a few days. What do you want?"

"They are not typhoid." Ye Hao said faintly, "You are not skilled in medicine, but you still have insufficient medicine."

"The donor..." The monks are a little anxious. There are not many doctors here. If Wu Dafu is also mad, then no one can really heal the sick.

Wu Dafu was so angry that he turned red. "Hey, I will leave this medical doctor to heal here."

"Wang Hao, I heard that you are looking for an adult to have something to tell?" At this time, a soldier who was left here by Fang Shaoming rushed in and gave a tribute to Ye Hao.

"How many people are left here by Fang Daren?" Ye Hao did not pay attention to the doctor, but asked the officers and men who came to see her.

The officers and men replied, "Wang Hao, we have a total of eight people here, and the other people have taken the mountain down."

Under the mountain, I don’t know if there are any injured people, and the city needs to retreat. Fang Shaoming took most of the officers and men and the ills who were not sick.

Ye Hao calmly nodded. "You let people take the token to the river to find the imperial minister, let him send the medical officer and the medical woman, and the rest of the officers came to listen to me."

"Yes, Wang Hao." The officers and men did not dare to have other doubts. They left with the token of Ye Hao.

That doctor Wu is already a dish, Wang Hao? This woman is actually Wang Hao?

Ye Hao did not pay attention to Dr. Wu, but walked out of the temple, let the rest of the officers and men and the monks listen to her instructions, cremate all the dead, and the other diseases are isolated to the partial hall.

I don't want to find strong wine and vinegar to cook the dishes. She finds the herbs from the space, makes people smash a pot, and lets people use the used dishes to boil them again.

The drug boy, who was going to follow Dr. Wu’s departure, told me that everything was justified and he stayed there to wait.

The family members of the deceased did not agree that their loved ones were cremation, crying and holding the body without letting go.

Hearing the monks back and forth, Ye Hao put down the silver needle in his hand and walked out of the temple to pull the mask down to the place where the back hill was ready for cremation.

"It is her, this woman is going to burn my son, you evil woman..." There was an old lady who saw Ye Hao, and burst into tears.

"You don't want to cremate, you can leave the body of your loved ones. However, if you want to enter the city, you can't find a place to hide. However, the disease on them is contagious, even though it is dead. I advise you not to be too close, otherwise we will get sick after a while, we will not have so many medicines to save you." Ye Hao looked at the old man with a faint look, his voice said coldly.

"Will... will you get sick?" When everyone heard it, their faces changed a lot, and even the monks who carried the bodies stepped back.

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